INDISC 2020 - 'The OPEN' IFPA Championship! - Trivia channel

Phantom of the Oprea

No Good Gofers
Lord of the Rings
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Sky Jump
NBA Fastbreak
Surf n Safari

2nd clue time for regular trivia!

Ok…here we go…good luck!

Clue #2: Is that guy turning into a werewolf?


X files

3rd Clue time (regular trivia)

Ok…here we go…good luck!

Clue #3: After midnight, we’re gonna let it all hang out


4th clue.

Here we go…good luck!

You’re “lighting the way” but, you’re “under our spell”.

Monster Bash

Marry Shelley Frankenstein

Star Light

Congrats Nancy Rose!
Starlight added to The Open!

“Star Light” I assume, not “Starlight” the 1942 EM :smiley:

Love that game, no idea what went through @BMU mind on that one again though :wink:

I remember years ago this was more like actual trivia, but I think the time has come to just call it INDISC Riddles.


My lead singer needs this suit fitted a.s.a.p. for her nightclub act…

Fitted suit done by a tailor, ASAP = swift… Taylor Swift has a song called Starlight

4th clue did it though for sure, check out the back of the flyer

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More trivia!!

Regular trivia will conclude by 9am pst this Sat. All games in the Open and Classics banks will also be revealed this Sat at 9am pst.

Ok…here we go…u know the rules…good luck!

‘Haven’t seen that action since 007 saved the day’.

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Well done Colin MacAlpine!

ACNC added to The Open.

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On BTC, Do you know the settings you are going to use? Speed and amount of time?

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A quick fitting requires a Swift Tailor. Taylor Swift song Starlight.

No Good Gofers
Grand Lizard
Surf n Safari
Hokus Pokus
NBA Fastbreak
Sky Jump
Creature from the Black Lagoon