Competition Install Cheatsheet

Talk to your local operator if you see a pin with tournament mode buttons. To my understanding, this button is not intended for general tournament play, but rather is intended to be a passive tournament mode. Rather than playing a tournament in one night, you pay extra and play tournament mode to get your hightst score. When the passive tournament ends (at the end of the week, or end of the month), you go see the operator and you get a chunk of cash if you won. This button accomplishs nothing good if there is no actual running tournament, (you just pay more and lose extra balls).

Welcome to Tilt. That last part isnā€™t correct. If there isnā€™t a TOPs tournament running, it wonā€™t allow you to start a tournament game. Button does nothing.

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The original post is wikified, and I filled it in with some initial info. Please feel free to reformat it to make it actually helpful. My memory is fuzzy on a lot of these, plz correct as appropriate :slight_smile:

Also, holy cow, Comp Install changes a ton on TWDā€¦! I knew about the basic stuff like not lighting modes during MB, but it makes a lot of the multi-kills harder/disabled as well.

Iā€™ll see your TWD and raise you a GOT. Haha. Iā€™ll add that when I get my game back this weekend.

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I attempted to add Avengers, but rage quit trying to figure out the mythical behavior of the spacing of bullet points to match the rest of the documentā€¦


I would not attempt editing the document without the Space gem. :slight_smile:

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Some of the early ā€œdingerā€ SS games may award 50,000 for both EB and Special. Mata Hari does for sure.

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I added these Mando notes, plus extra details from the Mando readme; but I didnā€™t confirm any of this with an actual machine. As far as I know, Mando is the only game where the ā€œDefault Game Modeā€ is in the feature adjustments menu rather than the standard adjustments menu.

I added Guardians, but Iā€™m guessing all of those Standard Adjustments changes from the competition install seem like theyā€™re pretty universal. Should they all just be listed once at the top for all Sterns? (e.g. free play, player language select)

I pulled the extra ball points value from the Guardians rules wiki too. Iā€™d love to have that info handy on this wiki for all of these games too.

Iā€™m happy to take any unformatted info anyone has and Iā€™ll work them into the wiki. Looks like AIQ is all good now.

I say keep it game by game.

If Iā€™m printing out a sheet for each game how would you do that if each game only listed the non-standard adjustments?

If I can leave a sheet at each game with all the changes I think itā€™s slightly easier.

Canā€™t wait for the ā€˜competition settingsā€™ flipper code to be implemented that shows all the relevant settings a tournament player might care about.

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Just put a QR code linking to all the settings.

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Anyone know what comp install does on Beatles?

@Potatoloco ā€¦ did you deep dive into comp install changes on Beatles?

added note about stern / sega / de Games before High Roller Casino and High Roller Casino before rom 3.0

also NO Competition Mode setting

This is what I have for Beatles comp install. This was done before the most recent update, so Iā€™m not sure if anything else changed, but probably not.

Standard adjustments Comp Factory
player language select no yes
game restart no yes
allow left+start to end game never free play only
competition mode yes no
player game mode no yes
lost ball recovery no yes
Feature adjustments Comp Factory
main multiball ball save time 15 30
taxman muiltiball ball save time 15 30
aml multiball ball save time 10 20
record magnet multiball only normal use
default game mode competition standard
level to complete song 3 2

Competition is one of the options when changing Default Game Mode. Itā€™s there, just in a different spot than any other game.

Thanks! I incorporated these into the wiki.

anyone know what comp install does on Deadpool or Game of Thrones? have a tourney coming up and the only setup notes are ā€œComp installā€


  • Added several adjustments to the competition install.
    SWORDS UNLOCK MULTIPLIERS - HARD - Cannot increase playfield until at
    least one sword collected.
    RAM HITS FOR MULTIPLIERS - HARD - Takes more hits per multiplier
    TWO BANK DIFFICULTY - EXTRA HARD - The two bank will always time out.
    WALL BALL SAVE TIMER - 6 seconds
    HAND BALL SAVE TIMER - 8 seconds
    LEFT DROPS AWARD LORD OF LIGHT - OFF - Bank will not light the outlanes.
    LANNISTER BUTTONS PER GAME - EXTRA HARD - 4 buttons per game
    TARGARYEN HOUSE POWER - HARD - Two dragons are completed at the start
    DIRE WOLF FREQUENY - HARD - 2 per game Dire Wolf house mode completing