Welcome to Tilt Forums! This site was created as a place for people who love pinball to gather and chat in a safe, family-friendly environment. While we are all here as pinball fans, I’d rather think that the real focus of this forum is on people. The Tilt Forums moderators and I want this to be a place where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, and we take this very seriously. Please read our Code of Conduct for more details.
If you have any thoughts, ideas, or concerns about the site, please post them into the Meta category. That’s the place to hash stuff out about how the site is run. Beyond that, we have places to post about Games, Events, Locations, Collecting, and whatever other pinball-related topics strike your fancy. Anyone can read the content here, but in order to participate you will need to create an account.
The software that runs Tilt Forums is called Discourse, and much of its functionality becomes available as a user gains trust in the system. Doing things like posting, reading, liking and being liked add trust. Doing things like having your posts removed for being flagged, or improperly flagging someone’s posts, remove trust. tl;dr: Be cool and you’ll become cooler. If you’re curious, you can read more about Discourse’s trust system.
So let’s get on with it! I can’t wait to read everyone’s thoughts about game strategies, upcoming events, who has the coolest collection, and locations that we love. Flip on!