Table of contents
- Game Information
- Layout
- Modes
- Captain’s Chair and Level 3 Completion
- Warp Ramp Awards
- Multiball Add-A-Ball
- Klingon Multiball
- Vengeance Modes
- Wizard Modes
Game Information
- Lead Designer: Steve Ritchie
- Lead Game Developer: Lonnie Ropp
- Lead Mechanical Engineer:
- Lead Sound Designer:
- Lead Artist:
- Release Date: January 2013
- Wiki Rulesheet based on Code Rev: 1.62
Premium/LE: |
Pro: |
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General Mode Strategy
Shoot the matching colored shots for the modes to earn points and advance. Combos will double points that would’ve been earned. Once you hit one mode shot, you can shoot the ‘Away Team’ shot (under the upper flipper), which adds 20 seconds and changes the primary objective of the mode to some specific shots. Usually, it’s a pretty good idea to do so as the shots become much more valuable.
When a mode ends, start another mode (or restart the mode) by shooting the Mission Start (far left eject hole) or the Away Team (under the upper flipper) shots and then choosing a mode.
It’s always a good idea to hold off starting a multiball until JUST after you’ve started a mode. This allows you to stack the mode with a multiball. If the third lock is lit at the left eject hole when Mission Start is also lit, then you will be able to choose a mode and immediately start Klingon multiball.
Mode Levels
Each of the six colored hexagon modes has four versions with unique scoring rules and shot placement.Level I modes are the default “starting” modes, operating on a timer. When time runs out, all shots light to collect one single “final shot” and complete the mode (draining during “final shot” sequence also completes the mode).
Each Level I mode may be advanced to Galactic Mode for improved scoring and alternate objectives. To begin Galactic Mode, first shoot any lit mode shot, then shoot the “Away Team” rollover (underneath the upper right flipper). The mode timer from Level I continues with an additional 20 seconds added. Galactic Mode may be started after any number of mode shots have been completed as long as the timer has not run out. Draining during a Galactic Mode will end the mode with the current medal status. Galactic Modes are only available during Level I modes.
Level II modes may only be started after completing their respective Level I (or Galactic) mode. Level II modes feature two kinds of lit shots: regular-color arrows, which award mode points and advance toward bronze medal awards; and multi-color arrows, which award double mode points and count towards silver and gold medal awards. The Level II mode will end and be marked complete when a certain number of total shots are made (as described per mode); if the ball drains or the timer runs out, the mode exits and may be re-started later, with progress saved.
Level III modes may only be started after completing their respective Level II mode. Level III modes operate similarly to Level II modes, but with improved scoring. Completing a Level III mode will light one particular shot on the playfield for double scoring for the rest of the game. In this case, the combo arrow for the shot lights permanently, effectively replacing 2x combo scoring.
Mode Scoring
Each shot in a mode has a base value of 100K x level + shot bonus + streak bonus + 30K x shots made in the current mode. The shot bonus and streak bonus both start at 0, and each shot made increases the shot bonus by 5K and the streak bonus by 10K. On the first attempt at each level II or level III mode, the increase is multiplied by the level. The shot bonus carries over throughout the entire game, while the streak bonus resets at the end of each ball.
For example, suppose a player starts a new game, starts a level I mode, makes 2 shots, drains, then makes another shot on ball 2.
- The 1st shot is worth 100K x 1 (level) + 0 (shot bonus) + 0 (streak bonus) + 30K x 0 (shots made in the current mode) = 100K. The shot bonus becomes 5K and the streak bonus becomes 10K.
- The 2nd shot is worth 100K x 1 (level) + 5K (shot bonus) + 10K (streak bonus) + 30K x 1 (shots made in the current mode) = 145K. The shot bonus becomes 10K and the streak bonus becomes 20K.
- Upon draining, the streak bonus resets to 0.
- The 3rd shot is then worth 100K x 1 (level) + 5K (shot bonus) + 0 (streak bonus) + 30K x 2 (shots made in the current mode) = 180K The shot bonus becomes 15K and the streak bonus becomes 10K.
Mode Details
Prime Directive
Level I:
30-second timer. All shots light blue and un-light when hit. Un-lighting five shots relights all shots; after a short timer, shots will also relight if no mode shot has been completed.
