Twitch/livestream setups.

Not sure what auto focus buffer is, but I leave mine on auto focus and it works great. Doesn’t struggle or get stuck like the 405 does.

When I tried that it just kept focusing and focusing and the playfield cam is unwatchable

Huh. If I remember right there are multiple auto focus settings. I would try another one. I’m not next to my camera at the moment, or I’d show ya my exact settings.

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make sure you frame the PF well that strongly help auto focus-

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Does the ZV-1 have a choice of focal points? Sounds like thats either on 1 point or is messed up somehow?

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Here are my settings. I’ve used the wide focus area and the flexible spot and both work great without issue.

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This is perfect! Thanks so much

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So, i did my first try run with the streaming rig and it was ok. Now i have to move some fluorescent fixtures to avoid the glare.
The 405 is as expected, but i have ordered and i am waiting for light blades (led lighting to put on the side rails) to arrive. I think they will provide sufficient light to get the 405 to perform as best it can.

huge thanks to mwelsh who provided me with two used 405 at a good price!

I have a question about sound; The 405 and the other cameras do not provide sound from the machine when in usb mode. What is at good workaround to have sound from the cameras? I would prefer to have some sort of microphone with hdmi-connector to use the same source (mulitviewer) to avoid delay, but is that possible?
My multiviwer has no microphone input.

The rig is as follows:
40x40 aluminium profiles, i guess similar to the ones most of you use
Playfield camera: Sony 405
Score and player camera: Cheap action camera (gopro copy)
Multiviewer: PORTTA HDMI Quad Multi-Viewer
Transmitter: Accsoon CineView HE
Power consists of 4 20000 power banks (one for each camera and one for the accsoon) and one power bank with 12v output for the multi viewer
A shitload of cables and mounts :slight_smile:

Probably going to have to get some sort of wireless mic setup. These are relatively inexpensive and work great. You can plug the receiver into the mic input of your computer tower or mixer.

This announcement could be an interesting thing. The Mevo stuff is kind of meh but having a m4/3 ability would definitely be a good upgrade. Hopefully they keep price in mind too.

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Heavy breathing!

I have like 10 m4/3 lenses. :slight_smile:

If they put NDI with some decent resolutions and framerates on that thing we’re in for a shift.

If you’re not afraid of hanging more gear in the rig you can get a cheap HDMI audio inserter. That yields perfect sync. I’ve had good experience with this one and the Monoprice one (it’s discontinued). You put this between the multiviewer and the Accsoon transmitter.

Bear in mind that the audio inserters are line-level and does not provide any gain control or 2.5V for plug-in power for mics directly.

Using a powered mic with a monitoring headphone jack (another USB-A 5V draw on your battery bank) that you plug into the audio inserter will most likely get you the most mileage without hanging a mixer in the rig. I used the AT2020USB+ (this is the mic Jack Danger uses if anyone is looking for credibility) for this use case but most “streamer” mics with direct monitoring should work.

I’m currently playing around with a new multiviewer that does 2160p60 in and out. The quality is insane! This is an OBS screenshot from last night. The lower part of the screenshot is 1:1 pixel ratio from the screenshot. The PF camera is the Panasonic V785 I use in my portable rig.

I’m also working on an OBS script that allows you to control this particular brand of multiviewers when you switch scenes. I’m just teasing this for now. The script will be available on GitHub in a couple of weeks hopefully and I’ll let you in more on the details then. :innocent:


If it can do 4k30 I would hope they also have 1080p60, but…

I did some digging. It uses the Ambarella H22 SoC that is capable of up to 4K60. Some interesting reading:

I guess both the downside and upside here is that the chip is seven years old but it will help bring down the price of the body. Looking at the early pictures there it’s pretty obvious that you’ll be able to accessorize your Mevo Core with WiFi, wired Ethernet, pro USB mics and what not.

My guess is that this will land somewhere between $299 - $399 (body only).

I really like the form factor. I hate the big MFT bodies on the G9, GH5 etc that I have today.

Edit: Someone got hold of the manual

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Is that the Blackbird 4k60 one? I’ve been tempted but wanted to try a cheaper alternative in the interim (and the 1080p one has been out of stock for so long). Quality looks great.

There are three (that I’ve found) UHD multiviewers that are based on the same MCU. OREI, Blackbird and Neu Video. I have two of the OREI’s. For some reason that is just $199 vs the others that are up towards $399.

The OREI’s have HDCP turned on by default so you need to get into the serial interface to turn it off. It comes with a 3-pin phoenix serial plug but you need to get the serial cable separately. Make sure it’s an RS232. They have an app you can download once you have serial comms working.

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Ooof. $1000.

Mildly disappointed. I wonder if they’re going to unlock 60fps in a future firmware upgrade? It seems ridiculous to lock down to 30fps across the board given the SoC can do up to 2160p60.

You get a GH5II body for that money, minus the NDI and USB-C accessory goodies though.

Sturdy built, 1.5lbs.

I think that might be bad copy from the older base model. I watched a video on it that said it does 1080p60.