Stern Godzilla Rulesheet

yeah that is a total placeholder. It’s basically just scoring the current destruction jackpot. Has anyone discovered double saucer attack yet? :slight_smile:

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I have a really hard time reading the text on the screen.

When switching between cities the same finished objectives seem to be displayed, seems like when choosing it should show you what has been already been completed in that city. I might be wrong about that though.

@sk8ball Yes. Someone else did. Nice touch.

20 million for a bumper? Don’t mind if I do :slight_smile:

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Hell yeah. I’ve been practicing my shatzing.

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@kdeangelo definitely discovered super train on the Premium :smiley:

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Yep no biggie. Grace period was restarting mode for some reason. Already fixed :slight_smile:

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Is there a physical reason the train mode isn’t on the pro? The vid I saw of it in action was just shooting a ramp over and over which could obviously work on a pro as well

Pro feeds the other flipper.


Maybe make it a criss cross mode for pro then? Or if too similar to gigan, make it ramp, middle spinner, ramp, middle spinner, etc?

Added dedicated sections for Extra Balls and Stacking


Did a little better second time through work saucer multiball, but still scored a pittance. As I recall, I had to hit two or three white shots to light a jackpot on the saucer, which once connected lit probably n+1 white shots to repeat the process. It can’t stack with tier 2 monsters and there appears to be an add-a-ball.

After it ended I collected additional saucers and read on screen that ten would again qualify saucer attack multiball.

I’ve updated the rulesheet for the changes made in code release V0.85.


On the pro I’ve been playing -

  • If you finish your battle, and “accidentally?” select to stay in your city, how would you go about lighting city select again? It seems like if you do this you a fubar and locked out of starting another battle.

  • If you finish all the battles and cities is there anything to do? Currently seems to just perma-light city select and then kick you out and not do anything. What scoring opportunities are left in the current code? Just push for multiballs?

  • Is it possible to stack or add another 2x scoring for 4x+ under the right circumstance?

I believe change city lights any time you do any of the 4 main Monster Monitor items.

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This is correct. Until the powerup system, city perks and wiz modes are in yeah there isn’t much to do past getting through all the cities/ battles.

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I think it’s really neat that you can use the add-a-ball ally more than once in the same multiball

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Super secret skillshot. Plunge left skillshot spinner direct to scoop. 11 mil first then 2x 11 mil etc 2x playfield awarded. Anyhow . Super secret skill is skillshot left lane spinner to scoop. : ) 0.85


I had this happen a week or 2 ago. Skillshot left spinner, then a one-timer with the left flipper directly into the scoop. Going into that ball I had already finished my first battle and the scoop was ready to change cities. After changing the city I was offered the chance to start a second tier 1 battle! No need to shoot the ramps. I’m not sure if this was a secret skillshot, a bug, or I don’t understand the rules.

Then its probably added to the super secret skill. I actually managed to get it twice in one game. I’m not sure how the 11 mil score is calculated and the second time I have a vague memory it was around 12 mil x3. One thing for sure is that you get the 2x ally award. It said Super secret skillshot at the screen… 3 am beer infused godzilla run… my brain never managed to register all the new stuff in the 0.85 code : p currently stuck at 36 achievements… My name is Flippermongo at in.conect.

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