WPPR v5.8 sneak peek

It has become the norm here across many states. Besides Majors, any larger scale tournament that is worth points has become that way.

The only reason they are being switched are to Max TGP and time restraints, if that did not exist, we would not be where we are now. IFPA is in no way saying they are worth less, a classics only tournament and a modern only tourney in theory would be worth the same. Its saying “There has to be a better way to manage time instead of flipping the classics switch”.

Thats what we would find out. If TDs did that, it would affect their integrity, I am skeptical that at the places and TDs whom are well respected would do something shady like this. They are great at what they do and im not saying its the TDs who need to change. Simply asking from a player perspective is this the most fair competitive way? Does it make sense to do it this way?

Its not the TD’s fault here. Its a product of environment. This is the current most efficient and effective way to get points and compete due to current TGP rules. Someone will always find a flaw or exploit, that’s how these things learn to evolve.

Are a lot of these events being held in public locations where modifying the game prior to the event isn’t possible? If the TD has keys, I would argue that it is the TD’s fault. I’m hardly an expert, but in my experience, bastardizing new games for shorter ball times is easier than bastardizing older games.

Not what I mean there. Why bastardize games when you can just flip a switch?

I know this isn’t exactly relevant to the changes that are upcoming but it does relate to how overall WPPRs are calculated. Out of curiosity I was taking a look at the IFPA17 results to see how many WPPRs it ended up being worth. This is what is listed:


Ranking System : Main
Ranking Strength : 37.51
Ratings Strength : 14.67
Base Value : 32
Rated Players : 64
Total (before TGP) : 84.18
TGP : 100.00%
Major Tour Bonus : 150%
Tour Value : 143.09
Calculated with WPPR Version 5

What I don’t understand is how the final value was calculated. To me it seems like it should be 84.18 WPPRs x 100%TGP x 150% Major Bonus which equals 126.27. What am I missing? I notice a similar situation with The Open - IFPA World Championship 2022 as well so there must be something about the Major Bonus I don’t get.

Was it certified? That’s an additional 20%

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@Shep should be fixing this area of the dashboard to show the full event weight value.

For IFPA WC it’s 170% (50% boost for Major, 20% boost for Certified).


Certified events aren’t showing the 20% boost on the description but are getting it; I’ve checked the math and confirmed with Josh. If you have a Certified event and don’t believe you got the boost, contact Josh / Adam / Shep. AFAIK, only two events got missed on the initial pass and those were quickly corrected.

Noticed something interesting about WPPRs this week, and only because I happened to finish 12th at both “The Open” world championship and IFPA17 world championship. Despite both being comparable value for first (146.4 vs. 143.09), a 12th place finish earned ~60 pts at The Open, and ~30 pts for IPFA17. :upside_down_face:

This is due to the formula for distributing points after the event value has been determined, which depends on the number of players in the tournament. So even though ifpa17 is boosted, the value drops off quite rapidly because it only had 64 players.

Not sure whether this is good or bad, it just is what it is. Personally my 12th at IFPA17 feels like a better achievement than “The Open” despite it having only a fraction of the competitors, but I can see an argument for the reverse. :person_shrugging:

I think I need to see Pinburgh added to that graph :slight_smile:

Curious as to the “feels” on this. Is that something you can describe?

For The Open you played 55 games in qualifying, followed by 6 games in finals.

For IFPA17 you played 24 games in qualifying, followed by 20 games in finals.

Sure, with the caveat that these are just feelings.

At The Open I threw up crap ticket after crap ticket before I finally got hot and put up a good score. It earned me a bye in the first round. In the second round I played okay but got help and managed to eek through. In the next round I was promptly destroyed. Ultimately it was one lucky ticket that earned me 60 points (again, that is the feeling. Obviously there was some skill involved).

At IFPA17, all of the shit games I had in qualifying mattered. These led to many more big moments of execute or go home. I was in a hole after Rounds 1-6, and needed 15’s or better in Rounds 7 & 8 to have a chance. Then I needed to survive a tiebreaker. Then I needed to win in sudden death on Round 1. Many more “big” feeling moments at IFPA.

Again, just feelings and I’m sure everyone who played in both might have had a different experience. It’s interesting to see the counts of games in each tournament. Ultimately most of the games at The OPEN were throwaways/feeling out different games vs. IFPA where everything was important.

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Very different events for sure, i like that diversity and they provide challenge in their own way. People somehow still made the finals at IFPA with 3’s or being 61st after 4 rounds (cough Becker) while others made finals at the Open with one good ticket following lots of “VOID”.
The finals at IFPA with H2H are merciless, you must win to move on, the 4 players finals at the Open has more “room” with top 50% moving on. All good fun, in different ways :slight_smile:

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I agree with pretty much all your “feels” for sure.

The format was designed with two pillars of “feels” from the start:

  1. Players should be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted by the end of it.

  2. Every player that gets eliminated should truly feel like they “got beat” enough times to make that elimination from the tournament some version of ‘easier to accept’.


Totally. There’s no getting help from the other players in your group-- it’s all on you! I’ve been all about 4 player finals for a while, but I think I’m now in the camp of preferring H2H. It’s way more exciting, IMO. Sadly they’re pretty rare nowadays with the 2X TGP multiplier. (Plus practically you need a larger bank of games to work with).

Mission accomplished!


It is a pretty big bummer to make the cut line at walk away with 8 WPPRs… But I guess the alternative would be having a special grading curve for IFPA Worlds that is more linear? Or if we could get some big sponsorship dollars to pay out to 32nd so at least you get some cash?

Things grade optimally on the Dynamic distribution curve at 128 players.

(power(( 1 – power((( Finishing Position -1) / min(RatedPlayerCnt/2,64)),.7)),3)) * 90 /100 * (1st place value)

I think this is fine. The reality is that tournaments with fewer players are easier to win. It’s hard to take invitational ifpa tournaments like SCS, NACS, or WC and mess with the formula and not just create a feedback loop.

I’ll always agree on bigger/more payouts though. Next april fools post should have the IFPA dollar go up to $1.25 with a quarter per player going to WC :laughing:

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It’s like we talked about at the airport . . . do people want cash prizes that are at a level that is less than the entry fee?

Paid $250 to get in . . . won $100.

I remember polling the player base about this 15 years ago, and the answer was pretty strong that payouts less than the entry fee were dumb. (Insert @cayle thinking that 1st place should just get everything) :slight_smile:

is that an all in fee tournament + venue fees / coin drop?

Even with an all fee say X is for tournament pot and X is for the venue / food / etc.

We explicitly break down that fee/prize breakdown on our rules page Joe: