Avengers: Infinity Quest Rulesheet

Agreed. It’s fun to get dialed in on that combo. Yet I find the timing/speed of the tower drop difficult to consistently hit Hawkeye – and appropriately so.

I’ve never hit a Hawkeye combo. Haha. It’s so hard for me to time that release.

I stare at the white insert that’s used to indicate a post release and flip as the ball gets to it. Works occasionally :wink:


Two things frustrate me about this game.

  1. No ball save on the post release below the tower. It drains 3/4 of the time straight down the middle.

  2. 1/2 the time I hit the post on the disk and it doesn’t budge. What is up with that? (I feel like a flat piece sticking out of the post would be an improvement.)

  1. Something wrong with your upper flipper?
  2. I’d suggest avoiding a ton of EMs and TOTAN.

There is a ball save from the tower dropping the ball though…

Yes, but not from the same angle when the pin captures the ball just below the tower.

Use the flipper?? I’m confused

Well, thanks for the snide answer.

I have the same issue from the side flipper on occassion. Played lost of EMs and TOTAN and such, the disk here is different. At least on my table, that disk can spin like crazy some of the time, but most of the time is immobile.

Right… this is what I have been doing. I assume you mean the side flipper. Its fine. I can do that, but it is not clear to me why there is a ball saver on the tower but not on the captive pin. Using the side flipper is an issue because it means you are out of control while the timer is counting down. Again, why a ball saver on the tower and not on the captive post?

I agree that there are certain positions of the AIQ disc, where a shot from one of the lower flippers will not move it at all – it’s geometry and physics: if the incident angle of the ball is in the same line (or very close to the same line) as the radius established by the disk and the post, it’s not going to spin unless the ball grazes the side of the post instead of hitting it dead-on.
EDIT: I don’t believe that anywhere close to half of the possible positions of the disc post result in this scenario. So I refute your claim that “1/2 the time … it doesn’t budge” – this seems like a pretty blatant exaggeration.

Learn where those post positions are located for ineffective lower flipper shots, and whenever the post is in that position, feed your upper flipper via the Gauntlet ramp, and then spin the disc from the upper flipper.


Play better? Make the upper loop shot and you’re still in control. Or hold the upper flipper and drop it as the ball touches it to guide the ball to a lower-right flipper catch.

Yep… Positions that brick lower-flipper shots are generally favorable to be ripped by an upper flipper shot.


The GNR disc does seem to move much easier. I wonder what the difference is between the two mechs?

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I would suggest that a ball save is not needed from the captive post, rather than the tower, as the ball is moving significantly slower from the captive post it means a significantly better chance of making a shot from the upper flipper to the loop, thus meaning you can gain control with an accurate shot.

Not every shot made should require the ball to be fed perfectly to a flipper.

FWIW my machine, with no adjustments made to the upper flipper position and perfectly level (side to side) feeds the ball to the very tip of the right flipper and just bounces across to the left. Never enough to get a guaranteed trap but enough to be able to make a shot.

You could always try adjusting the position slightly of your upper flipper if you don’t like where it feeds to.

Exactly this - it is just physics. The worst position for the post to be in if you are looking for a good spin tends to be about 11 O’clock.

I would bet it’s designed (or at least a convenient coincidence) to not be as free spinning as you want/think it should be. Spelling STRANGE later on in the game will require significantly more spins/shots to light than earlier in the game. If the disc spun with virtually zero friction it would throw all of that out of kilter.

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I imagine this will vary a bit between physical copies (flipper alignment, pitch, level) as you suggested. The only copy of AIQ I’ve had the chance to play is nearly 100% accuracy SDTM if you let the ball go past the upper flipper. From the Tower just means it goes SDTM faster. ha.

The real trouble is in multiball, having to keep track of balls that feed the upper flipper, and most dangerously: the Tower releases from Iron Man MB. If I don’t flip at the release or hold the flipper up: subtract one ball from MB.

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If the disc is in a bad position, bang the heck out both flippers and vibration + gravity will usually drift the post downward. Unless it’s already at 6 o’clock, in which case, upper flipper rip.


I have a solid red insert on the left orbit each time the Power (red) Gem quest starts, but it doesn’t drain any energy to the Black Dwarf’s life bar. Does anyone kwow the purpose of this?

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Please read the wiki rule sheet of this post, in the section on Power Gem Quest: “The shot values can always be raised at the disc, and once per attack at the spinner (lit solid red), allowing one spinner rip in between attacks to pump up the value. ”

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Tanks a lot, I have missed this section.


yeah my shaker motor brings it back to 6 also.

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