Twitch/livestream setups.

with my solution I don’t need the HDMI plugged in. The DVI cable from the PC to the screen was the problem.

oh that EDID device could be useful for CGC games though.

With CGC games you have mini HDMI out to a HDMI to DVI convertor into their unique wide screen.

I connect a mini HDMI to HDMI splitter (passive) then split to the screen and a cable out the back of the game. However. I have to wait until the device boots and then at a specific time connect the HDMI cable. The problem seems to be that the PC thinks its getting a signal at a set resolution then adjusts to that but the widescreen displays that its getting that resolution then promptly refuses to display it. Only way back is a power cycle. I might try that device to grab the EDID of the widescreen and then feed it back thus I don’t need to do this timing connection thing to boot the game.

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doesn’t seem to help with it… I think I need something DVI rather than HDMI


Perhaps tangentially related to this thread, but I figure the folks here would know best:

Does anyone have any recommendations for just a home recording setup? Is there a solution out there that allows for an iPhone to film games without filling up internal storage? Something that goes straight to the net? Or is there some other hardware that’d work best?

I’d totally stream, too, but I’m really not interested in shelling out some of the bucks I’m seeing in this thread (nor do I think it’s worth doing with a budget potato cam).

Although I don’t have experience, found this on the google machine.

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I think when I had a MacBook I could just plug my iPhone in to it and the Mac OBS app saw it as a camera… I’m sure there’s a way to get that to work on a PC?


Chuck Websta mentioned a great iPhone solution back on May 1st (above) that uses the iPhone app iVCam as a wireless source to your PC. This can then be used in OBS I believe… and just pick local recording rather than streaming.

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Thanks - I’m so green that I didn’t even know to search for OBS. But I got it, and I think I can handle it from here. Next step is finding a way to mount my phone and run a long enough cable to my macbook.

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Shorter the cable the better when dealing with usb. Try to stay under 15 ft.

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I actually got inspired to do a budget rig by that earlier post. I have streamed a couple of times using two “older” phones, plus my laptop cam. I even use one of the phone cams’ microphone.

Good enough for me.

I even do the stream using my current phone as a mobile wifi, since I do not have a LAN connection where my games are. Unfortunately this caps me at 720p30, but that is totally fine for me. Gradually learning how to get the stream better.

Have a look here:
My twitch channel

(I am mostly streaming in swedish, but I will do it in english from time to time.)

I understand the Elgato Cam Link seems to be the go to for capture cards. But in this era where they are on back order or being sold at inflated prices on Ebay, has anyone tried a budget option such as something like this or equivalent? Says USB 2.0. I already have a Elgato for my play field cam, so this would be for a secondary cam and/or LVDS to HDMI capture. Any other options? Thanks.

I would never try anything that said usb 2.0, there just simply isn’t enough bandwidth to actually capture an HDMI signal…

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Thanks RayDay! Thought that would be too easy.

It definitely won’t get you 1080p60 which is what you want, 30fps pinball doesn’t look great. However I am curious if anyone has tried this in combination with the LVDS splitter to get LCD capture… if it works I’d totally buy one of these for that

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To anyone that was like me a week ago:

Thanks - I’m so green that I didn’t even know to search for OBS. But I got it, and I think I can handle it from here. Next step is finding a way to mount my phone and run a long enough cable to my macbook.

Using my laptop, iPhone 11 Pro, an old iPhone 8 lying around, and two mounts* I bought on Amazon for $25 each, I went from that clueless dude to a pretty damn decent looking setup in no time. I have no real desire to work up a regular stream, but it’s nice to record my own games and occasionally go live. I’m sure I wouldn’t have even bothered with this project if I could just roll out to a bar and play some pinball, but COVID has other ideas.

* I have a unique setup with a really low ceiling and crossbars that made this easy.

edit: ah, I forgot about those $300 pinstadiums, actually. That’s kind of a big deal. eek.


whoa that DOES look nice! You just need a direct output on that LCD and you are golden!

For £2000 (Cost of iPhone 11 and iPhone 8) you can get a pretty decent Sony/elgato HDMI setup!

but then how would I browse reddit in bed?!


Looking to level up my stream a bit. So my mixer can have headsets plugged into it obviously and also allow the commentators to hear each other. If I have a usb mic at the game is there a way to pump that sound into their headsets as well?

Also, Can anyone help getting Youtube set up for streaming? My quick googling says I need an encoder then jump through some other Youtube hoops to get started. I was not able to find an encoder, just articles talking about them. Do I really have to wait for a period of time before I can go live for the first time?


About streaming on youtube: I tried it first time yesterday. I use OBS as encoder and it was just to go into settings and choose youtube instead of Twitch. Then setup the stream from you youtube to get a streamkey that I then paste into the OBS setup. Believe I had to start and stop in both OBS and youtube studio, but there seemed to be a setting in youtube studio to have this on auto to be controlled from OBS.

And yes, first you have to activate streaming and wait 24 hours.

Quality seems fine, but for me the lag was about 20 seconds, which seems a lot more than for Twitch streams (I believe).

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