Barry O's BBQ Challenge Rulesheet

Skill Shots

You can select which skill shot you’re shooting for with the flippers before plunging. Hitting a shot or some number of switch hits will deactivate it. Hitting unique skill shots across a game will increase the value and the multiplier - hitting multiple skill shots throughout the game will increase the base value.

  • BBQ Targets: 500k + 250k + Easier BBQ PIT Targets (hitting one target will spot another)
  • Left Saucer: 1M + 500k + Boost Recipe & Multiball Jackpot by 500k
  • Left Ramp: 750k + 375k + Recipe Values Boosted (at left ramp)
  • Right Orbit: 750k + 375k + BOSS Assistant (easier top lanes until BOSS or CHEF are completed)
  • Right Ramp: 1M + 500k + Playfield X Time Expander (increases time for playfield X)
  • Upper Right Saucer: 2M + 1M + Boost Recipe & Multiball Jackpot by 1M
  • Lower Right Saucer: 1.5M + 750k + Boost Recipe & Multiball Jackpot by 750k
  • Left Inlane: 2.5M + 1.25M + Challenge Scoring Increases
  • Left Outlane: 3M + 1.5M + FIRE Boosted (adds 1M to all FIRE hurry-ups)


The goal of Barry O’s BBQ Challenge is to face off against the six “Stars of BBQ” and cook up different recipes. These start with 3 orange shots to complete and increase as you play. The order in which you face the Stars is solely cosmetic and does not affect the game.

The recipe value grows from switch hits and various game features (ie. repeated shots to the left ramp) but resets when you drain.

Cook-off wins can award you up to 5 stars, which you earn by doing the following:

  • Completing the Main Recipe – Shooting the orange shots
  • Applying Spinner Sauce – Hitting enough spinners to fill the sauce bottle
  • Finding the Correct Spice – Hit the mild & spicy post targets to find the correct level
  • Side Dish 1 – 1st drop target set
  • Side Dish 2 – 2nd drop target set

Each star upgrades your trophy and gives a +1x multiplier toward your cash-out award. Earn your trophy and cash out award by hitting any of the open saucers.

Complete 3 cook-offs to start Meat Coma Multiball.

BOSS and CHEF Lanes

The top lanes act similarly to the ones on Barracora or the return lanes on John Wick. The right flipper changes the bottom row (from left to right), and the left flipper changes the top row (from right to left). BOSS on the upper row can only be completed if the ball rolls over lanes with CHEF letters on the lower row already lit.

  • Completing CHEF increases bumper values by 1k each completion, increases the value of the recipe currently being served by 150k + 25k per completion for the ball, and awards one lit orange arrow shot toward the current recipe (the farthest left lit shot).
  • Completing BOSS also increases bumper values by 1k each completion, but increases the value of the recipe currently being served by 300k + 50k each additional completion for the ball, and gives a BOSS award. The Playfield X Ramp Upgrade is always the first award, once each ball, then they are given out randomly (or in a set order on tournament mode).

BOSS Assistant can be given from right orbit skill shots or after completing Drag Race. This makes it easier to complete either BOSS or CHEF for the next completion only.

FIRE Hurry-Up

The FIRE lanes start a short hurry-up feature. A score will roll up quickly (200k - 1M base value), resetting after hitting its maximum and cycling until the mode is completed.

Making either blue orbit shot will finish the mode, and add the base value to your score and the recipe value. Failing to complete the feature before the time runs out will half your recipe value, so watch out!

Each FIRE hurry-up completed during a ball will add a +0.5x multiplier to the next one, with a maximum multiplier of 5x. Although the multiplied value is added to your score, only the base (1x) value is added to the recipe value.

1M is added to all FIRE hurry-ups if “FIRE Boosted” has been earned from left outlane skill shots or completing Lift Off.

Starting the FIRE hurry-up with an outlane will save your ball, though you’ll still need to handle that fire…

Side Dishes

There are many different side dishes that can be earned, but the side dish names themselves have the same function no matter which one you get. Earn side dishes by completing the drop targets near the right orbit. Each drop target completion also increases the Bonus X and spinner values, and sweeping them doubles the effect.

The first two drop target completions in a cook-off give you Stars for “Side Dish 1” and “Side Dish 2”. Subsequent completions still add to your end-of-ball bonus and add value to the “Side Dishes” line for the trophy cash-out when you finish a cook-off.

There are also three inserts in front of the drop targets that cycle through but stop on one insert as soon as the first drop target is hit. This means completing the drop targets can also:

  • Increase Bonus X – add more Bonus X
  • Increase Challenge value – increase shot value for next mode
  • Increase Spinner Value – add more to spinner value

Sweeping them doubles this effect too.

