IFPA Mobile App, Available on Android and iOS - Community Discussion, bug reporting, etc

This is cool. Is there a read me with a list of available commands? I’m also typing /ifpa rank as you did above but nothing is happening. !ifpa doesn’t seem to do anything either. I must be doing something wrong. The bot was added to my integrations successfully.

Jay, I am live-debugging the app right now. /ifpa help will show you commands. it’s a WIP, should be stable later this evening. you’ll have to spam /ifpa help while I add more endpoints to see what’s available.

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Here are the commands as they stand tonight. suggestions are welcome and I’ll add anything I can.


Listing all top-level commands and groups. Specify a command to see more information.


`help`, `nacs`, `player`, `rank`

So you can search for a player, you can show the top rankings (and pass a param to show womens and youth rankings), and show NACS overview as well as NACS standings by State/Prov

Here’s some ideas off the top of my head…

List by rating
Maybe something that spits back the h2h results for any given player
List of tournaments in a given area
List results of a specific event

Got it working… permissions issue. My fault.

If this gets annoying please tell me. I figure I’ll just throw out the things I can think of and you can take them or leave them.

Player search by player number (just name works now)
Rankings by efficiency percentage
Rankings/rating/efficiency by state (womens and mens)

Not at all annoying. I want people to use it, so hearing what people want is a big help. I’ll be tinkering on it this week so hopefully I can add some more features like the ones you requested

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Ed, I know we’ve been talking on Discord but I wanted to share appreciation for this effort. The undocumented v2 API seems really awesome, and the quick work you’ve done on the Discord bot has been amazing to see. I’m looking forward to seeing the additional features come together. I think this bot will be an integral part of the local Discord community that we’re building.

Adding to the feature request list:

  • Upcoming Tournaments → Pass along a location and get upcoming tournament listings within X miles (like on the site and your app). Would be nice to see Name, Location, and then hyperlink to IFPA or deep-link the app.
  • Player command → Also return current NACS standings
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Felt cute, might mess around with Discord Embeds later

new features: player by id, nacs by country, upcoming tournaments


In my iOS app I’m seeing my NACS rankings for 2019. In the IFPA site, it shows the 2022 standing under my name. Is my app hanging up on something that I need to give it a little nudge, or is this what others are seeing as well? My stuff is set to auto-update, so I’m pretty sure I have the latest version, if that would matter.

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Thanks for the feedback @desertt1 ! So the NACS api endpoints are changing… because different series are coming up, like Australian, Women’s, NACS, etc. So the developer has made a more robust and generalized API endpoint where you can provide what you want. Long story short: I need to change the code in the app. I have a long weekend this weekend so it might happen this week! Thanks!

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I accidently turned off the rebuild for the old NACS code, thus the data went stale. It will continue to update with each website rebuild until @Richthofen can change the apps to use the new API.


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Thanks to both of you. The effort is appreciated.

Version 2.3.1 of the IFPA Companion App is now live in the iOS App Store. Google Play version awaiting approval but should be released soon.
Player Search moved to the Rankings Page
Championship Series moved front and center
Championship Series now available for ACS and Women’s CS.
Championship Series for an individual Player is fixed.
Country flags repaired.

One of the side effects of these changes is we don’t have historical NA Championship Series data with these new endpoints, yet. So only 2022 data is available.



Version 2.4.0 is available for iOS. Android coming soon, fixing some display bugs. This version has deep linking so that if you follow a link to a player page or tournament result it will open in-app.

Also; players you’ve viewed are available in spotlight search.


Happy belated new years, everyone. Some info about the IFPA app: I’ve been working on an update using Microsoft’s latest cross-platform tech called “MAUI”. It’s mostly so I stay current with what the community in cross-platform apps is doing, so I don’t get rusty. But also because Microsoft eventually will stop supporting Xamarin and move to MAUI, and I want to make sure the app continues to get releases because eventually as android and iOS evolve, the apps have to be released to support that.

However, there’s a lot of bugs in the new platform so its been slow going. I know there’s a few outstanding bugs in the mobile app and fixes are in the works, but I’m not going to patch the old app with them. So its kind of a waiting game as I work around bugs. tl;dr an update is coming this year for the app to hopefully make it less buggy and easier to use but its blocked a bit by the new framework so I’m not sure when its coming.

My goal is to always keep this app free, have it be the ‘official’ app with support from the IFPA and the players, and always have the source code available so others can build off it. Please feel free to contact me directly, use github or tiltforums or even PMs to continue reporting bugs and asking for features.

Thanks everyone. I’m so happy things are more open than they were two years ago, and that we’re playing and competing again. Hoping to see you all at events soon!


Is anyone with an android device interested in beta testing the next release? PM me your email if so

Today I’m excited to announce that version 3.0.0, the culmination of six months of part time work, has completed. Migrating the framework was an important step in keeping the app up to date and on the latest frameworks. Mobile devices and their operating systems shift constantly, so mobile apps need to be updated as the platforms they’re on change. 3.0.0 is available in both app stores.

Release 3.0.0 - Migration of codebase from Xamarin Forms to .NET MAUI


  • using consistent icon set
  • improved support for accessibility font sizes
    (@neilmcrae I’m sorry it took me this long to get there! you will have to restart the app after setting accessibility sizes for it to work)
  • tournament results info will now display TGP booster percentages
  • Reduced network calls for calendar pages
  • Improved Settings Page Design
  • Fixed a bug where unranked players would show 0th instead of “Not Ranked”
  • ListViews converted to CollectionViews in most cases to improve performance
  • Reduction in installed app size


  • Deep linking no longer working correctly (to be addressed in a future release)
  • RefreshViews temporarily disabled (pulling to refresh)
  • Empty View text disabled on Player Search Page due to MAUI bug

This took a lot longer than I thought it was going to take, but I’m happy to have it over the line. Some other improvements include github actions support, so the product can be built and signed directly from github. As part of this initiative I’ve archived the old git repository. Issues are welcome and I’ve decided to open up reviewers/beta testing slots, so reach out with your email if you’re interested.

If you find the app awesome, and want to support its development, I’ve set up github sponsorship. I still don’t have a physical android device or a few other things that would make development a little easier.

Thanks to this awesome community. I know the app is far from perfect but I hope people find it valuable. Yes, I know the notification system is a little too sensitive. I’ve got plans for that too. Stay tuned!


Hi! Sorry, im the one that wrote the google review. What i meant by tournaments not loading, is that basically everytime i click on an event in the calendar, nothing loads, no details, no map, not even the name.

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Hmm. So on the list page you need to select the item in the list. Tapping the pin on the calendar simply scrolls the item into view on the list.

The fact that I had to explain it means I did a bad job with the UI/UX design. Should tapping the pin go straights to the event?

I like that it scrolls to the event. Since the map view is small, there is no room there to see all the information you might want (like the date).

One thing that could also improve the map view, is to show how many events are “hidden”, since you might otherwise miss events when zoomed out and never zoom in since you don’t know they are there. Maybe a small number next to the pin?

I actually came to post another request. As the WPPR 6.0 will be factoring Efficiency % much deeper, it would be really helpful if I could see my eff% on the results page, next to each event. As it goes now I have to click into the event, find the total WPPRs, then divide my WPPRs earned by the total available to figure out that eff% for me. And since it’s looking like the 6.0 changes will be retroactive, some people will be looking to improve their eff% immediately.

Thanks for the great app! I would definitely consider paying for it!

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