Hi folks,
I’m a new forum member, so “hi!”. Super excited that there is now a more tournament/player oriented forum. I’m not big on the collecting end of this hobby, so I feel right at home here.
Anyways, I want to share a project I have been working on and get everyone’s opinion. As an up-and-coming tournament player, I’ve often been in the situation where I need to play a game that I simply do not know the rules to. I am left to rely on second hand info, or “do it live.” This is obviously not ideal.
I know several groups of players that have experienced this problem, and started google spreadsheets with listing rules and strategies for each game. The problem here is that loading these sheets and viewing on a phone is often cumbersome, slow, and hard to read. Formatting is nearly non-existant.
As an alternative, I thought it would be a fun project to create a pinball strategy app that would allow users to quickly and efficiently access game rules and strategies. For the last 5 months or so, I have done just that! See screen shots below.
The app is currently being used only by the authors of the content (the venerable Bat City Pinball Club). Eventually, I would like to share it with the larger pinball community, however I have one notable problem…Content! Currently, I own none of the strategies listed and I have been asked by the authors not to share (hopefully @GarrettHays doesn’t mind me sharing the skill shot strategy on Congo ;).
So, I am looking for ideas on how to obtain the necessary content. I am neither willing nor qualified to write strategies for 500+ machines!
I think ultimately the strategies should be short and simple. Not a super in depth review of every nook and cranny of the ruleset, just the basics! Eventually, I think it would be cool to do a more “tutorial style” view, where there are images with arrows, and bullet points and whatnot. Anyways, I am reaching out to the community for feedback and thoughts. I am totally looking for partners, so if you want to contribute to this project, let me know! Writers and programmers wanted!