My War

Heh, I once had a war to get 10B on Addams, and it was during the game where I finally accomplished it that the bonus count went haywire. My theory is that it was caused by 256+ mansion rooms, and I’ve made some attempts to reproduce it to prove my theory, but in my closest attempt, I was at about 240 when the power in the arcade went out. My closest attempt since then was when I was in Salem, OR for the total eclipse and hopped into an arcade for some pinball while I waited for traffic to clear and managed about 215. So my theory is still unconfirmed. That war continues…

My current war is Monster Island Madness. That darned Victory Challenge!


Is that the requirement? Has anyone beat that?

Haven’t heard of anyone doing it - Karl got to monster island with the secret combo backdoor.

I’ve come close to beating it, but man the fact that it ends when down to 1 ball and Anguirus doesn’t save you makes it a super challenge!

My wars are more like barfly fisticuffs compared to the absurd goals in this thread!

So for some battles of a slightly different flavor… I spent way too much money on location tracking down Secret Madness in The Munsters.

An ongoing losing battle is figuring out this mysterious Sopranos scoring – I’m not 100% convinced it was a hardware issue, so I look into it every few months, but no luck so far. It did lead me to this flipper code (previously undocumented?).


I beat it once in some bar in texas on my drive home from TPF. was on old code and not connected so no proof sadly

Some day, wizard mode in TSPP…been so close. I gave up wiz mode on WPT before I sold it.