Stern Godzilla Rulesheet

Trying to figure it out myself (and updating wiki as I do). Just hit it as first plunge of the game and it gave me 11,000,000 x 2, 2 godzilla powerups, and lit and collected anguirus (I missed how many seconds of extra ball save).

First couple times I got it, the ally awarded was Rodan. So my assumption is that the ally that will be awarded changes the same way it does when lit, but unlike when an ally is qualified it is not visible to the player.

Edit: Secret skill doesn’t add ball save time - interesting (and unfortunate end to my last game reading the screen “knowing” I’d have the time to look away from the flippers)



Is there a benefit of defeating a monster on the first attempt? It seems like a strategy now is to get the battle close to done, time it out, then shoot the scoop to resume the mode at a full timer so that when you finish it, you get a nice time bonus with all the time left in the mode. Maybe the time bonus should just be on the first attempt of the mode?


Haven’t seen one with the current code (except that it requires only one made shot to the scoop versus multiple, and that can be a dangerous shot).

I agree it makes sense to make winning a battle in one try more valuable than doing it in two (or more). Wouldn’t be surprised to see this changed in future updates.

Even better, as you’ve passed half way you’ll have an ally lit at the scoop as well.
Choose 2x scoring and make the final shot for a big payoff.

Or play a tier two mode instead for an even bigger payoff.

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Yes, you gain powerup for doing it in one try. I need to have the time bonus nerfed for a re-try thanks for reminding me!


Speculating what powerups provide has been fun! Looking forward to that.



(this post made by Double Bonus gang)

after finishing all 7 Kaijus and shooting both ramps again, and destroying 3 cities complete there are always battelas available … but looks like a bug in the code cause it doesnot start anything. anybody else can confirm that ?
and there are better changes now to destroy all bridges in all 4 cities …
so far i destroyed in all cities
all tanks
all tesla
and all kaijus
and 3 bridges

4 ways to get an extra ball

  • 3 saucers
  • 10 Jets
  • RAMPAGE 1 12 shots
  • RAMPAGE 2 16 shots
    any other ways ?

I don’t think any of the wizard modes are coded yet. Sounds like you’ve reached the end of the current code.

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5 city combos


0.85 < 1.0


The rule sheet reads as though you can collect saucers during a MB, I am not sure that’s accurate. Or I just suck.

I actively go for them all the time. I don’t think I’ve ever lit saucer during MB either. I think all single ball modes it lights though.



Thanks. Wasn’t sure how to change it.