Quick Links:
- Game Information
- Rules Overview
- Layout
- Skill Shots
- Villain Modes
- Henchmen Modes
- SPECTRE Weapons
- Q Branch
- Bird One Multiball
- Jetpack Multiball
- Other Features
- Wizard Modes
Game Information & Overview:
- Lead Designer: George Gomez
- Code/Rules: Lonnie Ropp & Mike Vinikour
- Lead Mechanical Engineer:
- Artwork: Kevin O’Connor
- Display and Animations:
- Music and Sound:
- Release Date: November 2022
- Wiki Rulesheet based on Code Rev: 1.01
- Edit the Code revision, if applicable, when you make changes
Designed by George Gomez in his first pinball machine since Deadpool, James Bond 007 takes players on an international espionage journey. Across six assignments, James Bond gets help from the gadgets of the Q Branch as he takes on a wide variety of villains and henchmen.
Rules Overview:
- Villain modes start by shooting the right ramp, and are changed via the bumpers and the yellow Goldfinger target near the side ramp.
- Henchmen modes start by shooting the side ramp. Also changed via the bumpers and Goldfinger (yellow) target.
- Spell SPECTRE by shooting the targets behind the rocket to increase Bird 1 Multiball jackpots and light the Goldfinger target near the right orbit for SPECTRE weapon hurry-up. Completed hurry-ups award valuable perks for the remainder of the game.
- Repeatedly shoot various shots/mechs around the game (ie. hit bumpers, spinners, etc. enough times) to light DB5 for Q Branch. Some Q Branch modes transition into 2-ball Multiball if completed. These qualifying shots also light the upper loop (flashing) with Bond Women, collect as many as you can (lighting them solid) then press your action button for multiplied 007 scoring.
- Complete modes to collect smart missiles, and use the action button to collect lit shots. Use the flippers to choose the action button behavior.
- Bird 1 Multiball - shoot the green drop targets then the center loop to lock 3 balls and start it. Make three shots from the upper flipper at the start to extend multiball; when two balls drain, it will automatically restart!
- Jetpack Multiball - left eject lights the left ramp to start it. Shoot the center loop, then five shots for jackpot, then left ramp again for 2x jackpot and the subsequent roving shot (or drop the ball from the jetpack on Prem / LE) for super jackpot.
- Play 1 villain, 1 henchmen, and both multiballs to light right ramp and left eject for “Bond… James Bond” multiball. Shoot all shots once and then the side ramp for super jackpot, within 70 seconds.
Premium/LE: |
Pro: |
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Skill Shots:
There are 8 different skill shots on 007. Each skill shot scores a different amount of points and is listed on the display whenever you make one. Skill shots are listed here from the top left to bottom right of the display.
Skill shots that award smart missiles will only award them once per game - they will only score points if repeated. Unique skill shots have to be made to keep earning smart missiles.
Skill shot opportunities are given at the start of each ball, but also following any mode that ends with the flipper power cutting off and the ball returning to the plunger. These modes are: the four Q Branch multiballs, Bond… James Bond multiball, and the villain mini-wizard modes. On Prem / LE models, skill shot opportunities are also given after each ball lock for Bird 1 multiball if physical locks are enabled.
- Undercover: Hold up the left flipper and plunge at full strength. Shoot the right ramp within 5 switch hits for 2.5M + 500k per skill shot & 1 smart missile.
- Double “O”: Hold up the left flipper and plunge at full strength. Shoot the side ramp within 5 switch hits for 2.5M + 500k per skill shot & 1 smart missile.
- Classified: Plunge for the flashing MI6 lane, without changing it using the flippers, for 500k + 200k per skill shot & +1x bonus.
- MI6: Plunge for the flashing MI6 lane, which can be changed with the flippers, for 300k + 100k per skill shot & +1x bonus.
- Licensed To Kill: Shoot the left eject off of the initial plunge for 2.5M + 500k per skill shot & 1 smart missile.
- Eyes Only: Hold up the left flipper and plunge at full strength. Shoot the DB5 eject within 5 switch hits for 2.5M + 500k per skill shot & 1 smart missile.
- Top Secret: Hold up the left flipper and plunge at full strength. Shoot the bumper lane from the upper flipper for 2.5M + 500k per skill shot & 1 smart missile.
- Commander Bond: Plunge the ball at medium strength and shoot the left ramp for 1.25M + 250k per skill shot.
There is also an MXV super skill shot: full plunge, then shoot the right orbit, followed by upper loop, followed by side ramp. It awards 2 smart missiles if made.
