Match Play Events: The Next Generation

Luckily for me I have three TVs so I can show just standings on the one tv, as people really like the updated standings I will try it at the next big event I do.

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What’s the use case for saving partial results? I’ve never thought to do that and I’m wondering if I’m missing out on a useful feature.

If you’re scorekeeping multiple games at the same time it’s nice to be able to fill positions in as people get locked in to their final position.

The other advantage of the circles if that you don’t have pick people from 1st-4th, but can go from 4th-1st if you please :person_shrugging:


i’ve used that to record actual scores on one player EMs as well. so the partial result is just the score vs the position which I think right now doesn’t auto convert the scores to placings but i haven’t had to do that for a month or so so could have changed


Last week in one of our leagues, the TD closed the tournament with the results of one game not entered yet. There is no way to go back and enter the results even after reopening the tournament. If you try to enter results there is an error “Round is not in progress. (403)”. The TD was able to adjust points of the players in that game as a workaround.

There is a check mark when closing a tournament to close open rounds which is the default, but there should probably be some sort of warning if results aren’t recorded for every game. Or maybe it’s a bug? It should not close a round if all the results are not in. It appears there is no way to close a round with not all the results entered while the tournament is open, but when closing a tournament it will close open rounds even if all results are not in.

This was the tournament and the Round 5 game on Game of Thrones should have been 1st Jon, 2nd Nick, 3rd Wade.

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I don’t close rounds until the tournament is over, that always allows me to edit any scores in any round to make adjustments to groupings. If you close them there is no way to change them as far as I know.

i have never been face with a situation like this and my OCD always made me close round as it was progressing but i just did a test and you are right. Not closing round let you easily update each round results while if you close, at best you can delete the new round you have drawn but that is it.

@haugstrup is there a way to have closed rounds being able to be edited or you recommend TD to leave them open just in case?

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I’d personally close rounds when I’ve verified that the results are good, but each to their own.

I’d like to relax the restrictions around not being able to edit results in closed rounds (and open more tournament settings up for being changed after the tournament started), but just haven’t found the time. I need to verify that each of the tournament formats will behave nicely


The Amazing Race will prompt you to close a round if there’s nobody in the queue, even if there are players waiting on a previous game. Once you do that, there’s no way to correct the error. You can see an example of it here. It shows Bill stuck in round 5, even though he went on to win the tournament.

You didn’t really answer the question I posted. Should it allow you to close open rounds when you close a tournament if all the results aren’t in? Is that a bug?

Hi Andreas! Been a long time since I flooded your inbox. :sweat_smile: I have a few suggestions and requests I’ve been mulling over. Feel free to shoot me down if it’s not worth the effort. Everything you’ve done thus far is great!

Overview tab
For some reason when adding Scorekeepers it is nearly impossible to search for players if their name has changed in MP. You must search for them by their original name, which isn’t always known. Can we search by whatever name they are currently using?

Amazing Race
An option to choose a random arena.

League Series
Allow TD to uncheck all Check-Ins with one click on the Registrations tab, so at the next league meeting they don’t need to spend time individually unchecking all players. Or automatically uncheck Check-Ins after 12 hours or so.

Flip Frenzy
Allow Scorekeepers. I would love to play in the tourney too! :disappointed_relieved:

Option to run a tourney with 3 player groups max (for a faster tourney).

Big Screen View
Max Matchplay - show the queue or just a box with the number of players in queue so that TD can quickly look up at the screen and see if they need to create new matches. I was checking my phone non-stop to see if enough players were ready to draw new matches.

Change Arena
On average we have about 10 players on 20 arenas, 4 player Group KO. Often we have to Change Arena for a group because a casual just started a game on the chosen arena. Selecting “Automatically pick arena” should “assign an arena that has been played the fewest times by all opponents” when Arena Assignments are set to Balanced. This rarely seems to be the case. I’ve often see MP place 1 or 2 players on a pin they just played even as early as the second round. So then I have to choose “Automatically pick area” a couple times until I find one MP’s algo should have easily picked. Is it possible the arena auto picker isn’t working as intended in Balanced Arena formats?

