Chicago Expo Flipout 2016

Win a new Stern Pinball at Expo Flipout!
Now everyone qualifies!

Oct 13-16, 2016 at Chicago Pinball Expo

Format the same this year using the multiple game style this year ala HERB style.

‘A’ division wins a new Stern machine used in the tourney in lieu of the cash prize!

Entryfee is $60. No costfor qualifying entries in Main. Classics is 3/$10

Everyone gets 2 qualifying chances on each title in Main

There will be 3 different divisions. “A”, “B” and Classics.

All players will receive World Pinball Player Rankings points.

Qualifying for MAIN on Thursday only!

A division and B division

Everyone qualifies. Top 40% of qualifying go into A, plus any A
restricted players. Bottom 60% go into B. Winner of B gets the last spot
in A.

Qualifying for MAIN on Thursday only!

If you decide not to seed you will be randomly placed at the bottom of your bracket.

WPPR rank 1-250 or by tournament directors discretion will be restricted to A.

Every 8 spots in qualifying gets you another bye.

B finals start at 9am on Friday at 9am.

A finals start as soon as B ends.

Finals will be bracket playoffs in a head to head format, double
elimination. Match will be best 2 out of 3 in winners and losers

Match times will be posted on the bracket. 5 minute grace time or you forfeit your match if a TD has not heard from you.

If you are playing in Expo brawl and have a conflict we will work with you on it.
If you are going to either Stern party we will delay your match start time up to 2 hours.

Most matches won bounty A and B - $100

You can pre-register at or register at the event. Just make sure to register before 11pm Thursday.

Top 32 in A are in the money. Top 16 in B.


Top 16 scores will qualify. Finals will be bracket playoffs in a head
to head format. Double elimination. Match will be best 2 out of 3.

Classics Finals start at 8am Sunday.


1st place in ‘A’ Division takes home a Stern pinball machine!

A division
1st - Stern pinball machine!
2nd - $2000
3rd - $1250
4th - $1000
5th – 8th - $500
9th – 16th - $200
17th - 32nd $100

B division
1st - $500 and last spot in A division
2nd - $300
3rd - $200
4th - $150
5th – 8th - $100
9th – 16th - $60

1st - $750
2nd - $500
3rd - $300
4th - $150
5th-6th - $100
7th-8th - $75
9th-16th - $50

Qualifying Hours:

Thursday 10am – 1am

Classics only:
Thursday 10am – 1am
Friday 9am - 1am
Saturday 9am – 11pm

Over $10,000 in cash and prizes!

Sponsored by Tilt Amusements

Any questions email:

Call Tilt Amusements for all your Stern pinball needs.

So Main is limited entry?
Only allowed to play 2 plays max on each title, or can you distribute your total limited plays across all titles as you see fit?


Limited Entry. 2 tries per title. No distributing as you see fit. Hoping that will keep things moving. If we get 128 people you will have a hard time getting 2 games per title in as it is.

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Will there be queuing software in use this year?

Undecided thus far.

Hilarious… :slight_smile:

how many games in the main bank?

So you figured starting the match play mid-Friday is too late? (current plan vs. using some of Friday for qualifying to improve chance all get their 2 games each in)

7-9 titles

Yes because we switched the losers bracket to best of 3. Just want to make sure we don’t run out of time. If we can adjust for next year we will

Here’s a highlight from one of the best games from last year’s expo that’s just been recently added to (along with some other footage from Saturday night finals).

Game 3 of @pinwizj against Maya Nigrosh on X-men.

Other Tiltforum-siders included in this recovered expo footage include @PDXmonkey, @Sod, @djriel, @genex, @timballs, @REG, and @zEn with commentary from @FunWithBonus, BDD and @DEADFLIP