Avengers: Infinity Quest Rulesheet

I always fast forward through the Avengers bonus by holding both the flippers, and then it goes straight to the soul gem intro, which won’t fast forward

It’s not that it’s fastforwarding exactly but when the first shot is “made” by accidentally using the level 1 mind gem (or presumably a collected mind gem on the Black Panther shot) it seems to prevent the ability to hold the button to select hard mode. Just a minor tweak to disable mind gem uses until after that Soul Gem start animation is done would solve the issue though.

Another glitch and one for the history books - I shot the gauntlet ramp for the billion points + Battle Thanos skip on my last ball, the ball went flying out of the post near the tower and into the drain, and right before the game started to show the ending, it registered as a drain and went straight to the high score screen. No bonus count, no ending, nothing.

Also found a glitch that wasn’t as silly, using the Mind Gem to start Binary Hurry-Up right as you drain a ball makes the mode start on the next ball, although this might be intentional?

Did you get the bil even though the ball drained? Hopefully it awarded on the gauntlet ramp shot…

I know it may have been one that might be fixed in 1.01; I was playing on a 1.00 machine a few weeks ago, and at the end of Battle Royale where it drains your ball(s), it somehow wound up ending my ball in play too.

Yup, I had that happen in an earlier game…

I shot the gauntlet ramp, it showed the “All Gems Collected! 1 Billion” display / sound and awarded the billion, then it made the snap sound that accompanies the end of Battle Thanos and the lights shut off as the ball drained as usual. Then it just went right to the high score screen. Didn’t even show the ending cutscene or the bonus countdown.

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Super Combos might need a serious buff. It’s the one super mode where I can seemingly never get a trophy in it unless I ignore everything else and focus exclusively on it.

I feel like I may have found an inconsistency in the code.

My understanding is that if you’ve lost a Gem (by failing a Quest or losing it in Thanos Attacks) but you have the Soul Gem, you can replay that specific Gem Quest. But more importantly you MUST replay a the Quest for a lost Gem if those are all that remains. Correct? So there’s no way to NOT risk your Soul Gem and then move onto Spinning the disc to spot Avengers.

Well, I was playing a game where I won the Soul Gem in Soul Gem mode, lost it in BOMB before lighting Thanos Attacks and then finally won it back in Battle Royale. By the time I won the Soul Gem back I had the other 5 Gems as well and lit Thanos Attacks, played it, and lost the Time Gem. I came out of Thanos Attacks, spun the disc/spelled STRANGE and it lit Battle Thanos instead of what I would have expected would be a chance to replay the Time Gem Quest.

I guess when it comes down to it, the Avengers Assembled modes take precedent over the Gem Quests so if you want that sweet, sweet billion point bonus, don’t mess around with your Gems and back yourself into a corner like I did. With that being said, it’s the first time I actually played the Battle Thanos mode and didn’t do the 6 Gem Skip, so I suppose that was nice.

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Anyone know the changes made for 1.02? Games seem to be shipping with it, but no readme has been posted by Stern

I haven’t come across anything about v1.02 yet, but the fact that it hasn’t been released might suggest that something bigger is coming?

In the past when they had a similarly undocumented small incremental update for Deadpool, it was just to accommodate the return of the coin door interlock.

Just seems odd to not have a readme available

Is the code available on their website? If not, probably why there’s no readme file. They usually release simultaneously.

could we please get a short ballsave on the tower at the end of soul gem? sometimes I want to actually look at the screen to see my bonus and how many flips I had remaining, but it catches me out if I’m looking at that and miss the release and it comes screaming down the middle!


While I’m asking for things - on competition mode, have the drops start with lock (is it lock? Whatever is right-most of the top row) lit so I don’t wait for the first minute of a new game for the lights to cycle until it’s time to plunge for the portal lock skill shot.


Based upon my experience, I think the Computer Frenzy section is wrong - seems like you need to play all 6 super modes on a single ball. Then you also have to advanced through awards to the point where Light Computer Frenzy is an award. Then collect that and then on the premium, you need to start it at the portal.

I’m pretty sure in latest code you just have to plow through enough computer awards (modes or awards) and then Light Computer Frenzy’s will start appearing. Once you play computer frenzy in order to reset the grid to the awards from the beginning of the game, you’ll need to play all 6 computer modes.

After you’ve played all 6 computer modes and computer frenzy the grid will reset and you can play the super modes again, otherwise if you play computer frenzy but avoid a certain computer mode the grid will just fill in with 5 mils

I’m sure you know better than I do, but that doesn’t really match my experience…it looked like it was going to do that, but then didn’t. I haven’t been able to get to the computer frenzy with the glass on and I thought I must not understand it, so I took the glass off and fiddled some and found that it seemed like you had to do it all on one ball.

Computer Frenzy and Trophy Mania have eluded me despite playing several games to try for both. They seem to be the hardest parts of the game to achieve.

Edited Epilogue: I just played Computer Frenzy (glass on of course) and getting there was as Raymond described. I don’t know what happened in my glass off session - you’d think that would be more controlled, but apparently I’m worse with glass off.

I’ve definitely run into a situation where I missed Computer Frenzy somehow, maybe it’s a glitch though because I feel like the few times I’ve played Computer Frenzy I played the Super Modes on different balls.