Lastly, is there a reason why Big Screen View can’t have a shorter refresh rate? I’ve seen it requested multiple times in here, but there is never an explanation why we this isn’t an option. Even 30 seconds would quell my impatient players who haven’t figured out how to use a smart phone yet. :upside_down_face:

Thanks my man!


I’ve been watching a lot of Jeopardy! lately and love the idea of 3p groups. 3/1/0 scoring in the Masters event with a round robin was really fun to watch and I see a concept like that translating well to pinball.


Yessir❗Everytime we have 9 players people love it. Less wait time in between balls but still the excitement of playing in a group.

More importantly, there’s no pressure to get 1st like that which exists in H2H knockout.

And most importantly, @pinwizj won’t mind cause the IFPA already has a formula for “mostly 3 player groups.” :+1:

Thank you for letting me know. I’ve added it to my list of Amazing Race issues to work through the next time that format gets a round of updates :bowing_man:

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There’s no one true answer here. The current behavior is that if you close a tournament and the checkbox to close rounds is checked, then rounds will be closed no matter what else is going on. Is that the best behavior? Maybe, maybe not.

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As a scorekeeper for that tournament where we had the problem I can still go to the last round and it let’s me tap “Enter Results” for the game that’s still in progress, but after doing it and trying to submit it gives an error that the round is not in progress, so something’s not right. If the round is closed then it shouldn’t allow me to open the Enter Results window.

Like I said earlier it would be better to give an error or warning when a TD tries to close a tournament without all the results in. The tournament in question had something like 27 games going on in the last round, so it was easy to miss and the players in the game were low in the standings, so it was easy to miss those players that had a dot next to their name in the standings.

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Alright, lightning round!

Scorekeeper search is exactly the same as user search (on the main search page). The thing to keep in mind is that this searches user profiles and not players. The two may not be the same.

Sounds fun, added to my list. Though you’ll almost certainly want “balanced” and not “random”. No one likes playing the same arena three times in a row because the selection was random :wink:

Ooooh of course!

Sorry, the way results are processed on the server makes this an impossibility. If you want scorekeepers, you have to play something else like Max Match Play

The most requested tournament format. Unfortunately, adding this means that I have to make changes to the player pairing code and that’s one of my least favorite things. Though, I am currently testing the second-most requested tournament format (double elimination brackets, if you want to help test send me your MP profile link) so never say never

This is one of those cases where half the TDs want one thing and half wants the opposite. And doing both is a time suck for me. I see your pain!

I’ve heard this regularly over the past 8 years but there’s never been an actual problem with the algorithm. There’s an audit under Stats → Players where you can see how many repeat arenas were assigned.

You can always hit “Refresh now” if you’re getting impatient. Most of the time the big screen view sits and loads the same unchanged data over and over. Even text message notifications can take up to a minute to arrive. Maybe I could charge a penny every time the big screen view updates and let people choose exactly how often they want it to update :stuck_out_tongue:


Gotcha! I can just add a new scorekeeper to the tournament and then click their name > View player profile to find their user name to conduct my search. Would it be possible to make players clickable in the main sidebar Players screen so I can view user profiles w/o adding them to the tourney? :grin:

I’m totally down! I would love to conduct everything in MP in the future. Profile # → 8312

I’ll get back to ya. :wink:

Is it possible to send a refresh trigger to Big Screen View after a new round is started in basic tourneys? I’m not a seasoned web developer so feel free to tell me how ridiculous an idea that is. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for addressing and fixing my other issues. :pray: My league and TDs will certainly appreciate it :exclamation:

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That player profile now has access to double elimination brackets :raised_hands:

Technically yes, but it requires a rather complicated (and expensive) layer of infrastructure. I reevaluate every now and again but so far it has not been worth it

Small update going into the weekend: Bulk update players and arenas. Perhaps most useful for those of you who juggle arena categories often: