Pinball Map Open Thread

A request - would love to have the updates to individual maps be visible on their pages. From my experience, I see the a number on the pinball map get updated then scroll through the entire list of locations to find what game got added.

On the app, we have a “recent activity” section that specifies what the recent updates are.

Are you asking for that for the website?

See screenshot:

Pretty much, actually.

In the meantime, there are RSS feeds that show which machines have been added. On the website, the feed links are in the menu, and you can subscribe to them using… a number of programs. I use NetNewsWire on my phone.

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App update (v5.2.2).

One bug fix: When you submitted multiple locations in a row, sometimes the 2nd+ locations weren’t going through correctly. We weren’t getting them at all, and it was unclear to the user that there was an issue (basically, the app would skip the “review your submission” screen and go straight to the “thanks for submitting” screen). The gist is that the form wasn’t clearing out correctly after your first submission.

So if you have ever submitted a few locations at once, but didn’t see some of them added to the map, please resubmit!

Other things:

  • We added “NBA Fastbreak Linked” as a machine (see discussion above)
  • In total, the site is listing 7,525 locations and 28,106 machines
  • We’ve added more than 340 new locations since June 1
  • We’re at nearly 12,000 registered users (you don’t have to be registered to use it)

App update (v5.2.3).

  • Added an option in the Settings page for using Miles or Kilometers as the distance unit
  • On iOS, Show the number of machines at your Saved locations on the map (the heart icon)
  • Styled the Events page (missed this in the 5.2.0 update), and added a more descriptive message when Events cannot be fetched from the IFPA calendar

Another lil update. v5.2.4

  • Update the “country” picker in the Location Suggestion form
  • Fixed a bug in how that country field is processed
  • Minor design tweaks, including a new splash screen logo

Since last we talked:

App versions 5.2.5, 5.26, and 5.27 released.

  • Updated theme colors, as well as redesigned some elements, especially on the Location Details screen
  • Replaced system fonts with custom fonts
  • Android: Fixed bug with heart map marker icons not always displaying correctly
  • Fixed issue with search not geocoding correctly
  • Fixed issue with search keyboard being dismissed at wrong times
  • Code enhancements and performance improvements (lots of behind the scenes updates, like how we store secrets, and where the root of the app is, etc)
  • Fixed that bug more better with the “my location” button on some devices
  • Fixed issue with deep links not always working correctly


Hey Everyone! I’ve been messing around with the PinballMap API and I made a webpage that shows new/updated machines in a selected region for the past 90 days. Someone on the Pinside Philly thread mentioned making a Python script that does something similar, so I tried to make a webpage people could visit to see their region.

If you go to the main page you’ll get a random region. Pick your region in the dropdown. Any feedback is welcome!

Many thanks to Ryan and Scott for such an awesome resource.


Awesome. Bookmarked. Thank you.

Indeed, this is great!

I was telling Corey that this fits a niche that folks have asked for in this issue.

Reminder that not only do we have a public API that you can use to make cool tools like the one above, but the website and app code is on github. You could, I don’t know, change the colors of buttons if you want.

Sort of speaking of regions, here is a list of regions that do not currently have administrators. Regions Without Admins ¡ scottwainstock/pbm Wiki ¡ GitHub

Just a warning (?) that some or all of these regions could be deleted at a whim. Regions are still cool, but the map has somewhat shifted away from the region-centric model. It’s not a huge burden to have regions without admins, since uber admins like me are already moderating all the “regionless” locations. But it does add a little bit of extra work sometimes (like trying to figure out if it’s accurate to put a submitted location in a particular region).

This is so neat. I am going to try using this for a segment on my NYC-focused pinball podcast.

@coreyhulse and anyone else: we added a new API endpoint the other day: by_state_id. It requires a filter, so it can’t be used on its own, but it’s well-combined with the by_city_id param. So like, previously you could use to pull up locations in Westminster, but the issue is that there are multiple cities named Westminster. by_state_id allows you get more specific, i.e.;by_state_id=CO


Two app updates since I last posted here. Blog post with details: Ranks and Other Notes

Happy to discuss the updates here!


March 24, 2022

  • Show backglass image (from OPDB) on machine screen
  • Note whether or not an operator receives machine comments
  • Add contributor rank and badge to user profile
  • Updated the FAQ
  • Bug fixes and stuff


February 8, 2022

  • Refined the City search so that it pulls up all results in that city (March 2022 note: we’ll be refining this further based on user feedback)
  • Design updates (increased text contrast, revised colors)
  • Fixed a scrolling issue on the Events page
  • Fixed an issue on Android where commas weren’t being added when entering a high score
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A couple notes:

Latest app update: 5.2.11

March 24, 2022

  • Show backglass image (from OPDB) on machine screen
  • Note whether or not an operator receives machine comments
  • Add contributor rank and badge to user profile
  • Updated the FAQ
  • Bug fixes and stuff

We won the 2021 TWIPY for Best Pinball App

Repo Reorg

We consolidated all the Pinball Map github repositories on an organization named Pinball Map:

Reminder that we’re an open source project. Here’s a blog post about the reorg:

In this post we also clarify that when projects use our data, they should include attribution. We recently discovered an arcade map that pulled a massive amount of our data to populate their own website and did not provide any attribution.


suggestion: a separate section for “condition” comments and “settings” comments for each machine
condition would be things like weak flippers, non registering shots, etc, and settings for things like 5ball, comp mode, mutiball set to hard, outlane positions, etc.

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We have a couple dirtbag operators that delete and re-enter their machines on pinball map when someone mentions an issue that they don’t fix. Can anything be done about that?

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Yes, they can have their account disabled for making ill-intentioned map edits. Please PM me details, or send them via the Contact form on the site.

Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll consider this. We have tried to keep it simple from a user interface perspective. Adding things like this runs the risk of confusing users, and of course there’s no guarantee that users would put the appropriate comment in the appropriate box. But it’s sometimes to think about - I can understand why it would be helpful to separate the bad from the good.

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I saw someone talking about Joystix in Houston elsewhere and it was mentioned that they have a sign on the door that says something like ‘no entry unless you plan to buy a game’. I have no problem with them doing business this way, but should it be on the map? Doesn’t sound like a public location to me. Pics were posted and apparently they have more than one Bond there, which is mentioned on their website, but somehow they didn’t manage to update the free advertising on the map? A search on Joystix here gets zero hits, so I assume zero tournaments there. Does this business deserve to be on the map?