Will IFPA 17 (and pre-tournaments) count toward Florida's SCS?

TLDR: If you can’t take the heat, secede. :smiley:


Yes, they will count.

The beauty is it counts for out of state players and Florida players, meaning any of the Florida players who play in any of the anticipated pre-IFPA tourneys are going to get a nice boost. The higher ranked players will increase the value of each event, similar to what happens at FPF.

@Normaj: This year in Florida marked the first time in 7 SCS events that an out of state player participated in the Florida SCS. I honestly don’t think that is the start of some trend of out of state players. Also, the first 11 players on the roster were all in state players due to the amount of points accumulated at high value events during the year. That’s a good sign for Florida.

I’m looking forward to getting to play with people I almost never get to compete against. The last time I had the chance was when Atticus went to Colorado for the first Nationals and that was also IFPA week. There were a couple of strikes events that were a lot of fun.

Safe travels. May will be here soon. :slight_smile:

But the thing both statements miss is that PLAYOFFS both in sate (FROM LAST YEAR) and winners of other states should not count to that one state / year.

As for stuff like Stern Pro Circuit finals / papa circuit finals should count differently / not count to just the one state they happen to be in full.

Does an multi state league count in full for just the state the finals happen to be in.

qualifying for the IFPA is based on an X year look back so that puts into an differnt area as well.

This. Enjoy!

Seems that only events designated as “open” should be considered for SCS aka not IFPA, National Championship, SCS Final, etc.


well that is an venue thing not really an IFPA qualifying limit

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Yes. It used to be that if you held sessions in various states that the points would count in each state. Not no mo

Thanks for the answer on the Florida points question.

The rest of you can happily play with “Pandora’s Box of Points”! (My advice: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.)

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I agree with this.

WPPR Rules includes the line: “Only open tournaments are included in the WPPR system. However, depending on circumstances, exceptions can be made.”

I think a lot of tournaments that are “closed” probably get included because they are “open” in that the qualifying tournaments for the “closed” tournament were open.

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When I say open, I’m referring to @pinwizj definition in this post.

So under that stern pro, IFPA, National Championship, etc Should not get full points as it’s own event for just that one state.
As for State finales it’s the idea of PLAYOFFS for last year count for this year.

Not apples to apples. The sessions that lead to a league finals do not award WPPRs on their own. The other finals you mention do. They all are their own events submitted separately. So wherever each of the circuit events are held, the states get those points. Including where the circuit finals are at.

I also don’t understand what you mean here.

The series finals meet this definition as well.

“Our definition of an “Open Tournament” is whether every player that wants to participate has an equal opportunity to do just that.”

If you can tell me what players don’t have an opportunity to compete in the 2021 Stern Pro Circuit Final, IFPA18 World Championship, 2021 NACS activity, then we can consider updating our definition.

Right now the qualifying opportunities are available for anyone that’s interested for all of these campaigns.


Suppressed players are not permitted to play :slight_smile:

Because they don’t want to participate - which is part of the definition. By becoming suppressed they chose to exclude themselves.

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I am mostly just being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. However, I don’t see how it is different than running a tournament only for my pinball club. Anyone can join the club for free, but it is a member only tournament. We just collect your name and email address. As a member, you get access to our club webpage, but you will list you as a member. Oh, and we will sell your email address to our club sponsors.


But you don’t have to do qualifying to get in get and it not an tournament only for people who made the PLAYOFFS.

You can argue with the circuit / series rules, but they are clearly documented.

  • At least two different organizers or organizations must be involved in the circuit.
  • The number of events that occur at a single location must be proportional to the total number of events in the circuit, IE: if you run 10 events in a single location you need 10 other events in 10 other locations. (Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis in developing areas)
  • The IFPA will only sanction Circuit/Series finals on an annual basis.

When you submit your circuit of events to the calendar you would submit each individual event and tag each event with the circuit name. The circuit final calendar submission would need to include details about the format of the finals along with a website that has information on where to find the current circuit standings.

We feel that this will more accurately reflect a circuit of events and should increase the quality of events involved in any type of circuit.

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