Updated Earthshaker custom competition ROM

Yes, there were earplug mods on all the games but stargate.

I think the tilt bob may have been off center just a little bit as left to right seem much more friendly than upward nudges. The TD mentioned he tried centering it though so it could have been rust on the bar or just the way it was hanging. Once you knew, you knew but that first one caught me off gaurd a bit :wink:

Yup, I used every mm of gap between the bob and ring on that one. had nothing to lose with tilting there (outside of catching first). But even if I had tilted, I still had an “out” to tie for 1st in the tourney if I won game three and Preston took last.


Cheers MacAlpine. One of the first ones. Might get revisited someday.

Happy you found use for it.