INDISC 2020 - 'The OPEN' IFPA Championship! - Trivia channel

V8 ball deluxe

2nd clue time!

You know the rules…

Ok…here we go…good luck!

Clue #2: You’re making a grave mistake

Congrats to Matthew Rowbottom! Winner of the complete trivia prize package!
Sopranos added to The Open!

And more trivia!

Scroll up or down for rules.

Ok…here we go…good luck!

Clue#1: Use those legs!

2nd clue time!

You know the rules.

Ok…here we go…good luck!

Clue #2: Looks like 60% more than the Pentagon budget

Bride of Pinbot

3rd Clue time…

Here we go…good luck!

Clue#3: Hurry!


Starship Troopers

Johnny Mnemonic?


Attack from Mars

Clue #4 time…

Scroll up or down 4 rules.

Let’s do a review:
#1 - use those legs
#2 - Looks like 60% more than the Pentagon budget
#3 - Hurry!

Ok…here we go…good luck!

Clue#4 - “Time flies when you’re having fun!”

Back to the Future.

Congrats to Escher Leftkoff!
Beat the Clock added to The Open!

More trivia!

You know the rules.

Ok…here we go…good luck!

Clue #1: Billy Joel’s sure tickling those ivories


Time for clue #2!

You know the rules.

Ok…here we go…good luck!

Clue #2: See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil

Congrats Derek Thomson!
Jungle Queen added to Classics!

Ladies and Gentlemen…Welcome to INDISC 2020 Tournament Game Trivia!!

Since we’re using the ‘card’ system again in 2020, the same rules/awards as last year apply.

1 trivia win = INDISC pin or patch!
2 trivia wins = INDISC shirt!
3 trivia wins = Everything! (Pin, Patch, Shirt AND 1 entry card for any division, except High Stakes. (High Stakes will have its own trivia! Watch for it in late December. - ALL players will be eligible for the High Stakes trivia!)

All ‘wins’ are the same, no matter how many clues it takes.

Clues will be text and/or pics.

Only 1 winner per game, so answer quickly! (Also, 1 guess per person, per clue (usually daily)! (MAX 3 ‘WINS’ per player!)

Game trivia is for attendees only!

If you feel for any reason that you might be ineligible to play…you probably are…so don’t! (Or, ask me 1st!)

If you wanna play for fun, email me at!
AND, OF COURSE, IF YOU’RE NOT PLANNING ON ATTENDING, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM PLAYING. Thank you from me and everyone WHO IS planning on attending!

Also, please don’t edit/change your answers after posting…would hate to have to BAN you!

35 + total games this year…all over the map! Not sure we’ll do trivia for all, but we’ll see…

Any questions? Email me at

Please post all answers either on our FB event page, or my email.

Ok…here we go…good luck everyone…

Clue #1: ‘Penny’ for your thoughts.