PAPA 19 Games Revealed

i think they mentioned it on a previous papa tv?

Poker Plus
Super Orbit
Hocus Pokus
Fast Draw

circuit final are on bank A machine right?


Interesting! Did not know that.


In another thread, I asked how many games were in the circuit final, you said 12; there are 10 in PAPA A, so what are the other two? The original question was regarding whether or not the last group would have any machine choice at all.

Petition to make the mystery two machines Time Warp and Disco Fever, with the banana flippers of course. :slight_smile:

New topic: PAPA 19 Games Reviled


There will be 12, but right now I forget what the other 2 were. :slight_smile:

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Orbitor1? Everyone favorite Pinburgh game :slightly_smiling:

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The other two for Circuit will be Quicksilver and Super Orbit. Scuba and another boat anchor are lined up right now, but I’m going to make some adjustments this Saturday. No offense to you EM masters out there, but circuit final on Scuba doesn’t strike me as a high-ratings proposition.



Agreed, since Scuba is largely a bumper-love game with occasional shooting. It’ll probably get rolled by a player or two in Classics I, but only a couple. Allow me to broadcast now: “Keith / Jorian / Bowen / Zach / … will now try to shoot the ball between the bumpers and try to get some sideways action to hit as many of the stand-up targets between the top lanes as possible …” Rinse and repeat.

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Have you ever come across the EM predecessor, Gottleib’s Orbit? They have one in Banning.

What settings will EBD use? Is it gonna be left orbits all day or right saucer X collects?

I really hope that PZ has a major fix done on the upkicker. It was so frustrating in Louisville watching it fail 27 times in a row to kick the ball up. My favorite was when it timed out your Laugh Attack while it flailed aimlessly. It really wasn’t a party at all!:hushed:

left orbits i suspect

So I am going to my first PAPA - if I am in B and then realize I am not gonna make the cut, can I just jump to A towards the end and see what I can do on that bank? Essentially, can you switch divisions upwards during the tournament or are you locked into whatever you start in?


correct, up but not down.

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@genex I think last year the cutoff to decide was Saturday at noon. I fully expect you to qualify in B though.

Stepping up to a game in a PAPA bank for the first time is like a punch to the face while getting initiated to a fight club. It’ll hurt pretty bad for a while but you’ll keep stepping back up for more punishment.


Good luck Gene!