Avengers: Infinity Quest Rulesheet

Found a bug/strange behaviour in that I played Trophy Mania before I had lit Battle Royale.
When I then collected the Avengers for the 3rd time it didnt give me Battle Royale, but Soul Gem again??

Then when I relit Gem Quest again I had to fight for another Gem, despite having them all, but wouldn’t let me select Power Gem.

I don’t know if the fact that the ball hopped over the uppost on one of the modes was a contributing factor?

One small niggle, away from any bugs, is that when you do select a gem under normal circumstances, they don’t rotate in the same order as displayed on the screen.

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Yeah Trophy Mania resets a lot of things, including wizard mode progression. Oops!

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Does anybody know if there is/will be a topper mode? Such as the the goat frenzy in Jurassic Park.

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Had a thought tonight. Holding a flipper let’s you check on game status, and pressing the other flipper pages through the info. Why not make the action button page through the other direction?


Interesting idea. However, I believe this would take away the opportunity for a player to use an Action Button feature (Gem Perk, such as Mind Booms) while cradled up.


Ah, good call. I knew I must be forgetting something. I just want to be able to finish reading the page before it auto-advances after a few seconds. How about hitting the other flipper button to page through manually disables auto advance?


I agree that it would be really nice to be able to slow down the instant info screen-change pace, particularly for the Computer Grid award screen

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What about once the instant info starts, hold both flippers to pause the transitions.


@raydaypinball I’m still confused about Space Gem (or at least how we’ve captured it here in the Wiki)… if you have 2 uses of Space Gem available, and only hit action button once, and the space gem moves to a Level 1 Avenger, do you still have just 1 “press” left when you shoot that L1 Avenger? Or is it one “use” meaning: next time you shoot that L1 Avenger, you can “use” the Space gem once, and press the button twice to move all the gems two spaces?

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Each use = one movement. Period. So yes if you use it once when you have 2 uses, the avenger the gem is at can be hit to move it one more, regardless of what level that avenger is at. Basically, moving the space gem with space gem will never “recharge” the space gem, so what level an avenger is at does not matter when you land on it with space gem.

That said, after space gem is moved you can always level up that avenger to get more uses of space gem.

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How do you get a score ending in non-zero?

I’ve noticed 2 scores on the HST ending in 5. Is it by completing Battle Royale?

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There was a bug in earlier code that caused you to get 43,000,000,000 (int64 max) in battle royale, which would cause your score to wrap around with a non zero score. Reset high score and update to .93

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Dang, I was actually starting to hope that more games would start to embrace the idea of non-zero ones’ digits.

I’m on 0.93. There was no wrap around, that score is genuine - I tracked it all of the way.

I’m sure you had billions when going into battle royale, but I’m guessing before battle royale you didn’t have the extra digit and afterwards you did. Unsigned int64 is 2^64 - 1 which equals 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. Notice it ending in a 5. Thus battle royale “wrapping” your score around.

The bug might still be there in .93… wait for the next code update and hopefully it’s fixed.

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Hey Raymond. Only Bowen understands this post, you know that, right? :grin:

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Would that not give a BR HS ending in 5 as well?

I just wondered whether you were awarded an additional ‘1’ for every gem you gained after BR, or every gem you were holding after BR finished, or maybe even every Avenger you had standing after BR.

I’ll try and get to do a glass off test to see exactly where it occurs.

All six gems and BR completed, can confirm no extra digits so definitely the bug.


I tried to replicate the ‘5’ last night with the glass off. Had BR, all gems, Computer Frenzy and Trophy Mania - but couldn’t get the 5.
It would be my guess that it comes from Trophy Mania running alongside another of the Assemble awards, or if a ball hops over the uppost and triggers a switch messing with the timings while starting on of those modes?

A couple of things I did notice though.

In Computer Frenzy I couldn’t light the lower left insert on the drops no matter which shot I made.

Having played Trophy Mania (24 trophies) it then allowed me to collect more trophies, but didn’t add them to the total, instead resetting it back to zero (intentional?), for both progress towards playing it again and for HS table.

How often does the ball hop over the up-post on yours? The LE I play, I’ve never experienced this or seen it happen to anyone else.