Villain Modes:
Shoot the right ramp to start a Villain Mode. Each mode is timed and can be changed via either the pop bumpers or the Goldfinger target. Start all six villain modes for a wizard mode.
The values for all modes start at 2.5M + 250k per shot, with modifiers applicable during certain modes.
Trouble in Jamaica (Dr. No): Negotiate with “Dr. No” and learn about SPECTRE’s plans with shots to the bumpers via either the bumper lane or the right orbit to build up an award, which can be cashed out by shooting the Dragon Tank. The mission ends after making 10 successful shots.
- 75 seconds.
- Bumpers increase the value for each Dragon Tank shot by about 20k.
- The value for each Dragon Tank shot is added into the value for the next shot made to it.
SPECTRE Island (Rosa Klebb): Navigate Rosa Klebb’s training facilities. All nine major shots are lit to score. After completing all nine shots, the left eject and the DB5 eject must be made in order to win the mission.
- 70 seconds.
The Incredible Laser Ray (Goldfinger): Goldfinger has captured Bond and informed him of his evil plans! Three shots are lit at a time, and the Goldfinger target between the side ramp and right orbit is flashing. Shoot the Goldfinger target to light a different set of shots, and score a value incremented by 250k by shooting the lit shots. Make 7 total shots to light the DB5 eject to win the mission and escape from Goldfinger’s clutches alive.
- 60 seconds.
Disco Volante Demolition (Largo): Make shots to the left eject, side ramp, or right ramp to infiltrate the Disco Volante. After making either ramp shot, the left eject will be the only shot lit. Make 10 shots to win the mission.
- 70 seconds.
- After making either ramp shot, the left eject is lit to score 2x the next shot value, 4x if made directly after the ramp as a combo.
Feeding Frenzy (Blofeld): Blofeld has taken note of Bond’s presence and has harsh punishments planned for his henchmen who fail to make the cut. Make 9 shots to the Bird 1 rocket or the drop targets in front of it to win the mission.
- 40 seconds.
- Direct shots to the rocket score 2x.
- Progress cannot be made towards lighting locks for or starting Bird One Multiball during this mode.
Diamonds of Destruction (Mr. Henderson): Calibrate the satellite and destroy the missile testing facility with shots to the left eject, center loop, and right ramp are lit. One of those three shots will be flashing - it can be moved from left to right by shooting the spinner. Make 9 shots to win the mission.
- 70 seconds.
- The flashing shot scores 2x.
Henchmen Modes:
Shoot the side ramp to start Henchmen Modes. Shooting the bumpers or Goldfinger target changes the currently lit mode. Each mode is timed. Start all six henchmen modes for a wizard mode.
The values for all modes start at 2.5M + 250k per shot, with modifiers applicable during certain modes.
Sinister Summit (Professor Dent): As Dent tells “Dr. No” about Bond, one yellow shot is lit at a time, which moves from the left to right side of the playfield. Shooting the Dragon Tank locks in the shot and starts another shot moving; shooting the rocket moves all locked in shots’ position. Collect 10 yellow shots to win.
- 40 seconds.
- Locked in, flashing shots score 2x, and if you have multiple locked-in shots, only one will flash at a time, in the order that you locked them in.
Encounter on the Orient Express (Red Grant): Battle Red Grant and navigate through the train by shooting the right orbit, which will temporarily light all of the shots on the right side of the playfield for combo shots. Make 10 red shots to win.
- 70 seconds.
- Making combo shots scores 2x the value and 2x progress, and turns off the combo shots; except for the upper loop combo, which can be shot repeatedly.
He Blew a Fuse (Oddjob): Four shots are lit - the left ramp, the side ramp, the right orbit, and the right ramp. Once all four shots are made, shoot the rocket lane to win the mode and defeat Oddjob for 9M.
- 60 seconds.
Femme Fatale (Fiona Volpe): Chase down Fiona by making the following seven shot sequence - left ramp, right ramp, left ramp, right loop, side ramp, left ramp, DB5 eject. Make all seven shots to win.
- 70 seconds.
Arrange Usual Reception Please (Mr. Osato): Flee from Osato’s clutches by making shots to the three ramps and the upper loop. Make 6 shots to light the left eject or DB5 eject to win the mode.
- 70 seconds.
Mr. Wint & Mr. Kidd (Mr. Wint & Mr. Kidd): Witness the two henchmen’s plans by shooting the left ramp, followed by the center lane to light the side and right ramps. Repeat this process 2 more times to win, with the third repeat requiring a shot to the right orbit in place of the center orbit.