Bronze – 3 shots, Silver – 6 shots, Gold – 9 shots
With Galactic Away Team:
Top (bonus X) lanes will light and must be turned off; right orbit; left orbit
Final shot is doubled at right ramp.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Shots | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Level II:
30-second timer. All shots light blue with one shot lighting multi-color. Finish all shots to complete. Shooting multi-color will un-light that shot and move the multi-color to a different shot.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | ||
2X Shots | 3 | 5 |
Level III:
30-second timer. All shots light blue with one shot lighting multi-color. Finish all shots to complete. Shooting multi-color will un-light that shot and move the multi-color to a different shot.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
2X Shots | 2 | 3 | 5 |
Level 3 Completion:
2X on the Left scoop for the remainder of the game.
Space Jump:
Level I:
30-second timer. Four shots (both orbits, left ramp, right ramp) light yellow. Shooting a lit arrow un-lights the shot and one other shot, but will always re-light a combo. All shots re-light after a small timer elapses if no shots are made.
With Galactic Away Team
Vengeance drop target. Hitting the target will advance one medal rank if not at gold and end mode.
Final shot is doubled at the Vengeance.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Level II:
30-second timer. Similar to level I, but only one shot will ever be lit multi-color at a time, and it will always be a combo from the previous shot.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | ||
2X Shots | 3 | 5 |
Level III:
30-second timer. Similar to level I, but only one shot will ever be lit multi-color at a time, and it will always be a combo from the previous shot.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
2X Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Level 3 Completion:
2X on the Right Orbit for the remainder of the game.
Save the Enterprise:
Level I:
30-second timer. Three random adjacent shots light. Shoot any one to move to three new random adjacent shots (other shots unlight).
With Galactic Away Team:
Warp ramp & left orbit.
Final shot is 4x at both orbits.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Level II:
Only 2 random shots light; one shot is 2x.
This mode is not timed.
Hitting a shot unlights both and lights 2 new random shots.
Complete 6 shots to finish the mode.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | ||
2X Shots | 3 | 5 |
Level III:
Only 1 random shot lights.
This mode is not timed.
Hitting the lit shot lights a different random shot and lights the Warp ramp for a 2x shot. The Warp ramp remains lit until hit. Once hit, another mode shot must be made to relight.
Complete 8 shots to finish the mode.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
2X Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Level 3 Completion:
2X on the Right Ramp for the remainder of the game.
Level I:
30-second timer. Five shots light purple (all except scoop & warp ramp). Shooting a lit shot un-lights it. Re-light all five shots by either un-lighting all, or allowing a short timer to elapse.
With Galactic Away Team:
Red Matter standups. Hit a standup to unlight. Unlighting all standups re-lights all standups.
Final shot is doubled at Black Hole target.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | 6 | 9 |
2X Shots |
Level II:
This mode is not timed. Left scoop (multi-color) and left orbit represent the Left Romulan attacker (on the screen). Left ramp (multi-color) and Vengeance represent the Center Romulan attacker. Right ramp (multi-color) and right orbit represent the Right Romulan attacker. Defeat 10 attackers to complete. Attackers re-light after a short time. Extra points are awarded for defeating three attackers before any re-light.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | ||
2X Shots | 3 | 5 |
Level III:
Only 2 shots light (the orbits).
55-second timer.
Flipping the left flipper will move the left orbit shot one shot to the right every flip, looping back around to the far left. Flipping the right flipper will move the right orbit shot one shot to the left every flip, looping back around to the far right. The mode shot will be 2x only when both shots overlap at the same shot.
Compete 5 shots to finish the mode. If the timer ends, progress will be saved.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
2X Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Level 3 Completion:
2X on the Left Orbit for the remainder of the game.
Destroy the Drill:
Level I:
30-second timer. Lit shots “fan” from left to right as time elapses. Shooting a lit shot reverses the fan by 1 unit.
With Galactic Away Team:
Left eject hole and left spinner/orbit are lit; additional points are awarded for each spin of the spinner (75k per spin!).
Final shot is 4x at the left eject hole.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Level II:
Only 1 shot lights (left eject hole) at the beginning.
This mode is not timed.
Shots will light one at a time moving left to right until all shots are lit; the leading shot will flash for 2x. Once all shots are lit, they will unlight one at a time moving left to right until only the right orbit remains. Then shots will light one at a time moving right to left until all shots are lit. Finally, shots will unlight one at a time moving right to left until only the left eject hole remains. This pattern will repeat. Shots that have been made will light solid and will not light for 2x; mode shots still available will be flashing.
Complete 6 different shots to finish the mode.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | ||
2X Shots | 3 | 5 |
Level III:
Only 3 shots light (left eject hole, Vengeance, and right orbit) at the beginning with the Vengeance shot flashing for 2x.
