Category | Topics |
GamesUse this category to discuss topics that pertain to the play of a specific game. One use for this forum will be to contain master threads for new releases, but any general discussion about playing is welcome in this group. Here are some sample topics that would be appropriate for this group
EventsThis is where we talk about pinball events. The main focus of this category will be on promoting and discussing upcoming events, but this would be a good place to discuss general issues around event planning and management as well. Here are some sample topics that would be appropriate for this group.
LocationsTalk here about the places you love to play, and post here if you're traveling and want to know where to go! Here are some sample topics that would be appropriate for this group
MetaDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it, or issues you have with it. These can be related to technical issues or social ones. Here are some sample topics that would be appropriate for this group
AnnouncementsThis category is for site announcements. This could include new features that have been made available, organizational changes, or anything else that is important to users. Only admins can post to this category, and no replies are available to posts. If you have a comment or concern about anything you find here, please create a new topic in the Meta category.
GeneralThe General category is for posts that don't fit into any of the other categories, but are still pinball-related. Here are some sample topics that would be appropriate for this category.
CollectingThis category is for talking about collecting and collections! What games do you own, what are you looking for, what is the new hotness in game maintenance? Here are some sample topics that would be appropriate for this group