Heads-Up Pinball Championship . . . 2018? 2019?

some kind of background music? :slight_smile:

The commentators are going to talk over these but perhaps I could find some background music to put over them, or Aerosmith tracks maybe?

That’s why you get paid the big bucks Karl :slight_smile:

Already 73 view$!

Nice! Yeah, agreed on background music – I’m guessing needs to be the actual music from the pin to avoid getting the youtube video’s audio muted by music publisher?

I noticed that only one of the ways to light EB was covered. Does this mean that the pseudo-random path to an EB will be turned off? (hopefully!)

I believe we’re turning the dead-Jackie shot setting up to the maximum (which Zach seemed to think was 9?)

Even in-game music can be flagged for copyright, particularly in this case since they’re the actual tracks. Maybe the shooter lane grooves would work. Anyone with the game(s) that can get me direct audio rips?

Audio from the game gets flagged/muted/monetized. I turn down the volume when i stream it. I think you’d be fine with just any sort of royalty-free generic rock riffs that someone could talk over.

Running a test stream for this on Friday evening with 2 Paragons. Open invite for any players to come over and be testers.


Here’s a tip many of you probably already know for starting Love in an Elevator MB. Similar to GhostBusters. You plunge 1/2 way up the shooter lane then when the ball comes back to the shooter tip you do a full plunge “on the fly”. This will award you one of the orbit shots, usually the left orbit.


Ghostbusters tips:


Star Wars tips:


Great production quality on these, @kdeangelo!

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Do we have a final participants list @pinwizj?

Not yet . . . there’s going to be a ton of action tonight during the BBH Ladies Tourney, so Zach will send me a list of the on-site signups tonight.

I’ll post something in the morning once we have the ‘final list’.


Here’s the ‘final probably’ list . . . at least it’s the most up to date list now that I’m going to bed. We’ll see if Zach sends me any more names overnight. These are in seeded order:

1 Raymond Davidson
2 Trent Augenstein
3 Andrei Massenkoff
4 Karl DeAngelo
5 Bob Matthews
6 Johnny Modica
7 Tim Sexton
8 Fred Richardson
9 David Peck
10 Nick Greenup
11 Robert Hooton
12 Craig Sengstock
13 Sal Ayoob
14 Raymond Ashby
15 Sean Stewart
16 Deborah Tahlman
17 Dan Newman
18 Steve Strom
19 Mike Lund
20 Marcus Amith
21 Ashley Resurreccion
22 Bradin Wilhelmsen
23 Garrett McCarty
24 Patrick Mueller
25 Andrew Mueller
26 Andrew Moskowitz
27 Chris Herrick
28 Dana Martin
29 James Hastings
30 Alyssa Rex
31 Chris Wren
32 Keith Ipock
33 Peter Vibar
34 Myles Grosovsky
35 Daniel Golin

Payouts if nothing else changes:

1st place --> NIB Aerosmith Pro
2nd place --> $300
3rd place --> $200
4th place --> $150
5th through 8th place --> $75 each
9th through 16th place --> $35 each


Excited to see a 60 second game played for a $5k swing :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:


One more signup, current participant list:

1 Raymond Davidson
2 Trent Augenstein
3 Andrei Massenkoff
4 Karl DeAngelo
5 Bob Matthews
6 Johnny Modica
7 Tim Sexton
8 Fred Richardson
9 David Peck
10 Nick Greenup
11 Robert Hooton
12 Craig Sengstock
13 Sal Ayoob
14 Raymond Ashby
15 Sean Stewart
16 Deborah Tahlman
17 Dan Newman
18 Jeff Rank
19 Steve Strom
20 Mike Lund
21 Marcus Amith
22 Ashley Resurreccion
23 Bradin Wilhelmsen
24 Garrett McCarty
25 Patrick Mueller
26 Andrew Mueller
27 Andrew Moskowitz
28 Chris Herrick
29 Dana Martin
30 James Hastings
31 Alyssa Rex
32 Chris Wren
33 Keith Ipock
34 Peter Vibar
35 Myles Grosovsky
36 Daniel Golin

5th through 8th place now $80 each
9th through 16th place now $40 each


Bracket based on player list: http://challonge.com/ifpaheadsup