55-second timer.
During the mode, a fourth shot will rove back and forth starting from the Vengeance. When it overlaps one of the other three shots, that shot is 2x.
Complete 7 shots to finish the mode. If the timer ends, progress will be saved.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
2X Shots | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Level 3 Completion:
2X on the Warp Ramp for the remainder of the game.
Klingon Battle:
Level I:
30-second timer. Five shots (all except left eject hole & Vengeance) are lit. After the first mode shot, shooting a lit shot unlights it; after the next mode shot, the previously unlit shot will relight so that subsequently four shots are always lit.
With Galactic Away Team:
Left/right ramps (must alternate after first).
Final shot is 4x at the left ramp.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Level II:
This mode is not timed. Left ramp begins lit, with the lit shot spreading simultaneously left and right. The multi-color arrow moves every time a new shot lights. The sequence begins again every time a shot is hit, or after a short time if no shots are hit. (Note: You can achieve perfect medal progress by repeating the Left Ramp, but you will sacrifice some points because it avoids any 2x combos).
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Any Shots | 3 | ||
2X Shots | 3 | 5 |
Level III:
45-second timer. Shots are lit in a random order and un-light when hit. After the first shot is made, up to three shots can be lit at a time, but only one will be multi-color. Make ten shots to finish.
Medal | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
2X Shots | 2 | 3 | 5 |
Level 3 Completion:
2X on the Left Ramp for the remainder of the game.
Medals (and points) are awarded for how well you play each mode (bronze/silver/gold). After completing all modes a “medal bonus collect/jackpot” is awarded when you start the mini wizard mode. This value can be doubled if 2x is running. Medals accrue and are never replaced, thus earning a Silver Medal also leaves you holding a Bronze.
The first bronze medal is worth 250k, with each subsequent bronze worth +125k more.
The first silver medal is worth 450k, with each subsequent silver worth +175k more.
The first gold medal is worth 1000k, with each subsequent gold worth +275k more.
For All Level One modes:
To earn bronze, you need three shots.
To earn silver, you need six shots.
To earn gold, you need nine shots.
Unless you make the Galactic Away Team shot. In GAT, there are fewer shots available that are worth more points.
Special Case: For Space Jump, making the GAT shot leaves only the Vengeance shot available as the last shot. Making it will give the the next higher medal award automatically, and the mode ends. However, this does mean if you shoot the GAT shot before getting a silver medal, you can’t get the gold medal for that mode.
Medal values double if you combo into the shot that gives you the medal. For example: Comboing into the third shot will give you double the value for the bronze medal. This value will be doubled again if you have Double Scoring running. Example: I have received a Gold Medal worth 8.4 Million points.
Level Two and Three modes: Now things start to get real. To medal, you can’t just make any shots. You need to make the correct, better shots that are indicated by the multi-color arrows. Making incorrect shots may lock you out of better medals.
Special Case #2: Klingon Multiball
If you collect the Double Super Jackpot you will also receive a single, gold medal.
Captain's Chair and Level 3 Completion
Captain’s Chair:
Completing three same-level modes in a line enables the Captain’s Chair.
Left Side | Super Pops | ||
Right Side | Super Ramps | ||
Bottom Side | Super Spinner |
Captain’s Chair remains live until completed, it remains active across balls. You can only get Captain’s Chair once per rack, but if you finish two at the same time, you will get both awards.
Level 3 Completion:
Completing the Level 3 Mode of any of the 6 Modes will award a 2X Shot Multiplier for the remainder of the game.
Mode | 2X Shot | |
Prime Directive | Left Scoop | |
Space Jump | Right Orbit | |
Save the Enterprise | Right Ramp | |
Nero | Left Orbit | |
Destroy the Drill | Warp Ramp | |
Klingon Battle | Left Ramp |
Warp Ramp Awards
Warp Level | # of Shots | Award |
Warp 4 | 7 | Extra Ball |
Warp 9.1 | 10 | 2X Scoring for 60 Seconds |
Warp 9.9 | 18 | 2X Scoring for 60 Seconds AND Adds a 2nd Ball into Single Ball Play |
Note: Though additional extra balls cannot be earned, double scoring and ball into play can be earned again.
Multiball Add-A-Ball
The black hole shot to the right of Vengeance will award add-a-ball once during multiball when it is lit. Light it by shooting the ‘red matter’ targets around the playfield that you’ve ultimately hit plenty of times cause you’re bad and you missed the ramps and loops.