- 70 seconds.
- Shots to the lit side ramp score 2x.
SPECTRE Weapons:
Complete the SPECTRE targets to add 25k to the Bird One Multiball jackpot values for each target hit, and light SPECTRE Weapon countdown modes that can be started at the Goldfinger target. Each shot to the rocket lane spots a SPECTRE letter that hasn’t been collected yet. Each SPECTRE Weapon corresponds to a different countdown mode - wait for the lit weapon to cycle to the one you want before shooting the target.
Each countdown mode, when completed, awards a perk for the rest of the game. The +2 weapons perk from Swimming With Sharks and add-a-ball perk from Outer Space Hijack are reset at the start of each ball after they have been collected.
If a mode is active that prevents a countdown from starting, the SPECTRE targets can still be completed and will qualify the Goldfinger target for another countdown when the mode has ended.
(SPECTRE Weapon countdowns cannot be stacked with multiball modes. Also, progress towards either multiball cannot be made during any countdown mode.)
Play all six countdowns for a wizard mode.
- Troublesome Tarantulas (Dr. No): The right ramp and side ramp are lit for a 10M hurry-up that counts down over 15 seconds. Shooting any lit shot ends the mode. Side ramp scores 2x the value. Once completed, all mode timers are extended by 17 seconds, and 007 Scoring is extended by 7 seconds.
- Deadly Dagger (From Russia With Love): The right loop and side ramp are lit for a 10M hurry-up that counts down over 15 seconds. Shooting any lit shot ends the mode. Side ramp scores 2x the value. Once completed, all ball save timers are extended by 7 seconds.
- Death By Derby (Goldfinger): The side ramp and DB5 eject are lit for a 10M hurry-up that counts down over 15 seconds. Shooting any lit shot ends the mode. Side ramp scores 2x the value. Once completed, the High Stakes mystery award is upgraded and will award 5 awards that cannot normally be obtained.
- Swimming With Sharks (Thunderball): Left ramp, rocket lane, right orbit, and right ramp are lit for a 10M hurry-up. Once a hurry-up is collected at any shot, the next hurry-up is worth 10M more than the previous one. Mode ends after collecting all four hurry-ups. Once completed, two smart missiles are awarded instead of one, and each subsequent ball will start with +2 smart missiles.
- Outer Space Hijack (You Only Live Twice): Shoot the rocket lane 6 times for a hurry-up score starting at 10M. The first three shots have to be scored at the rocket lane or SPECTRE targets, but the last three can also be scored at the drop targets in front of it. Once completed, an add-a-ball is qualified at the action button - it can be used during any multiball mode by holding the action button (long press).
- Bath-O-Sub Bash (Diamonds Are Forever): Left ramp, rocket lane, right orbit, and right ramp are lit for a 10M hurry-up. Once a hurry-up is collected at any shot, the next hurry-up is worth 10M more than the previous one. Mode ends after collecting all four hurry-ups. Once completed, all super modes (super pops, spinner, and rocket) are extended, such that they last until the end of the ball.
Q Branch:
Q Branch can be qualified at the DB5 eject by making certain shots enough times. There are six gadget modes, two single-ball modes and four that transition into multiballs, and a wizard mode for playing them all.
Progress towards lighting Q Branch can be made during the game’s various modes, but not during either multiball.
(Q Branch modes that transition into 2-ball multiball are mutually exclusive and cannot be stacked with any other modes or multiball.)
Radioactive Reconnaissance (Dr. No):
- Qualified by scoring enough bumper hits.
- 40 seconds.
- Take control of the Geiger Counter. All shots excluding the upper flipper shots are lit yellow during the mode for 3M, and a random shot scores 35M if made as the first shot (scores less the more shots you make before shooting it).
- After you shoot a shot, the Geiger counter will react via a reading on the display and an audio cue to let you know how close you are to the main award shot.
Attache Case (From Russia With Love):
- Qualified after six shots to the right orbit. The three circle inserts at the right orbit will show qualifying progression.
- 70 seconds.
- Make five shots to reveal the components of Q’s attache case. The first and third shots are at the right orbit, which will always divert to the bumpers during this mode, and the second and fourth shots are randomly determined by the bumpers. The fifth shot will always be at the right ramp. 2M - 3M - 4M - 5M - 6M for the fifth and final shot.
- Making the fifth shot starts Hunted by Helicopter 2-ball multiball. Bond must evade the clutches of a SPECTRE helicopter and take it down using the sniper rifle from the briefcase. Shoot all lit shots two times each for jackpot / double jackpot; one shot is lit white for a triple jackpot and can be toggled by the bumpers. Making all lit shots lights the side ramp for the super jackpot worth the jackpot total, ends the multiball, and returns to single-ball play. Jackpot value is a set 1M.
