Avengers: Infinity Quest Rulesheet

SparkNotes rules by yours truly:

Thereā€™s also some really good flashcards and quick reference stuff that Allen Leper posted over on pinside: Avengers for Dummies! Complete Tutorial Stream and Flashcards! | Game play videos | Pinside.com

Had a decent game yesterday and collected all 7 gems for the first time, but Thanos Attacks didnā€™t occur until I had all 7 so I lost one prior to going into Defeat Thanos or whatever that mode is called.

I had collected the soul gem and played all the gem quest so not sure why it didnā€™t get triggered earlier in the game.

Strategically I prefer TA to happen earlier than later for obvious reasons

Iā€™ve seen an award for Thor helper at left inlane, but not sure what that is actually helping with. Does it spot a Thor letter when you hit the left inlane?

Nevermind, just found it in the rules. Black Widow level 1 awards 2 letters after going through left inlane

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Followed by immediate shot to Thor captive ball to get the letters. Just clarifying that itā€™s not the inlane that spots the letters ā€“ it only enables the 2x letters on a short timer.

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The interesting thing about Thanos Attacks is that the scoring if you get that mode with a ton of gems is a LOT higher than it would otherwise be. Of course itā€™s still a tough mode on its own, but Iā€™ve managed to get over 100 million with four gems during that mode.

Thanos Attacks is such a great mode. On one hand, it blocks you from progressing and potentially steals a gem, on the other hand, you can get Super Victory Laps, earn back a gem, and/or score big points. The code update that added Thanos Attacks was the one that made me finally pull the trigger on buying the game. It just adds so much to the overall experience thematically and gameplay-wise.


Speaking of whichā€¦ does anyone have specifics on this scoring? With three gems and no modifiers (level 2 multipliers, Reality Gem multipliers, etc.) I typically score 120 million points out of a successful Thanos Attacks. With four though, Iā€™ve managed 150 millionā€¦

Hmm. Good question, itā€™s probably something like a base value +30M for each collected Gem or something like that so it should be easy enough to get to Thanos Attacks with 1 or 2 Gems and then with 3 or 4 and break it down from there.

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Well, I wrote down the values for 1, 2 and 3 Gem Thanos Attacks.

1 Gem 2 Gems 3 Gems
Mode Start 5,000,000 Mode Start 5,000,000 Mode Start 5,000,000
select (auto) - select 6,000,000 select 6,000,000
1 500,000 1 1,750,000 1 2,500,000
2 750,000 2 2,000,000 2 2,750,000
3 1,000,000 3 2,250,000 3 3,000,000
defend 4,750,000 defend 13,000,000 defend 19,000,000
select (auto) - select 13,250,000
1 2,750,000 1 3,750,000
2 3,000,000 2 4,000,000
3 3,250,000 3 4,250,000
defend 14,000,000 defend 20,250,000
select (auto) -
1 4,750,000
2 5,000,000
3 5,250,000
defend 21,250,000
total: 12,000,000 total: 53,000,000 total: 120,000,000
total: (observed) 12,000,000 total: (observed) 53,000,000 total: (observed) 120,000,000

However, I havenā€™t yet been able to figure out the logic of the points increases. Not sure if Iā€™m going to try and do a 4 Gem Thanos Attacks but that might help to show the pattern.

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You only need to have played 2 gem modes and have the Soul Gem to start Thanos. So theoretically you could have 1 gem from:
Playing 2, 3 ,4 or 5 modes and only winning 1 - depending on when you claimed your Soul Gem.

Likewise for 2,3 & 4 gems

That may have an influence on the scoring?

I no longer have my AIQ, or I would have experimented as well.

So what you mean is, does more failed/played gems (and not just beat/collected) influence the scoring values?

Thatā€™s certainly an interesting element I never really considered. I feel like it wouldnt but maybe I should test it out to confirm one way or the other.

Just did a major overhaul to the formatting.

Aaaand just simplified this rule sheet because I know some people are having a lot of trouble figuring out how this game works.

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Simplified it how?

edit: nevermind I went and looked and what changed version to version.

My question is, do we really need to simplify it? Personally, Iā€™d rather not remove useful information in order to simplify it.


See, the thing is that Iā€™ve been seeing a lot of people, IRL and otherwise, say that the rules for this game are like a 20-page long document and I donā€™t want that stigma to be enforced because itā€™s really a simple game with the twist of you determining your own strategy. Thanks for reinstating the trophy stuff btw, I kinda regret having removed those.

I totally get the approach of framing things for a more basic understanding, I just think that shouldnā€™t be what these specific rulesheets are all about. The addition of an FAQ seems like a solid idea to appeal to those people but Id rather not remove information that has been gathered and added over time. I come here for a comprehensive document with all the combined rules knowledge, I go to Pintips.net for a quick idea of what to do on a game.


Youā€™re right, my apologies. Should really recommend PinTips to more people tbh.

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Agreed. Itā€™s a shame to see some valuable details of Gem perks/placement have been deleted and now glossed over.

Such as:

  • you get 1 Mind boom on THAT shot for an Uncollected avenger
  • 2 Mind booms on THAT shot for a Collected avenger
  • 3 Mind booms on the most valuable shot for a Level 1 avenger
  • Only 1 Mind boom on ALL lit shots for a Level 2 avenger.

Yes, itā€™s detailed. But very important to know if youā€™re diving deep into how best to use your Mind Gem perks.