Collect all three of the flashing inserts at the drop targets to start Side Dish Multiball.

Hot Rod Challenges

Hitting the orbits with flashing “Qualify Challenge” inserts will qualify a Challenge at the open saucers. Once qualified, the challenge you will play is lit in the inserts at the bottom of the screen. The flippers change the lit Challenge insert, as well as bumpers and targets.

Hitting an open saucer with a lit “Start Challenge” circular insert will start the next challenge. The player can raise the value of the next Challenge’s shots before starting it by hitting purple arrow shots around the playfield first, or completing the drop targets when “increase challenge value” is lit. However, if they drain before starting the Challenge, those value increases will be lost.

The timed challenges all involve the lit purple shots across the playfield. On completion, they award specific perks. These challenges are:

  • Ignition: Complete BBQ PIT target banks. Awards Easier BBQ PIT Targets upon completion (hitting a target spots another one).
  • Rally Ramps: Shoot the ramps to launch over obstacles. Awards Hot Rod Ramps upon completion (ramps score millions).
  • Cruise Night: Shoot the bumpers to get the car bouncing (build jackpot), then shoot the PIT target bank to close the hood and speed away (collect jackpot). Awards Cruisin’ All Night upon completion (bumpers score more).
  • Bike Night: Shoot the orbits - orbit shots may loop around and feed the flippers during this mode. Awards Live to Ride upon completion (orbits score millions).
  • Custom Upgrades: Shoot the middle “B” target, the middle “I” target, or the Mild / Spicy targets (the former two targets are worth more). Awards Scoville Scoring upon completion (mild / spicy targets score more).
  • Hot Sauce Station: Shoot the saucers (Bash Locks with balls already locked there also work). Awards Super Saucers upon completion (saucers worth millions).
  • Drag Race: Roll over the BOSS / CHEF lanes. Awards one BOSS Assistant upon completion (easier to complete BOSS or CHEF for the next completion of either lane set.)
  • Lift Off: Shoot one of two flashing shots (they move after each made shot and light in a specific order on tournament mode). Awards FIRE Boosted upon completion (Fire hurry-ups boosted by 1M).
  • Speedy Delivery: Shoot 5 shots in sequence while avoiding the unlit shots (in a specific order on tournament mode). Awards Super Equipment Repairs upon completion (equipment repairs are worth 2x).

Every shot made during a challenge also increases end-of-ball bonus by 350k per lit shot.


Pitmaster Multiball

Pitmaster Multiball is started by locking at least one ball in either of the side saucers, and then hitting the saucer further back on the right side of the playfield.

Pitmaster Multiball starts by briefly displaying the progressive jackpot… and then showing all of the progress you’ll have to make to get there, scrolling down to the base multiball jackpot. The progressive jackpot normally carries over across players and games, but is standardized at 500M on tournament mode. Regardless of settings, the progressive jackpot will increase by the multiball jackpot value you brought in.

The base multiball jackpot is determined by the “recipe value”. This is scored by hitting orange shots during cook-offs, and each shot made increases the multiball jackpot by the recipe value. Once Pitmaster Multiball ends, the jackpot value resets.

Jackpots start at 1x the base jackpot value, then 1.5x, then 2x, and so on until the 19th jackpot which is worth 10x, and the 20th jackpot which is worth 15x. You will have a chance at the progressive jackpot after collecting the 20th jackpot.

Super & mega jackpots can be earned by sending one ball to a saucer, then locking the other ball in another saucer before time runs out (mega jackpots are earned by locking balls at all three saucers). Super jackpot scores the next two jackpot values on the ladder, and mega jackpot scores the two jackpot values above the ones used for super jackpot.

Shooting a jackpot unlights it and moves you up the ladder by one step (two steps for super jackpots, four steps for mega jackpots). Shooting the upper-right saucer that started the multiball will re-light some jackpots. There will always be at least one jackpot lit during Pitmaster Multiball.

The multiball jackpot resets after you play Pitmaster Multiball.

Side Dish Multiball

Collecting all the flashing inserts at the side dish drop targets (ie. completing the drop targets three times) will start Side Dish Multiball. Red shots score jackpots, worth the base multiball jackpot value (increased by hitting orange shots during cook-offs. The jackpot value will increment after several switch hits, shown via a countdown on the playfield LCD screen.

Relight all jackpots by completing the drop targets. Even if you collect all the flashing jackpot shots, there will always be at least one jackpot ready that will move after you shoot it.

