Surely I can’t be the only one who reads ‘150% max’ and knows it to be mathematical nonsense?
When actually what is trying to be said is that 38 meaningful games is now 100%
Then by having further criteria which mean you can get 120%, 150%, 200% 225%, … 253.7%
Actually makes the whole system even more convoluted and likely to lead to an ‘arms race’ between organisers coming up with ‘clever’ workarounds, followed by the IFPA nerfing said workaround, and so on and so forth.
I’m a strong advocate, and long have been, for the IFPA to come up with a list of templates/formats for comps worth varying base WPPR pts (based on whatever criteria they choose).
Examples could be:
High score comp on a single machine - 1/2 pt
Flip Frenzy - 20 games average played - base 25pts
League - 6 meets, 5 games - no H2H finals - 20pts
League - 6 meets, 5 games - with H2H finals - 30pts
4 player seeded matchplay - 10 rounds - base 20pts
4 player unseeded matchplay - 10 rounds - base 15pts
Indisc - base 80 pts
There is theoretically no limit to the variations.
This will mean that they IFPA can steer organisers towards formats they feel are a more accurate judge of skill, by awarding more WPPR pts, and also ensuring that competitors and TDs know exactly how what the format of the comp is.
The submissions to the IFPA could also be tailored to the comp format initially selected.
If TDs want to run a different format - great, but it’s not going to get WPPR.
Once a year, new formats could be submitted for approval for the IFPAs blessing, or existing WPPR pts awarded to formats could be reviewed.
I’m already getting requests and questions about the (Annual) UK League and Pinfest comp - the 2 largest comps in the UK, asking what pts they’re going to be worth and how they can be worth more next year. With the distinct possibility that the League, with well over 250 competitors, where finalists will have played on average over 50 games will be nerfed down to virtually worthless, due to changes made after the league started in Nov 2021. (we’ve already changed the format of the comp to include H2H play, despite the league running prior to the IFPA had even been set up, but the general consensus among regional coordinators is that the latest change is too far away from the spirit and reasoning behind the comp to make changes.) The overwhelming majority of the UK players first initiation into competition pinball is via the UK league, they’ll earn less than .01 pts just for attending the minimum leagues meetings to qualify for submission, won’t add anything to the ‘rating value’ of the comp - BUT what it will do is give them a profile and potentially get them hooked, or at least interested enough to attend more comps and watch their pts grow. By removing or nerfing leagues it is closing the door on growing competition players - what I though was the whole point of the IFPA?