Stern Godzilla Rulesheet

You’re missing the random “hit action button to double your score” pop up that happens during animation stacks


Don’t make jokes like this. Joe the dragon will lose his mind.

It is a joke right? RIGHT?!

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Let your ball save and others? timer run down for an random double your score chance?? or it is like an joke Mystery award that does nothing.

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After aborting several goat animations, I’m much less quicker on the trigger now. Still have no idea what that goat is up too, but I’ll figure it out soon enough. The guy on the left looks totally sketch.


There are 2 goats. Don’t think anyone has noticed astronaut goat yet in the background


Diring Monster Zero, after you have hit the green shots to light the locks most shots turn red to allow you to build the JP value before locking the ball in the building.

However the right ramp never lights red, is there a specific reason for this?

Probably cause you would be able to loop it over and over with very “little” risk.


Not on the Pro, but wouldnt the same apply to the ledt loop?
Plus you can score quicker via the centre spinner, upper loop, upper loop combo.

Just wondering

I thought the red shots were bad. No wonder my scoring has been low in that mode. Haha


I have just been shooting the red shots until it times out and moves to the next phase. But must admit, I am not totally sure on how the jackpot increases. Is each red shot of equal value towards adding to the JP?

Well I think if you don’t get the locks, your SJP multiplier doesn’t increase. I got all locks the other night and it’s an 8x SJP.

After draining without a single lock while trying to build jackpot value a couple times, I’m going to lock the first ball quick from now on and build the value before the second and third lock. Jackpot build period is 30 seconds before red shots turn off, plenty of time. Locking one ball guarantees a MB, even if you drain.

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I was wondering if there was more than one. So astronaut goat doesn’t have his own scene? Snuck in the background of another animation? We need more goat details. This is important.


Been playing Halloween lately?

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Correct, it goes 3x, 5x, and 8x super for each lock. Red shots increase base jackpot value by 250k. It would be cheesy to light the right ramp to increase the jackpot value for any GZ setup at higher than 6.5 (which all should be). Not hard to hop it over and do it again. Nobody give Keith the idea of making you hit a different jet fighter shot other than right ramp! I wouldn’t mind seeing certain shots be worth more in monster zero jackpot buildup than others (side loop and left spinner for the risk). Best one to get a lot of value out of without much risk is left ramp. Quite satisfying to hit three in a row or more.


Great idea to make the other, harder red shots worth more for the build up.

Noticed during Oxygen Destroyer, if you get it while another mode is running, that the mode keeps running in the background while the display / sound / lighting prioritizes Oxygen Destroyer, meaning a mode can time out while Oxygen Destroyer is running. So yup, the Elwin “never freeze timers for anything” rule is in effect here, a well-placed implementation of it too.

now what can that mess up in game code? Now at least don’t start Oxygen Destroyer if you have multi mode that is staring and it hits the drain say an missed mag hold?
What if any thing happens with Oxygen Destroyer in coin door ball saver?

Anyone else seeing less successfully grabs when Magnagrab is lit? My success rate, despite nailing the magnet, seems to have gone down since the last update.

Interesting. I played a steep premium on new code over the weekend and was impressed how the magnet was grabbing most every building shot. The premium I usually play on older code misses a lot of fast shots. Readme specifically said there were magnet adjustments, as I’m sure you’re aware.

Assuming you haven’t made any adjustments, maybe try a factory reset?

Edit: I was speaking more about building shots. Not direct magnet shots. Maybe the adjustments fixed missed building shots and made direct magnet grabs harder? Curious how the magnet knows if it makes a grab. Eddy sensor?