DB5 (Goldfinger):
- Qualified after three shots to the DB5 eject. Progress is carried across balls.
- 60 seconds.
- Every shot to the lit left orbit and the DB5 eject reveals one of the amenities Q has provided for Bond in his signature vehicle. If the left orbit isn’t lit, it can be relit with a shot to the DB5 eject. 6 total shots must be made to complete the mode. Spinner hits increase the next immediate shot value & the jackpot values scored during the subsequent multiball by 3k per spin.
- On the sixth shot, DB5 2-ball multiball will start, as Bond takes his first “cool car” out for a spin. All shots are lit to score jackpots and light the DB5 eject for a double jackpot; making the lit shots from left to right will score double jackpots as well. Score all possible jackpots to light two more triple jackpots at the two upper flipper shots, then score the super jackpot at the DB5 eject worth the jackpot total to end the multiball. Jackpot value is 3M + any increases from the spinner prior.
Power Pack (Thunderball):
- Qualified after three shots to the left eject. Progress is carried across balls.
- 70 seconds.
- Learn about the underwater jetpack from Q by shooting the left eject six times. Shooting the white arrow shots will increase the jackpot values scored during the following multiball by 1M + 250k per white shot made until the left scoop is shot again.
- On the sixth shot, Power Pack 2-ball multiball will start. Using Q’s underwater propulsion gadget, Bond single-handedly takes down SPECTRE’s underwater forces. All shots are lit to score either a jackpot or double jackpot, and will light the left eject to score a triple jackpot (this can be collected up to three times). Score all possible jackpots to light two more triple jackpots at the two upper flipper shots, then score the super jackpot at the left eject worth the jackpot total to end the multiball. Jackpot value is 3M + any increases from the lit shots prior.
Little Nellie (You Only Live Twice):
- Qualified after 20 shots to the rocket. Strong shots to the rocket register as multiple hits, and progress is carried across balls.
- 70 seconds.
- Learn about the assault helicopter’s capabilities from Q. First, shoot the drop targets to increase the jackpot value by 40k per drop target, and then shoot the right ramp to advance and score the value. Repeat this sequence five times, shooting the right ramp five times in the process.
- Making all five right ramp shots starts Little Nellie 2-ball multiball. SPECTRE makes another aerial attack, but this time Bond is more than prepared. Two lit jackpot shots move around the playfield from left to right - score 7 of these to light the drop targets for 3 more jackpots, followed by a double jackpot at the rocket, at which point the drop targets will reset for 3 more jackpots. After scoring three double jackpots this way, the side ramp is lit to score the super jackpot worth the jackpot total and end the multiball. Jackpot value is 3M + any increases from the drop targets prior.
Q’s Ring (Diamonds Are Forever):
- Qualified after 400 spinner spins.
- 60 seconds.
- Test the electromagnet ring on slot machines by shooting the flashing blue shots. All nine shots must be made to win the mode for 1M a shot, with 2M awarded for the final shot.
Bird One Multiball:
Shoot the drop targets to light lock at the lane to the right of the drop targets. On the Pro, balls are virtually locked, while balls are physically locked on the Prem / LE. Bird One Multiball starts as soon as the third ball has been locked. Subsequent Bird One Multiball attempts require the drop targets to be completed to light each individual lock.
(Bird One Multiball cannot be started during the 2-ball multiball Q Branch modes or during any of the SPECTRE Weapon countdowns. It also can’t be started during the “Feeding Frenzy” villain mode, which uses the drop targets and rocket.)
At the very start of Bird One Multiball, the two upper flipper shots are briefly lit to score double jackpots. Collecting 3 double jackpots this way qualifies a “multiball extension” that automatically relaunches 2 balls back into play once the player returns to single-ball play.
During Bird One Multiball, all shots are lit green to score jackpots worth 1M + 25k for each time the SPECTRE targets have been hit, with a larger increase for completing them. Once three jackpots (+1 per super jackpot) have been collected, shoot the rocket to score a super jackpot worth the jackpots’ base sum total. While the super jackpot is subject to whatever 007 Scoring playfield X you have running, the sum of the jackpots that derive its base value is NOT subject to 007 Scoring.
Once you collect all the single jackpots, all of them relight for double jackpots; then triple jackpots after clearing all the double jackpots out. After collecting all the triple jackpots, you must collect the super jackpot, which will relight all the jackpots back at single value. The maximum super jackpot value is 300M.
