Twitch/livestream setups.

Outside of the PC, I agree with 3k. Another 1-1.5k if you build a desktop.

If doing wireless you definitely don’t want to cheap out.

If everyone are using accsoon CineViews, that would be 3k just there?

Is it possible to use Mevo for player, DMD and streamer and a better camera with just the one accsoon for the playfield? Ie combine two different sources and hopefully not get too much delay in one or the other?

Yep, that is the idea :slight_smile: But also to have Viggo and Arvid have “game nights” where they go through different machines and play what the watchers of the stream.dicide.

If i buy three Accsoon and use existing handycams (borrowed), what is the requirements for the computer? How do i get the three hdmi in to the computer? (Sorry for the basic questions, but i do not have a clear image in my head of how it works)

3K is what we tell our significant others. Here’s the complete BOM for Monterey Flipper Pinball/Lynn’s Arcade. Let me know when you brought that down to 3K, I’d buy it. :innocent:

If you use a multi-viewer you only need one Accsoon CineView HE TX/RX pair for the setup. Major savings there.

Ok, so three handycams, one multi-wiewer, one Accsoon CineView HE and a batterypack for the rig?

And a computer with hdmi-in?

The CineView HE has a UVC interface (USB-C cable) on the receiver. Plug that into your computer and pick it up as a video source in OBS. You get a 2x2 grid from the multi-viewer, this grid you can chop up, rotate and place into what is called a “scene” in OBS. Be mindful that the audio signal over the UVC interface is mono. If you want stereo audio (two channels you can have one mic on each channel and allow individual volume control in OBS) you need a HDMI capture card to capture the HDMI-out on the CineView receiver. I recommend using a Thunderbolt capture card. Black Magic 3G Recorder is affordable and reliable. Most folks just use a local webcam for the booth talent, I wouldn’t.

For the streaming computer I would get a laptop with a NVidia GPU. I’ve had good luck with Razer. I’ve seen a lot of other brands working well, like ASUS. Make sure it has a Thunderbolt 3+ port. I’m in the process of switching everything over to Mac, but it’s going slow in that department and it’s also more expensive.

But yeah, you’ll see a lot more opinions from others. I try keep my list of gear updated here if you want to know more specifics.

Just to clarify, i can use one CineView to transmit all three cameras?

I really appreciate your answers!
Är du i Sverige så måste du hälsa på :slight_smile:

You need multiple batteries unless you buy one of those “power stations” IEPinball used at last INDISC. I normally use 6 x 30,000mAh batteries per bank. You also need lights for the player and the playfield.

Make sure the handycams you borrow are listed here or in some other way confirm the cameras can do “clean HDMI out”.

Yes, the cameras plug into the multi-viewer which send a 2x2 grid over the CineView in 1080p60. Each camera will be downscaled at the multi-viewer. This is an example of what my latest production looks like with the multi-viewer I linked. Do mind the “bars” above and under the playfield in the video canvas as all the grid sections are in the native resolution coming from the multi-viewer (960x540 pixels). You don’t want to scale up the video as you’ll get very ugly artifacts if you do.

Japp, ska försöka ta mig ner nästa gång.

Hi PQ!

Perhaps not suited for your needs all the way, but there is a “budget semi-wireless setup” that could work. It is basically what I have been using when streaming occasionally.

  • Mount a laptop and usb-cams (webcams or smartphones) on the mobile rig
  • Connect the usb-cams to the laptop (need a capable laptop to handle at least 3 usb-inputs)
  • Get LED-lights that have built-in battery
  • Use OBS on the laptop to setup the stream
  • Sound can come straight from one of your cams, or a more sophisticated source
  • With a good wifi-connection you can stream straight from the rig

The laptop can run this setup wireless for a little while, depending on laptop battery etc.

But it is more robust if you have access to an electric outlet by the game that you can plug into when the rig is in place. Easy to move, just unplug the electric cord, move the rig with everything running wireless, plug in the electric cord again.

My particular setup of this was not perfect at all, since I had to stream using mobile data (4G/5G). Plus I never optimized the rig, lights, and the software for using smartphones as cams. I used a 2016 Lenovo standard gaming laptop. Nothing fancy. I run it at 720p and 60fps.


Just re-configured our rig last night, back to two TX/RX pairs, the multi-viewer was definitely degrading playfield quality. (Caveat: I was using a $30 multiviewer from aliexpress). Put it back to Playfield on the monoprice blackbird, score cam and player cam are through the multiviewer into a J5 Create.

Our rig has 3 battery packs, 1: camera and multiviewer 2: camera and j5 Transmitter 3: camera and blackbird transmitter. The batteries last through a whole 10 hour tournament, not sure of their stated capacity off hand though

In the computer we have the El Gato Cam link pro, only using two of the 4 inputs right now though.

Just ran back through my equipment. I’d say for right around 3400 you can get a good wireless setup going. This excludes the PC build. I assumed the PC build will include a quad capture card in it.

Yeah, this will bring out ugly artifacts if the scaler in the multi-viewer takes shortcuts. I just bought a new multi-viewer with more juice (2160p60 support in/out) and see if there’s any difference but I’m still waiting for other parts and haven’t put it through its paces. The orei/monoprice 1080p60 one does a good enough job though as long as you don’t scale the video in OBS.

Adding this post to cover the telestrator setup I just went through. I saw @dri posted a question on the OBS forum about whiteboard use but didn’t see whether he actually got it working. But this is a very basic introduction to OBS whiteboard plug-in as telestrator for OBS (30.0.2) in Windows (10). YMMV otherwise.

  1. Download release zip from here (v1.3a at time of writing): Releases · katarai/obs-whiteboard-lua · GitHub
  2. unzip the folder
  3. in OBS, click Tools on the top menu bar, then click Scripts, then hit the + button, navigate to the newly unzipped folder, and select whiteboard.lua
  4. On the right side of the Scripts window, select Color: Yellow and click close.
  5. In the Source Pane, add the new option called Whiteboard, name it whatever you want. It will create a tiny tiny source in the top left of your canvas. You do not have to resize this. Just hit the lock icon next to your source.
  6. Right click somewhere on your screen, you are trying to access Windowed Projector (Preview) or Fullscreen Projector (Preview). ----DO NOT USE the ones labelled “…Projector (Source)”
  7. Left click and drag in your Projector window to telestrate on your canvas.
  8. Set a hotkey, File > Settings > hotkeys, under “Clear whiteboard” in order to clear your whiteboard.

FWIW I am using an old iPad as a wireless second monitor and telestrating directly on it since it’s touchscreen

@mwelsh Sorry the above post is not about your plugin… I could not figure out how to use yours. I only saw that you were herschel when I searched this thread to see if anyone had added a guide before.

I run @mwelsh plugin on Windows, it works great ― on Windows. I need a solution for Mac, I’m currently playing around with GitHub - BlankSourceCode/WebRTC-Telestrator: A remote telestrator app using WebRTC and out-of-the-box it just works but I haven’t run any production with it yet but it blows everything I’ve seen so far out the water as anything with a Chrome browser can telestrate.

We found a telestrator scripts for OBS. Allows you to change the cooor and thickness. Works great.

I think that is it.

Yes that’s what I linked above

My bad. Didn’t see your OG post on the subject. Just the mention of Mike’s script.

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The above script is based on my original code as well, the author had messaged me here to kindly offer to make some improvements. I’m happy that the script has been helpful to people :slight_smile:

One of these days I’ll make it into a proper plugin with multi-platform support, but I unfortunately haven’t found the time to do so yet!