I added some Live Info for the final Louisville games, and I hope I get around to doing that for the other new tournaments soon.
I also added a new feature:
autoFF: automatically play everything that isn’t actual gameplay at 2x speed
This only works on games that have Live Info, of course. For now, this is another “hidden” setting at the bottom right of the screen—at some point I’m going to have to make an actual settings page for these things.
I just realized that the cron jobs responsible for syncing with IFPA and IPDB stopped working some time ago, so the machine sorting by release date and the player sorting by IFPA rank were off.
I fixed that now, so there’s a bunch of new machines at the top of the machines page which were missing before. Not sure what to do about suppressed players in regards to sorting, looks like right now they are just ordered by their last known rank, which I guess is good enough.
Also, looks like speed controls don’t work on mobile, so the new autoFF setting is pretty useless there. I don’t think there’s anything I can do about that.
Just uploaded finals videos from two large pinball tournaments that were held in Bunde, Germany on April 7th and 8th called Pinball Universe Battle. These two videos have some great footage of awesome players that have been part of the ifpa for a long time but we haven’t seen much gameplay from at all to this point.
German Pinball Open finals added. Great back and forth play from the finalists. Definitely adding this clip to my list of favorite multiball start celebrations!