Swipe-a-Ball (Prem / LE):
On Prem / LE models of James Bond 007, balls that are physically locked in the Bird 1 habitrail can be “swiped” by pressing the action button (when lit green, press the flippers and change the action button’s color to green to enable this function). Swipe-a-ball only works once per multiball, and every time it is used, more drop target bank completions will be needed to light locks for the next Bird 1 multiball.
Swipe-a-ball and the “add-a-ball” perk given from the “Outer Space Hijack” SPECTRE weapon countdown are mutually exclusive. If swipe-a-ball has been used during a multiball, add-a-ball can’t be used during the same one, and vice versa.
Jetpack Multiball:
To light the left ramp to start Jetpack Multiball, a shot must be made to the left eject during single-ball play. Subsequent Jetpack Multiballs require additional shots to the left eject and left ramp to start. (Jetpack Multiball cannot be advanced or started during the 2-ball multiball Q Branch modes or during any of the SPECTRE Weapon countdowns.)
At the start of Jetpack Multiball, a hurry-up value will start counting down from 3M (+1M per Jetpack Multiball started). Shoot the center lane to score the hurry-up value and lock it in as the jackpot value that can be collected at all flashing shots (and release the ball from the jetpack on Prem / LE). After scoring 5 jackpots at any shot, the left ramp lights for a double jackpot worth 2x the jackpot value. The super jackpot can then be collected in different ways depending on the model:
- Pro: The super jackpot is collected at a roving shot, moving from the right to left side of the playfield (starting at the DB5) and worth 10M (+5M per additional super jackpot within the same MB). The jackpots at the major shots relight after scoring the super jackpot. Super jackpot also adds a ball the first time. Subsequent jackpots have to be scored at unique shots.
- Prem / LE: After scoring the double jackpot, the jetpack will pick up the ball. Shoot the Dragon Tank target while the jetpack is positioned over it to score the super jackpot, worth 10M (+5M per additional super jackpot within the same MB), and relight the jackpots at the major shots. Subsequent super jackpots require the player to direct the location of the jetpack using the flipper buttons. If the player fails to score the super jackpot, the left ramp will light to reload the jetpack for another attempt. Super jackpot also adds a ball the first time. Subsequent jackpots have to be scored at unique shots.
Other Features:
Playfield Awards:
Six areas of the playfield correspond to elements of the six films featured in the game, and count down towards awards after enough shots have been made to them. These are the bumpers (power plant), right orbit (helicopter), DB5 eject (DB5), left eject (power pack), rocket (rocket), and spinner (satellite). The awards are scored in the following order for each area:
- Super Jets (jets worth 100k for the rest of the ball, bumpers only) / Super Spinner (spins worth 100k for the rest of the ball, spinner only) / Super Rockets (rocket hits worth 5M for the rest of the ball, rocket only)
- Light Q Branch (for the mode corresponding to the element)
- Power Points (10M; 5M for left eject, 20M for spinner)
Every hit that counts down towards an award also counts down towards lighting the upper loop for a Bond Woman. Progression towards Bond Women is kept separately from that of the other awards.
Normally, the super modes are timed and only last about a minute. Completing the Bath-O-Sub Bash weapon mode allows these super modes to last for the entirety of the ball.
High Stakes:
Every even-numbered completion of the BOND return lanes lights the left scoop for High Stakes mystery award. Possible awards include:
- Start Villain Mode
- Start Henchmen Mode
- Advance SPECTRE Letter (+2 SPECTRE letters)
- Light SPECTRE Weapon (at the Goldfinger target)
- Light Bird One Multiball Lock
- Advance Jetpack
- Advance Spinner
- Advance Bumpers
- Advance Rocket
- Bond Women Multiplier Lit (the next highest up the ladder, from left to right)
- Dragon Tank Lit (next shot to target lights ball save)
- Light Outlane Ball Save (at left outlane)
- Light Extra Ball
- Bonus Multiplier +1x
- 007 Points (7,007,000)
Completing the SPECTRE Weapon countdown “Death by Derby” upgrades the mystery awards and adds five awards to the rotation that can’t otherwise be scored:
- Bond Women Multiplier Awarded (the next highest up the ladder, from left to right)
- Hold Bond Women Multipliers (to the next ball, only)
- +1 Smart Missile
- Outlane Ball Save Plus (can be toggled between outlanes using the flippers; applies to all ball saves for the remainder of the ball)
- Hold Bonus X
Bond Women & 007 Scoring:
Bond Women are qualified at the upper loop (flashing inserts) through the many playfield awards. Each shot to the upper loop will collect one lit Bond Woman, turning one insert solid – if you have multiple Women inserts flashing, it will prioritize the insert closest to the upper flipper. Bond Woman progression is maintained separately from that of the other awards, such that each hit will also advance towards lighting a Bond Woman.
