So I had an interesting situation recently that seemed to pit two different rules against what I would believe is their intended spirit, and created an interesting situation:
A player was in a multiball with 2 balls in play. 1 of the balls came to rest high on the playfield in a small divot (Scared stiff near left exit from the pops). The player then proceeded to play a “1 ball” multiball while the other ball sat in that divot. While never intentionally trying to free the ball, shots to the pops would not free the divot ball (though, maybe they might have after many many attempts).
Now on the surface, this seems just fine - the “stuck” ball is right on the playfield, and could be knocked out any time with the right hit from the other ball - it seems a lot like a ball trapped under the flipper, or behind the afm visor, or trapped in a purba - the rules say this is fine and I’m cool with that as player action or a ball search will free the stuck ball.
However, in this situation, when down to 1 ball in play, ball searches would not free this ball in the divot (and this was clear they would not during the multiball) - The player would have to call an official to free the stuck ball.
Per the rules this seems acceptable.
But, I think, It seems like double dipping in this case.
Normally a player would not be able to continue single-ball-multiball-play with a true stuck ball that cannot be freed by player action. However in this case, the player is allowed to continue, but then when they are back to 1 ball they need an official to free the ball? Does the mere possibility (not guarantee) that the ball could become unstuck warrant the ability to have 1 ball multiball time?
I feel like a similar rule to the “ball comes to rest on inlane-outlane post” rule could be made here.
Something like: “If during a multiball a ball(s) come to rest on the playfield surface, such that the player may play the multiball with less than all balls in motion, upon entering single ball play the ball(s) which have come to rest must be freed by the player or placed in the drain by an official”
Or maybe that sucks, I dunno. But I think its lame to get the benefit of a trapped ball in multiball, that once the multiball is over is actually a true stuck ball that requires an official to free.