Twitch/livestream setups.

I just bought the DJI mic mini for this use and for potential commentary! Also magnetic, small, but a little more expensive probably because of the DJI brand.

Will give an update when I’ve been able to try it out.

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Those mics are great. And the price isn’t bad at all.

Need help with settings. Sony zv 1F. I have this sweeping going on when I show a dmd. Anyway to eliminate? I tried exposure, shutter speed, iso. Nothing helped.


The lazy version of this that I’ve done in the past is to use a wired lapel mic. The alligator clip they come with nips perfectly in a Stern speaker grill.

Ughghghgh. I was battling interference all weekend. Of course it would be an issue during the state championships. We were streaming from a new location that had tons of TVs streaming from Rokus, phones, 50 people, just clogging the airways.

Look how jumpy it was on games like LZ during the finals.

For whatever reason, the Friday night tournament wasn’t as bad despite similar conditions. This is what drives me crazy about these units. Good in certain conditions but never great. Borderline unwatchable in less than ideal conditions. Now the recording of the state championships will be riddled with a poor, inconsistent frame rate forever.

Haha, welcome to the club! I managed to find wireless bands at the tail end of things that weren’t as noisy and Women’s therefor got the perfect cut. :slight_smile:

My completely grabbed out of thin air theory about all the bullshit we’re dealing with now did not happen before people got iPhone 16’s. Just saying and I’m just now starting a conspiracy.

I don’t feel this is unwatchable at all. But would love to hear from you guys on the best settings to use. I’m done buying new equipment though. Haha.

Wireless can never be perfect right? I guess I always assumed that wireless will never be as good as wired setups.

But in your video I wish their was more light on the game.

Did you use the NDI setup broadcasting your own network and you were having issues finding a single band that would transfer all video feeds? Just trying to understand if you’re having the same issue as me even with that setup or if all feeds on 1 band is more reliable than 3 separate bands being used in a crowded airspace.

Well we know it CAN be done because professionals do it all the time. At football games there a hundred thousand people all carrying phones in their pockets with tons of interference around, and they are able to broadcast a perfect signal from the sidelines to the receiver. The issue for us is whether it can be done perfectly with a reasonable consumer budget.

Me too. I actually have a DSLR that will output a fantastic looking 1080p/60fps signal in low light. I wanted to use that, but unfortunately the camera is plagued with issues. It will shut off randomly and then lock itself from being turned back on at completely random times. Since I was already experiencing signal issues, I needed reliability for the playfield cam and chose to go with the Canon Vixia HF R60 I have over the Panasonic HCV180 because the Vixia has a larger CMOS sensor and, believe it or not, actually looks better in low light - even as bad as it is.

Typically, the environments we play in are much brighter and the difference is much less noticeable. It makes sense for me to focus on achieving a consistent frame rate before upgrading to a nicer camera. Yeah, colors and low light performance are great, but, if the ball is skipping around and difficult to follow, things ‘looking nice’ doesn’t make the viewing experience any better IMO.

Yes 100%. Hence my point of not wanting to increase my budget. If you want to spend 100k plus on equipment, should be easy peasy. Haha

Really hope you guys figure out a perfect setup with these transmitters. They are expensive enough. They should be pretty close to perfect imo.

These Teradek Ace 750 units look interesting. They claim 1 ms delay and the technology is not WiFi based but runs on multiple frequencies including 6G. Both 1080p 59.94 and 60fps are supported.They can easily be powered by a PD battery. 750ft transmission range, which should be good for our purposes.

DFS Frequencies: 5.270 ~ 5.670 GHz Non-DFS Frequencies: 5.190 ~ 5.230 GHz, 5.755 ~ 5.795 GHz, and 5.945 ~ 6.425GHz

The real question is whether they can transmit through walls. Sounds like a promising solution for a street price of around $910.

Edit: I found a review of the Ace 500. Going through a wall or 2 shouldn’t be an issue.

Yep, single BYO network with a single NDI feed.

I have a mesh between the rig and the broadcast station that is supposed to aggregate the three bands in the physical layer.

I’ve been pondering what the cost would be to rent a TeraDek Ranger as I only stream 4-5 tournaments per year. :slight_smile: Anyhow, I’ve solved all my problems with off the shelf consumer gear now so I rest my case for a while.

Anyhow, did you see this madness? :upside_down_face: Hit up Johnny if you see him playing ball 2 in the lead at any time.

JUST TELL US THE BITRATE! :yawning_face:

I used to make tutorials a few years ago but fell out of it. my wife got me the aluminum rig for Christmas (yes she is that awesome) and I am getting the itch. Would like yalls opinion on what I should do for my set up.

I currently have:
Aluminum rig
Logitech Brio
Logitech 920
Sony 420 w/ el gato hd60s
Lenovo Legion gaming laptop with thunder bolt port
USB 4 port splitter
Snowball mic
Two clamp on lights
All the adjustable arms I need

I would like to take the show on the road but am not ready to commit the $ for more hdmi cameras/transmittters and a dedicated pc tower.

What is it the best solution that would mostly work with my current equipment? My main concern is keeping everything powered and the ease of use for laptop. I don’t want to just sit it down on the floor under the machine. I have heard of ppl clamping the laptop to the rig somehow. Any advise for this? Im also intrigued by the mage well mini director. I remember seeing that in here a few years ago. Did it turn out to be a good solution for wireless webcams? What’s out there now? TIA for all your help!

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So, all my equipment BOMs now has a home. It will be updated as I go along, this is the “1.0” with only the gear. Open to feedback.


Well that was an expensive click :joy: Seriously thanks so much for putting this together, already picked up a few things I know could help refine our setup. The pocket rig C-stand idea is really interesting to me, I really want to do remote streams on locations without having to pack up a full 8020 frame. Last year I tried it with a microphone stand and it was a bit sketch. Did you use a rolling C-stand at Expo? I loved those videos and it looked like you had condensed things really well without sacrificing quality.

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Thanks for checking it out! :raised_hands:

I used the 8020 frame at Expo. I sold all my C-stands in the end. I had the bigger 40" for my local stuff and the Matthews mini 20" which has smaller segments that you can dismantle and fit in a cargo hold sized bag. Here’s a few videos shot with the C-stand setup a few years back. (I visited a couple of places in Europe with it).

I might shed some light on my messenger bag setup one day. :slight_smile:

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so i have added another set of 3 Accsoon receiver connectted back to my stream computer with 3x100’ HDMI cable for our new room. I found that only keeping one of my 2 receivers set on avoid signal quality issues, so i turn them on and off, each of the 2, multiple time per stream when we move the rig between room.
One of the weird thing is all of the 6 Rx device turn back on and reconnect on their on when i turn the power strip button on, while the other half stays off until i have to physically press the receiver power button… Is that a setting somewhere? Or maybe a difference in firmware version?

All 3 of my Rx do that. They have the latest firmware.

yeah? do which of the 2 behavior? stay off when power is turned back on or boot and reconnect by themselves?

They boot as soon as they’re plugged in.

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