The method of qualifying a woman will reset once she has been used for 007 Scoring or when the ball drains while a woman has been collected – they will have to be lit again on the next ball, while qualified Women will carry between balls. If the player has played all four modes (ie. villain, henchmen, SPECTRE weapon, Q Branch) for a particular film, that film’s Bond Woman will persist across balls, even after she’s collected (flashing), until 007 Scoring is activated.
They are qualified via:
- 25 bumper hits
- 3 right orbit shots
- 4 DB5 ejects
- 4 left ejects
- 10 rocket hits (strong shots register more)
- 200 spinner spins
All collected Women correspond to 10 seconds of playfield X called 007 Scoring that can be activated by pressing the action button once to activate all of them simultaneously. Each solidly lit woman will add +1x to a maximum of 7x playfield, with an additional benefit of 30 seconds of ball-save for starting 7x playfield. Additional solidly lit women will also increase the 007 Scoring timer by +10 seconds each, from 20 seconds for 2x playfield up to a maximum of 70 seconds for 7x playfield. The flashing white “007” insert near the Left Eject indicates that 007 Scoring is running.
You cannot make progress towards qualifying or collecting additional Bond Women while 007 Scoring is running.
If the player has smart missiles ready or can use swipe-a-ball, pressing either flipper will alternate between starting 007 scoring, using swipe-a-ball (if applicable), and using a smart missile by pressing the button.
Smart Missiles:
Smart missiles can be used by pressing (not holding) the flashing blue action button during any mode and will collect any lit shot, prioritizing the hardest possible shot. Up to 4 smart missiles can be stacked.
If a super jackpot is lit during any mode (primarily the two multiball modes and Bond… James Bond, but also the Q Branch multiballs and mini-wizard modes), the smart missile will be outright disabled.
The player is granted one smart missile at the start of the game and can also earn them through the following:
- Making any of the “super skill shots” (ie. holding the left flipper, then shooting any flashing lane - only one per unique super skill shot)
- Completing any mode (villain, henchmen, weapon, or Q Branch)
- Upgraded mystery award, if the player has completed Death by Derby weapon mode
- Scoring the martini shot
- 2 are given at the start of every ball, if the player has completed Swimming With Sharks weapon mode
If the player has 007 Scoring lit at the action button, pressing either flipper button will allow the button to be used for smart missiles instead. Smart missiles are indicated with the blue light, 007 scoring is marked pink, swipe-a-ball is marked green.
Making certain shots in quick succession scores combo points. The combo award starts at 100k + 25k x each shot in the combo sequence.
There are 20 unique combos corresponding to different 007 films, villains, henchmen, and Bond women, worth 2M + 125k per unique combo scored this ball:
Name | Shot 1 | Shot 2 | Shot 3 | Shot 4 | Shot 5 |
Dr. No | Left ramp | Right ramp | |||
From Russia With Love | Left ramp | Right orbit | |||
Goldfinger | Left ramp | Right orbit | Side ramp | ||
Thunderball | Left ramp | Right orbit | Side loop | Side ramp | |
You Only Live Twice | Left ramp | Right ramp | Center lane | ||
Diamonds Are Forever | Left ramp | Right orbit | Right ramp | ||
Rosa Klebb | Right orbit | Side loop | |||
Largo | Right orbit | Side loop | Side ramp | ||
Blofeld | Right ramp | Center lane | Side ramp | ||
Professor Dent | Right ramp | Left ramp | |||
Red Grant | Right ramp | Left ramp | Right orbit | Side ramp | |
Oddjob | Right orbit | Right ramp | |||
Fiona Volpe | Right ramp | Left ramp | Right orbit | Side loop | Side ramp |
Mr. Osato | Right orbit | Side ramp | |||
Mr. Wint & Mr. Kidd | Center lane | Side ramp | |||
Honey Ryder | Center lane | Side loop | |||
Domino | Center lane | Side loop | Side ramp | ||
Kissy | Center lane | Right ramp | |||
Tiffany | Center lane | Side ramp | Left ramp | Right ramp | |
Q Branch | Center lane | Side loop | Side ramp | Left ramp | Right ramp |
There is also one special combo on the game, called the “martini shot”, which occurs if a ball is shot up the side ramp, but fails to make it all the way and falls back down the right ramp. Making this combo adds 1 smart missile and scores 1M + 1M per martini collected.