The base multiball jackpot resets after you play Side Dish Multiball.

The second Side Dish Multiball requires you to collect two complete sets of the side dish inserts to start it.

Firework Frenzy

If the player has already locked balls for Pitmaster Multiball at either the left or lower right saucer, they can hit these locked balls (called “Bash Locks”) to collect fireworks. Firework frenzy starts after collecting 10 fireworks this way.

Instead of using the base jackpot value, jackpots during firework frenzy start at 5M and can be increased at the left ramp or by collecting jackpots at saucers. Once a saucer is made, a countdown begins. If the countdown reaches zero, any locked balls will be ejected. Any fireworks scored by locking balls, or hitting a ball already in a saucer, will reset the timer.

Locking balls in other saucers continues to award jackpots - locking all remaining balls in saucers before the timer runs out adds a ball and awards a super jackpot.

Other Scoring

Bonus X

The center grid indicates the current Bonus X, which has a maximum of 21x (1x + 2x + 3x + 4x + 5x + 6x). Increase the Bonus X via the drop targets, BOSS awards, and the Double Bonus X BBQ PIT award.

Playfield Multiplier

The right ramp has inserts in front of it that display the playfield multiplier. Hitting it will increment the playfield multiplier by +0.5x for about 30 seconds, such that it becomes 1.5x, 2x, etc. up to a maximum of 4x. Enhance this feature from right ramp skill shots, BBQ pit awards, or BOSS awards to make it easier to build or last longer.

BBQ PIT Targets

Completing the BBQ stand-up targets on the left and the PIT targets in the middle will grant various awards throughout the game. The stand-up target on the right will change what will be awarded. This is displayed on the right-hand side of the main screen.

Combos & Combomania

Hitting shots in succession will award combos indicated by white arrows. Combomania starts at 15 combos for the game and subsequent Combomanias require more than the last.

Combomania is a 60-second feature where 1-way combos also score. It can be brought into a multiball, but cannot be started while already playing a multiball.

End of Ball Bonus

Bonus points at the end of the ball are determined by:

  • 250k x Ball in Play
  • 500k x Stars of BBQ defeated
  • 350k x FIRE completions
  • 200k x Side Dishes cooked
  • 350k x lit shots made during challenges
  • Challenge Bonus (based on the number of challenges started and completed)
  • Pitmaster Bonus (based on the number of jackpots scored in Pitmaster Multiball)
  • 1M per BBQ PIT award
  • Bonus Tip (switch bonus)

All multiplied by the Bonus X.

Mini-Wizard Modes

Meat Coma Multiball

Win three cook-offs to start the mini-wizard multiball mode, Meat Coma, immediately afterward.

Six “areas” are lit in red for jackpots: Both ramps, both orbits, and the 2 stand-up banks. Hitting one removes the red from the area. Hitting any target in a bank removes the red lights from the whole bank.

After hitting and unlighting all six, the saucers are lit in red for jackpots. Shoot or Bash Lock any saucer to collect, and the six areas will light in red again. Add-a-balls are awarded for the first three jackpots.

This mode will continue for 20 seconds in single-ball play, and will allow adding a ball to continue the mode if you have one available.

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@CaptainBZarre can you make this a wiki (or whatever) please?

@Wilkshake @CaptainBZarre How do I edit this Wiki?

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I think @joe is the only one with the power to turn a page into a wiki.


The original poster should be able to do it. Here.


Oh I thought I had to be a higher user tier or whatever. Should be good now. @FunWithBonus fire away!

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Updates are in progress. Skill Shot info is up.

I’ll update the Hot Rod Challenges next.

More added.


How many side dishes are there? Any difference in point value or benefits? Why no pecan pie?!


There are a few different ones but the side dish names themselves have the same function no matter which one you get.

Every drop target completion earns a Bonus X with an increase in spinner value, and sweeping them doubles the effect.

The first two drop target completions in a Cook-Off give you Stars for “Side Dish 1” and “Side Dish 2”. Subsequent completions still add value to the “Side Dishes” line on your Judges’ Report Card when you finish a Cook-Off. This is the screen where you get your trophy and BIG POINTS award.

The difference is which insert is lit when you hit a drop target to stop the cycle – completing the drop targets can give you:

  • Increase Bonus X – add more Bonus X

  • Increase Challenge value – Increase shot value for next mode

  • Increase Spinner Value – add more to spinner value

    Sweeping them doubles this effect too.

I’ll add this to the Wiki on my next pass.

Sorry about the Pecan Pie, a definite oversight there. Now, I want some pie.

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