WPPR v5.8 sneak peek

MatchPlay is the standard software used for these, which makes net wins the scoring method most often used. Using win percentage makes things equally weird where undefeated players are now playing as slow as possible to keep their percentage up.

Finals component also does not guarantee that a player with nothing but wins qualifies.

Rest assured even at 50% value it’s still super fucking efficient at racking up meaningful games played.

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New rule, every FF must include LOTR and BM66

some people do that best game events to block an game to keep there slot.

  • When you run qualifying, it’s ONLY the people who make the playoffs that count towards the PGM. In the past I mistakenly thought it was all people who played.
  • MatchPlay offers this screen for PGM which has a dropdown where you need to input the number of players who made playoffs (in my case, four): PinCrossing Winter Series - Week 4 Mini Pin-Golf • PGM • Match Play Live
  • (My only critique of this screen is that it seems to either round or truncate TGP, and it would be helpful to see partial TGP. On this screen the TGP is actually 3.5 and not 3, which mattered when I added Qualifying + Finals).
  • Finals is the same deal. It’s ONLY the people who advance to the next round that count towards PGM. In the Final Round, it’s ONLY the winner who counts.
  • When your Tournament is set to PAPA Elimination & MatchPlay Scoring, there’s a PGM and TGP number right at the bottom of any completed round.
  • On this screen if you look at the Finals, PGM is 0.83 and TGP is 6.64. It already calculates the 2x Multiplier and the proper TGP if you don’t make the 1.00 PGM value. PinCrossing Winter Series - Week 4 Mini Pin-Golf Finals • Matches • Match Play Live

Overall, I can send these two links off the IFPA and have confidence that we got the Qualifying and Finals numbers right.

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funny how those are “proposed changes” but really there is no real CAB review except to find a way to make Josh change his already made up mind :smiley:


Man I didn’t bust my butt to crack the Power 100 just to try and nudge in socks, this is some crap!

You can wear shoes, Andy, they just have to be NIB, lol. @ANM did this last time.

Multi-Match Play is just as competitive as regular match play and should still carry the 2X bonus. The only difference is it cuts down on waiting time and that is a good thing. You still win by beating the other players in Direct Play and it’s not about racing to get in as many wins as possible like FF.

It prevents opponents from watching the games. This both causes a bunch of the IFPA/PAPA rules to not work as well (in many cases it is the explicit responsibility of all players to be observing the match), but also reduces the amount of direct / situational play. Did my opponent get their spinner millions and drain, or do they still have it for next ball? Did they take Greyjoy because they are playing the long game? Are they going for multi all supers or monster fish?


Multi-Match is just as competitive as regular match play and should still carry the 2X bonus.

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The 2X bonus was never about level of competition. Let me repeat that since people seem to not understand that no matter how many times it’s written . . . the 2x bonus was never about level of competition.

The 2X bonus has ALWAYS been about TIME.

The original TGP rules had no bonuses, and every game counted as a game played.

We saw 4-player match play all but disappear when WPPR v5.0 started because people realized 2-player games took half the time and counted for the same value.

The exploit at the time was to run 2-player matches to earn TGP quicker. Our correction to that exploit was to create a 2X bonus (to make TGP time agnostic), and that brought 4-player match play back into favor.

Multi-Matchplay circumvents the time restriction, making the time bonus unnecessary. Standard 4-player match play still has this restriction, so the 2X bonus is still valid to balance things against this time element.


Yeah multi matchplay is totally a hack to get more TGP in less time.

Ime, it seems the sweet spot for 100% events with average playing games is gonna take you about 5-6 hours on average. Any formats that are significantly less than that risk nerfage. Haha

Yet after repeated attempts to claim your promised 6 player boost, you continue to deny the people.


explicit responsibility of all players to be observing the match? So then the IFPA needs an rule about the max back off space an player can ask for.

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I file this under common courtesy. If the player is crowding you in your opinion, ask the TD for a ruling.

Most tournaments (large events) mark the ground for this purpose as well.

I have found as long as DJ’s stance fits in the area, then standing behind that is plenty of space for the player. Haha


Ok but an player should have the right to view and the other player should not be able to say go away or stand so far back that they can’t see.

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Well TDs can make pretty much whatever rules they want. If one of them is to disallow standing behind a player while they play, so be it. I think that’s why the IFPA does not specifically touch on some of this stuff.

perfectly able to see what’s going on while standing behind the player at a proper distance.
This is a total non-issue. Let it go.


I’ve seen many a stream where player(s) are not only crowding but talking to self / others while a person is playing and well within earshot. Thus could be veiwed as interference in my view. Plenty of instances during the IFPA worlds for example.

Other players in match should have to be out of the player"s peripheral vision and 4-6ft back while not playing at the very least.

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Same rules as golf. It’s a distraction being in front or the side of a player. It’s just bad Etiquette.

Agree you can see fine behind a player.