Outlane Ball Save:
5 shots to the Dragon Tank target light ball save at one of the outlanes, which alternates between outlanes with every slingshot hit. If one is already lit, then the target can continue to be hit to light the next ball save, which lights after the first one has been used up. One additional target hit is required to light subsequent ball saves.
The Dragon Tank target also determines whether or not the ball will enter the bumpers, as indicated by the flashing red light near them.
If the mystery award has been upgraded, one possible award that can be scored from it is Outlane Ball Save Plus. When awarded, all outlane ball saves lit for the rest of the ball can be changed with the flippers, instead of solely changing with slingshot hits.
Extra Balls:
Left eject lights for extra ball after:
- Shooting the upper loop enough times (5 by default, but can be as low as 1), based on game-time percentaging
- At thresholds of 3, 6, 12, and 18 of any modes played: villain, henchmen, weapon, or Q Branch
- Percentage-based mystery award
- Completing Bond… James Bond multiball by scoring the super jackpot
If extra ball is disabled, 25M is awarded. The compensation award can be multiplied by 007 scoring.
End-of-Ball Bonus:
End-of-ball bonus points are determined by the number of modes that have been played, or completed:
- Starting a villain, henchmen, or Q Branch mode: 1M
- Completing any mode described above: 7M
- Starting a SPECTRE weapon countdown: 500k
- Completing the countdown: 5M
- Playing any mode from a film: 1M
- Playing all four modes from a film: 25M
All multiplied by the bonus multiplier, which increases as the MI6 top lanes are completed. The maximum bonus multiplier is 5x.
Wizard Modes:
"Bond... James Bond" Multiball:
The left eject and right ramp light to start “Bond… James Bond” Multiball after achieving all four of the following tasks, and once any current mode or multiball has ended:
- Start a villain mode.
- Start a henchmen mode.
- Start Bird One Multiball.
- Start Jetpack Multiball.
“Bond… James Bond” multiball can only be played once per game.
Whether by his admirers or his worst enemies, word spreads quickly about James Bond. The goal of this 2-ball mini-wizard mode is to collect jackpots and build the value of the super jackpot by shooting all lit shots once each, with each shot playing audio from one of the six films of someone saying the character’s name.
With 70 seconds of unlimited ball save, and all switches scoring 100k, the player must shoot 10 lit shots (each worth 2.5M or 5M for side loop shots) to light the side ramp for the super jackpot, worth the sum total of all jackpots & an extra ball, and capping at 100M. Once the super jackpot is scored, or time runs out, the mini-wizard mode ends and the player returns to single-ball play with another chance at a skill shot.
Villain Mini-Wizard Modes:
The right ramp lights to start one of four mini-wizard modes after completing any of the following tasks:
- Start all 6 villain modes.
- Start all 6 henchmen modes.
- Start all 6 Q Branch modes.
- Start all 6 SPECTRE Weapon countdowns
Each mini-wizard mode can only be played once per mode cycle, and can be changed with shots to the Goldfinger target between the ramps, or the bumpers.
- Chaos at Crab Key (Dr. No): Bond must finally take down Dr. No after overriding his lair’s nuclear reactor, but it’s coolant has odd effects - the flippers have been reversed! In this 3-ball multiball, the first phase requires the player to shoot 8 lit shots to score jackpots, with an add-a-ball available after scoring all 8. The player must then score one of four lit shots on either side of the playfield, changed with shots to the dragon tank target. After scoring one shot from each set, the side ramp lights to score the super jackpot, worth 2x if the shot is made as a combo off of the upper loop. The mode ends alongside the multiball (with a brief ball save as the flipper status returns to normal), or after the super jackpot has been scored.
- Ahoy, Mr. Bond (From Russia With Love): Bond finally flees from the clutches of SPECTRE Island and takes down their pursuing forces in this single-ball mini-wizard mode. 8 major shots are lit red to score either jackpots or double jackpots determined by the insert status (flashing = 2x jackpot), starting at 5M and increasing by 1M with each shot. The value counts down on a hurry-up timer to 1M, but resets to the next value once collected. Scoring all 8 double jackpots will light the two ramps for a super jackpot, worth 2x if the side ramp is made. The mode ends once the ball drains if ball save is disabled, or after the super jackpot has been scored.
