SCS brackets/streams/updates

Not sure what the reasoning is for that rule. I watched Cal play two rounds at the same time (maybe even three?) and it didn’t seem to be a problem. The eventual winner’s group always took longer than the other groups. The others didn’t want to sit around.

Our league plays at a location where the games are tight. Heads almost touching. It isn’t a problem as long as no one slide saves a game. The games all have grippy feet on them, which discourages slide saves. If I were TD, I wouldn’t allow people to wait for that reason. Yes, hands and body parts occasionally touch, but not as often as you think and no one has gotten donkey kicked yet.

Our games in MD were probably on the more liberal side as well, but I concur with the idea of letting players showcase their talents, and we too had some pretty epic matches.

Agreed. There is a reason behind this rule in the first place. It was implemented so a player can’t “fish” for a good game pick by gauging their opponent’s reaction to their pick, and then changing their pick if their opponent likes the game that was chosen.

“P1: I choose Alice cooper because its a snooze fest!”
“P2: yay! I was hoping you’d pick that, I also think its a snooze fest!”
“P1: Wait, now I change my mind, I’ll choose Jetsons!”
“P2: Oh no! My advantage on boat-anchor games is thwarted!”

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Does this rule apply to choice of game or position?! Multiple times throughout the day someone chose “game” walked around, saw nothing appealing then passed the choice to me. It’s widely known that I never choose games so I would have loved to prevent this!

I am pretty sure if they say game then it should be locked in.

Did they make a choice of which game? The rules say, “…verbally announces their game choice, or chooses position…” If a player hasn’t made a game choice, then my opinion is that they can still opt to choose position.

Further, did you bring this up with one of the other TD’s at the time? It certainly wasn’t brought to my attention.

“ Once a player verbally announces their game choice, or chooses position, that decision will be locked in and cannot be changed.”


I did not bring it to a TDs attention because I didn’t think I needed too. I agree that someone should be able to switch to choice of position if nothing is appealing which is why it wasn’t brought up.

The question was more just for future reference.

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If they say which game, I absolutely agree.

If they have only chosen to pick a game instead of position, I think there should be a little window of time for them to change their mind.

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Fil Baird won DC! We started at 1 pm and finshed at 7:15 pm. :relaxed:


congrats to all the women state champs!


OH - Holly Koskinen

KY - Phoebe Smith (OH)

NC - Linsey Rogers (OH)

AZ - Lee Ann Scardina

WA- Ashley Weaver

OR- Zoe Vrabel

ON - Gwen Holowecky

I cannot wait to see this list get longer and longer each year!

*Ohio had Erin Malysa travel from IL to compete and came in 4th. This is definitely something that puts Women’s Pinball on the map.


What a great and exciting weekend in Renton at 8-Bit Arcade! We saw some epic games on TOTAN, Corvette and many others and of course the big Ironman match of Cayle George vs. Raymond Davidson for the Championship!

All the coverage is here and unedited:

I also want to give special and awesome thanks to: Doug Marsh (Sound/Video), Stephen Donaldson (Host/Video), Hannah Hatch (Host), Jasmijn de Jong (Host), Ashley Weaver (Host/Venue Support), Dave Stewart, 8-Bit Arcade, Karl DeAngelo (Creator of the PINRIG), the community on Twitch, Facebook, Twitter and the peeps here on the TiltForums.

What a way to start off 2020!!

  • Chase

BUMP…please add links at the top post.

A new thread has been created for this year: 2022 NACS & WNACS Brackets/Streams/Updates

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