Klingon Multiball
Complete the 3 green standups light locks at Vengeance and left scoop. Lock 3 balls to start Klingon Multiball.
For the first Klingon MB, each completion of the standups will light 2 locks, one at the left scoop and one at the Vengeance, and lit locks can be stacked. It is possible to light up to 6 locks, 3 at each shot, but Klingon MB will start upon locking the 3rd ball and any remaining locks do not carry over. The standups are disabled when all 6 locks are lit or when 2 balls have been locked and both shots have a lock lit.
Once Klingon MB has been played, each completion will only light 1 lock, and the standups are disabled when both shots have a lock lit.
Upon starting Klingon MB, all shots are lit for jackpots, starting at 200K with a 175K increment. The 7th jackpot is a Super Jackpot worth 6.25 Million; 14th jackpot is another Super Jackpot worth 10 Million. This is followed by a traveling Double Jackpot worth 4 Million. Finally, the warp ramp will light for a Double Super Jackpot worth 20 Million. Collecting this Double Super Jackpot will also award a gold medal. Then the multiball mode repeats.
Other multiballs include Vengeance Multiball, Kobayashi Maru, Enterprise Amok, and Five Year Mission all described below.
Vengeance Modes
Hit Vengeance X number of times (or use torpedoes) to light Vengeance Mode
Torpedo standups when completed add 3 torpedoes. Torpedoes accumulated are shown by the line of yellow triangles on the playfield and can be used by pressing the fire button to score Vengeance hits. Torpedoes will not award mode shots.
Vengeance Multiball
Vengeance mode 1 is “Vengeance Multiball.” Hit the magnet-held ball at multiball start to add a ball (upgrading from 2-ball to 3-ball play) and extend ball save time. Shots to Vengeance and lit white shots do damage and award points. Defeating Vengeance awards 5M after completing 10 shots and then shooting the Vengeance. Photon torpedoes can be used to complete shots except for the final shot.
Vengeance Scoring
Vengeance mode 2 is “Vengeance Scoring” which is a hurry up mode - 5 shots to destroy Vengeance - destroying Vengeance awards an extra ball.
Vengeance Battle
Vengeance mode 3 is “Vengeance Battle.” Shoot the Vengeance 5 times to raise the drop target. Shooting the drop target down gives you a very limited time to shoot the Vengeance for 10% of total score (or 10M, whichever is greater). If time runs out, the drop target with re-raise and you must hit it again to lower it.10% value is affected by combo (20%) and/or double scoring (up to 40%)
Wizard Modes
Kobayashi Maru
Started by completing all level 1 modes
Medal Bonus | |||
Bronze | Silver | Gold | |
Single Medal | 1M | 2M | 3.5M |
Full Set | 10M | 20M | 35M |
Once all level one modes have been completed, the Vengeance shot will light white for Kobayashi Maru. Starting Kobayashi Maru will immediately award you medal bonuses based on all medals collected so far. Then it is a 2-ball multiball with all shots lit except the Warp ramp. Each shot requires 2 shots to clear it out - first shot is nominal points (500K to start); the second shot scores based on your performance in the corresponding level 1 mode (color coding tells you which mode). Clearing them all out allows you to continue in single ball play even though you have 2 balls (or more with add-a-ball) active on the playfield. Shots in this mode max at 7.5M.
Enterprise Amok
Started by completing all level 2 modes
Medal Bonus | |||
Bronze | Silver | Gold | |
Single Medal | 1.5M | 3M | 5M |
Full Set | 15M | 30M | 50M |
Once all level two modes have been completed, the Vengeance shot will light white for Enterprise Amok. Starting Enterprise Amok will immediately award you medal bonuses based on all medals collected so far. This begins as a 2-ball multiball with all shots lit and a switch hit counter on the display. Completing the number of switch hits required will add a ball into play (except for the 6th and final round) and light all shots white for a final shot. The next shot hit will then be unlit for future final shots in the mode and will start a new higher switch hit requirement. After completing the 6th and final round, the Vengeance shot will be lit for a Super Jackpot. Completing this final shot allows you to continue in single ball play even though you have more than one ball active on the playfield.
Five Year Mission
Started by completing all level 3 modes
Medal Bonus | |||
Bronze | Silver | Gold | |
Single Medal | 2.5M | 4.5M | 7.5M |
Full Set | 25M | 45M | 75M |
Once all level three modes have been completed, the Vengeance shot will light white for Five Year Mission. Starting Five Year Mission will immediately award you medal bonuses based on all medals collected so far. This begins as a 4-ball multiball with all shots lit and…