Pinball Map Open Thread

Podcast episode #7 is out: Collecting and Connecting

Stickers for sale for $1 on the store.

And we made hand sanitizers that are exclusive to Patreon supporters.

(I thought I posted about the stickers and 'tizers already - did it get deleted? Or did I fail to click “post”?)


I’m not seeing any deleted posts so probably a missed “Post” click on your end. Cool swag!

App update for Android and iOS:

  • Dark Mode support (iOS only at this time, Android coming next)
  • Updated the sorting method for the list of machines (when adding a machine to a location, or filtering by machine, or submitting a new location). Now it ignores “The”.
  • Added a new filter to a filter: When filtering results by a particular machine, you now have the option to either choose from the 1,100+ machines that are in the database, or the list of machines can be only what is currently available in the map extent.
  • Many bug fixes and code component updates.
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@ROM you know country is listed as an optional field, but you can’t promote a location without it? :wink:

(Admin page)

Yeah :< It’s a weird thing that I tried and failed to fix. Scott is very busy at a new job, so hasn’t had time to fix it. And my ruby on rails skills aren’t up to snuff. We’ll try to get to it soon.

Usually a submission defaults to secretly having “United States” as the country. So even when the field doesn’t appear to be filled in, you can still promote the location. But not always.

Honestly, just change the optional text to required and call it fixed. Also, put United states at the top of the list. :slight_smile:

We’re an open source project!


Map usage in March. Good job, self-quarantining. Big slowdown occurred before most places closed.

Also, we’ve pulled together a list of businesses that are renting out machines.


interesting stats, i wonder what @haugstrup has for Matchplay? :slight_smile:

There’s been a noticeable drop in traffic here too.

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I don’t have day-by-day stats readily available, but March was about half the regular volume of tournaments.

During the first 7 days of April there has been 14 tournaments so it’s on track for 56 tournaments in April (around 5% of the expected volume).

Thank you for staying home everyone :pray: :pray: :pray:


Nice plunge. Once it picks back up, the Matchplay graph would make a good candidate for the Ski Stock ski-jumping game (if they had anything other than stock graphs on there).

Personally, my message board/chat usage has dropped off significantly. My wife and I are working from home while simultaneously caring for our 2 year old. So, if I have a moment to hang out on a message board or chat room, that moment needs to instead be spent watching my kid.

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Follow-up to the stats chart I posted last April.

Wild ride.

App update coming soon! Stay tuned.


We released Pinball Map app v5.2.0 for iOS and Android! Blog post about it. Here’s an overview of the changes. Thanks for using the app!

  • Universal links (aka deep links), so a url hyperlink (say, from a website or text) will open up that location on the app.
  • Added “share” button on location details screen, so you can text app links to friends.
  • iOS only: Show number of machines on the dots/markers on the map (see screenshot below). And places with more machines have slightly larger dots.
  • Android only: We moved away from using “custom” map markers styles because it was impacting performance.
  • Performance improvement on map: instead of the map auto-refreshing results when you pan/zoom, now you’ll see a “Search this area” button to refresh the results.
  • When Filtering by machine, you can filter by “all versions of that machine” (e.g Pro, Premium, etc.) or just that one version.
  • Added “stale” text to locations that haven’t been updated in over two years.
  • Redesigned colors/styles and many other things.
  • Redesigned the location details screen so it is a single tab. All the tools (add machine, confirm lineup, etc) are found upon clicking the Tools button in the lower right. Also added location type icons to this screen.
  • Display a Message of the Day on the map screen. It will only display when we have something new to say. The message can also be found on the About page.
  • Updated the FAQ. Wow!
  • Added a new “Resources” page with links to some useful pinball sites.
  • Lots of bug fixes and code enhancements.


A location near me has a linked pair of NBA Fastbreak tables. Adding another copy doesn’t seem to do anything in the app.
Just mentioning it because it’s an interesting edge case. Not sure it’s worth spending programming resources on it.

Even if you could add multiple copies to a location how might one differentiate them in the app? Left & right would work for this pair.

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Yeah that’s an edge case that we’re aware of. But so far we’ve determined that it’s not worth spending resources working on. Our best advice is to leave a machine comment saying there are two set up as linked machines.

In other news: I didn’t mention it here, but we did some spring cleaning of the Pinball Map data, and made blog posts about it here and here. It largely involved consolidating some of the “location types” as well as removing some non-pinball machines from our database. As we explain in the blog post, the non-pinball machines (e.g. bat games and the like) were putting us on a slippery slope, resulting in people getting mad at us about not including x and y other non-pinball machines (e,g. random arcade machines). So we opted to pull back and remove the non-pinball machines. Which, of course, means that now people are mad at us about that…


I’m reminded of some saying about never being able to please anyone all of the times.

Also, I’m glad it’s not full of the other stuff.

May be add NBA Fastbreak Linked to the game list?


That’s a good idea!

We added “NBA Fastbreak Linked” as a machine. And I added it to a few locations based on some recent comments (Pinballz Arcade, At the Wallace, Upstate Pinball Arcade & Museum).

We just released a small app update, v5.2.1.

This one fixes an issue with deep links that was making it hard for users to reset forgotten passwords.

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