- Goldfinger’s Jackpot (Goldfinger): Bond is in a life-or-death situation - he must defuse a bomb with minimal knowledge of which wire connects to where - in this 90-second timed single-ball mode. All 9 major shots are lit with either red, green, or blue inserts (the color of the bomb wires) and change to gold when hit; they will quickly turn white so the player must remember the color of each insert, or make a shot (including the Goldfinger target) to briefly reveal them. Make any shot to score a jackpot for 5M, then make a shot of the same color for 25M, then 50M, resetting when a shot of a different color is made. Once all nine shots are made, shoot the right ramp for a double jackpot, then the rocket lane for a super jackpot worth the jackpot total - all within 14 seconds - to end the mode.
- Duel on the Disco Volante (Thunderball): This single-ball mode gradually becomes a multiball as the player completes sets of shots, representing the final fight aboard the Disco Volante and its subsequent explosive destruction. Three shots are lit to score jackpots - score them all to light the left and right eject for a double jackpot and add-a-ball. While the ball is locked, the player must lock the launched ball at the other eject within 10 seconds to advance to the next phase, with five shots lit for jackpots. Lock the two balls again to light six more jackpots, and collect them all to light the super jackpot worth the jackpot total and end the mode. The super jackpot can be multiplied up to 3x by locking balls prior to shooting the side ramp.
Chances at additional skill shots are given if any of the above mini-wizard modes, excluding Duel on the Disco Volante, are completed.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Final Wizard Mode):
The final wizard mode, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, can be started once all four of the villain mini-wizard modes have been played. It can be started with a shot to either the right ramp, or the side ramp.
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service is a multi-stage, flip count based, wizard mode slightly akin to “Terror of Mechagodzilla” from Stern’s Godzilla table. The player must advance through six phases of shots called “film stages”, each using different aspects of the playfield, before the final MI6 Multiball where the totals from all six phases determine the jackpot values and are added into the super jackpot.
The player starts off with 50 flips, 100 if they started the mode at the side ramp. +10 flips are awarded for every mode that the player had completed prior to starting the final wizard mode. Flips are also awarded as the player advances through the film stages - +5 for each “advance” shot and +35 for each film stage completed. 5 flips are subtracted if the player drains during single-ball play.
Once any film stage has been completed, a ball is added to the game and all scoring is doubled for as long as the second ball remains in play. A brief ball saver is in play once the second ball has been added, and no flips are subtracted when it drains either.
007 scoring and smart missiles are disabled during On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.
The film stages are played in the order that the films were completed over the course of the game: ie. if Thunderball was the first film to be completed, that stage will be played first.
- Dr. No: Alternate between the top lanes (which advance the mode) and the dragon tank. The top lanes’ value are boosted with bumper hits, dragon tank hits, and shots to the “bumper lane” between the lower two bumpers. Hit the lit dragon tank 3 times to complete the stage.
- From Russia With Love: Shoot the right orbit (which advances the mode) to light all shots, excluding the right orbit, for combos. These combos increase the value of the next shot to the right orbit. Make 5 lit right orbit shots to complete the stage.
- Goldfinger: Shoot the Goldfinger target (which advances the mode) to light all shots to build the Goldfinger target value. The target relights after hitting a single white shot, but subsequent white shots can be made to further boost the value. Hit the lit Goldfinger target 6 times to complete the stage.
- Thunderball: Shoot the left scoop (which advances the mode) to light a pair of roving shots. Hit either roving shot to relight the left scoop, or keep shooting them to increase the scoop value. Make 4 lit left scoop shots to complete the stage.
- You Only Live Twice: Shoot the rocket lane, then hit the rocket behind the drop targets (which advances the mode). The drop targets boost the rocket value, and reset if all three have been knocked down. Make 4 lit rocket shots to complete the stage.
- Diamonds Are Forever: Shoot the spinner (which advances the mode) to light all shots white. The white shots relight the spinner and increase the individual spin value for the next spinner rip. Make 5 lit spinner rips to complete the stage.
Once all six stages have been played, MI6 Multiball will begin. This is a three-ball multiball where six shots are lit to score jackpots:
- Right ramp scores the total from Dr. No.
- Right orbit scores the total from From Russia With Love.
- DB5 eject scores the total from Goldfinger.
- Left scoop scores the total from Thunderball.
- Rocket lane scores the total from You Only Live Twice.
- Left ramp scores the total from Diamonds Are Forever.
Once all six jackpots have been scored, the side ramp is lit to score the super jackpot, worth the combined totals from all six jackpots, and add +10 flips.
After MI6 Multiball ends, end-of-ball bonus is awarded one last time, and the game ends.