I’m hoping to get a more comprehensive write up on the rig I just built for you all over the weekend, but I want to chime in on this issue of on rig encoding vs wireless since I had asked about that very thing just last month.
I just set up a rig for streaming, without commentary. I went ahead and bought the base model Mac mini M4. It handles a 1080p canvas without a hitch and can record and stream in different resolutions without any issue. To power it for about 4-5 hours, I run it in low power mode. It will drop power usage from a max of 65 watts to just 25 watts. I have it hooked up to a 42,000 mAh (155 Wh) battery bank with an ac outlet that sits on the leg of the rig.
Here’s a reddit post that details the M4 mini low power mode:
I then have two 24,000 mAh battery banks that power the playfield cam, player cam, and game screen cams, as well as 2 LED lights. Our league is at a bar with pretty dim lighting. After 3 plus hours of streaming, the battery running 2 of the cams and a light dropped to just 77% from full.
I put a 24 inch 4k monitor on the frame to allow for bystanders to get a clear view of the playfield. That requires a 30w input. I haven’t measured the actual power draw, but I think it’s the most power hungry device of the rig, even more so than the Mac mini. I’m planning on adding a 60,000 mAh battery on the other leg of the rig to allow for powering it for at least 5-6 hours.
I’m very impressed with the performance of the Mac mini and I do realize it has an Apple premium on price over an Intel NUC (which I considered as well!). However, I have a MacBook Pro M3 and can do screen sharing over wifi to view and control the rig from afar.
My biggest issue so far with where my local league meets is that it has not only very slow wifi, but poor cell reception. I measured 8 mbps down and 1 mbps up on wifi. Completely inadequate for streaming of any quality. I bought a travel router to hotspot with my cell phone, but can only get 2-2.5 mbps up. I initially started streaming in 6000 kbps for 1080p60. Had worked perfectly during a test run at home, but utterly failed on site. I learned the hard way that I had to drop quality down to 720p60 at 2250 kbps. I can at least record the feed at 1080p60 for upload later.
I currently have a 5g travel modem/router on order from Gl.inet. It has large built in antennae for 5G and for wifi. I’m hoping the larger antennae will get a stronger cell signal enough to boost upload speeds to at least 6 mbps.
I’m super happy with the rig and it was designed primarily for personal use at home for recording gameplay/streaming. I’ve added to it for use on site for league streaming. As of right now, everyone in league is playing, so we don’t have a need to accommodate commentary since no one would be available for that role. I have thought about how we would be able to add commentary during tournaments. It would be a harder problem to solve to have the commentators at a booth far from the rig. I think the solution that fits most easily in to what I built would be the commentators using wireless mics, watching the 24 inch monitor, standing/sitting off to the side of the player and the machine. I could then add an additional wired camera with zoom that comes off the side of the rig.
Telestration may be possible using the screen sharing function to the MacBook Pro. However, I had some connection issues between the mac mini and macbook, even with the dedicated wireless network from the travel router. I’m hoping the beefier router I have on order fixes that problem. It may have suffered from interference with the site’s wifi given it’s small size.
What I currently have:
This weekend, I’m hoping to post a breakdown of all of my equipment, test footage, and power usage, other stats for review! Keep in mind, this is one person’s baby set up. Easiest to get going without figuring out wireless HDMI/NDI transmission.