SCS brackets/streams/updates

Eric Stone wins Florida again. Look out, everybody!

And I just want to wish Idaho’s winner the best: GO AVIANA! I hope we meet someday.


Illinois, you tease!

I kept hitting refresh when I saw 3-3 and the answer never came. Ha ha

Congrats to the GOAT

I had to run to my wife’s 40th surprise birthday party so I was one foot out the door during that last game. I’ll update it soon :slight_smile:

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This written excuse was so well rehearsed, Josh was able to execute it more quickly than logging onto challonge and making three clicks.


Congrats to the winners!

In addition to Nationals and Pinmasters, Colorado is having big side tournaments on Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday…so come early and stay late!


Mark Pearson won Arizona. This is his second title (first was 2018). He beat Will McKinney (4 previous titles, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019) in the final matchup. These two have been in the final match 5 of the last 6 years.

1st through 4th finished in exact order according to initial seed.


Is she the first female to win a state championship or have there been others?


Travis Hockemeyer won in style in Indiana 4-0. And the only state with the championship in a bank vault


This isn’t even Aviana’s first state championship win! She also won Idaho in 2017. Other past female state champs include Keri Wing (2018, Kansas), Leslie Kozloski (2017, New Hampshire), and Adrienne Black (2016, Louisiana).


Aviana is a repeat champ and last time she was conspicuously very young! I remember watching her carefully studying a notebook of notes in between rounds at Nationals.

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Looking at the stream looks like Tim Street best out Chris Warren in the finals for Alabama.

Anyone know who won MO?


From Brian Bannon:
Nathan Goett wins in Missouri, and he was seeded 15th! He beat seeds two, ten, three, and then the #1 seed to win the championship!


That was a lot of fun, never had as much fun getting 8th before! Thanks for hosting Yancy

And I will vouch, fearless leader Josh was multitasking IFPA stuff, Gatorade runs, and playing very well. Bracket omissions are all forgiven.


Similar to last year, Is there a google sheet that lists this year that lists each state/provincial winner? I looked at initial post Wiki and didn’t see one.

Not sure about Google. But this is on IFPA website.

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Where is BC?

Congrats to Bill Mason for taking the win in NC this year.


Eden said he lost to Robert 4-1 in the BC Province final

Quick question for those that got knocked out in the Semifinals and then had a match for the money. Did those two players each get 3rd, or does the playoff for the money determine position and one person gets 3rd and the other 4th?

When we do our league, the end of week 8 determines your position and then week 9 is for trophies and cash. We submit results to the IFPA based on the end of week 8. I wasn’t sure how this worked for the SCS.