Wonka Rulesheet

While we’re on the Bonus X topic, is the number of hits equal to the X rewarded? 2 hits for 2x, 3 hits for 3x, etc?

yes it is


how to collect wonka letters?
when wonka is spelled, what does it do?
how to light slugworth multiball?

WONKA is spelled in two ways: 1. Hit the right ramp, or 2. go through the lit “factory” inlane and hit the factory stand up target (right side of the right ramp) while it’s flashing.

Spelling WONKA lights a factory mode at the TV saucer.

Slugworth multiball is one of the awards lit from hitting the captive ball. You then start Slugworth by hitting the TV saucer.

This is all described under “Factory Tour” in the first post of this thread.


If the hurry-up runs down without completing a kid, how do you get another chance to complete the kid?

You don’t until you’ve played kid multiball with every kid. It will then reset to get it again and try the “mode” again


Does WW use weak flippers in any modes?


I’ve gotten candy stash a couple times (+100 bars and +50 candy jar). Not sure how I did this though… is it getting all the computer awards?

Also what do the red rectangles in front of the camera ramp indicate when not in a mode?

Added info for The Most Secret Machine. Fun mode!

Red rectangles in front of the camera ramp indicate that the next shot to the ramp will take a picture of you. This seems to be random.

Candy Stash is the reward for collecting your 3rd Golden Ticket. Unlike the other Golden Ticket rewards, Candy Stash is awarded immediately upon collecting the ticket – there’s no follow-up shot you have to hit afterward.


nah, the camera is embedded in the backglass, below the main screen. The camera toy itself isn’t functional.

On our Wonka LE from 2019, when the camera toy got hit by a pinball and broke, the picture was of the playfield surface that the embedded camera was pointed at. So the camera toy is functional on our machine. Can’t speak for if this has been changed with later builds.

I don’t think anyone has mentioned it in this thread yet, and it appears to be missing from this rule sheet.

There is a Super Secret Skill Shot available:

  1. Hold left flipper and soft plunge to the upper right flipper (avoid the TV saucer)
  2. Hit the Camera Ramp (upper/center ramp)
  3. Hit the Factory Ramp (right ramp)
  4. Hit the Gobstopper Ramp (left ramp)
  5. Hit the TV Saucer

Must be a combo with no misses. The TV mini-monitor will indicate that a “Super Secret Skill Shot” is being attempted, once the right ramp is hit after Step 3.

I’m not sure what the award is because I’ve only recently learned about this, and I have not yet successfully completed this Super Secret Skill Shot. I will report back once I’ve done so.


Secret Super Skill Shot

  • +2 Computer Award
  • +3 Factory Advance
  • +25 Candy Bar
  • +2 Bonus X
  • 80,000

(As of whatever code was out in Feb 2022)

Video at 21:57