Tournament win/elim calculator

Hi everyone,

I’m Simon. Long time lurker, first time poster. I play in Melbourne Australia. I’m also a computer programmer and have just built a tool I wanted to share.

It helps you work out during a tournament who can win, who can get thru an elimination game, what happens if a particular player is probably going to win how does that effect your position, if a win is out of your control, what order to people have to finish etc.

Its at Feel free to give it a try. I’m open to feedback.


Similar to Hello, world! but more detailed. Cudos! Thanks for doing this!

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Oh, thanks for sharing that. I didn’t know about it. I’ve reached out the author for a chat.

This is so much better than Can I Win, which I just hacked together in a weekend before I went off to a tournament and has at least two known bugs I never fixed. Please continue and best of luck with your project!


Thanks GDD the message. My early versions looked quite similar to yours actually. But certainly didn’t take a weekend - a lot more! So well done.

Some quick work by @shimmie and Match Play now links to for eligible matches (tournament must be group elim. bracket, group must be in their last game) and prefills player names and point values so you don’t have to do any data entry:


That was fast! Love it.

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Oh lovely work @haugstrup! That will be a huge time saver for players in the panic of the final moments of an elimination game. Hope everyone gets value from it!

Nice work, @shimmie. I guess this is as good a time as any to post my own calculator that I’ve written a while ago, and which is quite similar to yours. Not gonna hijack your thread, though, I’ll post separately.

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Here is an excerpt of a transcript from ChatGPT where I tried to get it to do a similar analysis as PinWin. I tried it 5 months ago on ChatGPT 3 and it couldn’t do it but I tried again recently on ChatGPT 4 and it has done pretty good job!

Conditions for Each Player to Win:

Player 1 (Currently at 7 points)

  • Wins outright if: Finishes in any position, as the closest competitor (Player 2) can only reach a maximum of 7 points (5 + 2), and Player 1 will win on a tiebreaker having won more points in the final game.
  • Tie situation: If Player 1 finishes last and Player 2 wins, both will have 7 points. The tiebreaker rule (if any) will decide the winner.

Player 2 (Currently at 5 points)

  • Wins outright if: Wins the final game (5 + 4 = 9 points), regardless of other players’ positions.
  • Cannot win if: Finishes in any position other than 1st.

Player 3 (Currently at 3 points)

  • Wins outright if: Wins the final game (3 + 4 = 7 points), and Player 1 finishes last (remaining at 7 points). Player 3 wins on the tiebreaker of earning more points in the final game.
  • Tie situation: If Player 3 wins, and Player 1 finishes in 3rd place, both will have 7 points. The tiebreaker rule will decide the winner.
  • Cannot win if: Finishes in any position other than 1st, or if Player 1 earns any points.

Player 4 (Currently at 0 points)

  • Wins outright if: Wins the final game (0 + 4 = 4 points), and all other players finish in such a way that no one exceeds 4 points. This scenario is only possible if Player 1 finishes last, Player 2 finishes third or last, and Player 3 finishes second or last.
  • Cannot win if: Finishes in any position other than 1st, or if any other player scores enough points to exceed 4 total points.


  • Player 1 has the best chance, needing only to avoid finishing last while Player 2 wins.
  • Player 2 must win the final game to have a chance.
  • Player 3 needs to win and hope Player 1 finishes last, with a potential tiebreaker situation.
  • Player 4 has the slimmest chance, requiring a win and very specific outcomes for the other players.

Hi all,

Thanks for all the great feedback on PinWin. I’ve now updated it to version Beta 2.5. This release has:

  • A ‘clear’ button to reset all the values
  • A ‘share’ button to copy a URL with all the values set to share with people
  • More help text both in-line and on the help page to explain what to do where
  • Checking to ensure the user enters valid scores
  • Showing of the scoring system for 3-player games
  • Better support for entering floating point numbers (for 3-player Pinburgh scores)

This weekend was the Australian Pinball Open and PinWin got a good beating there during the finals. Thanks to everyone who gave it a shot and their generous feedback. Much of which went into this release.

It also got a mention on the Final Round pinball podcast Episode 75 by Jeff Teolis & Ryan Cazz. It’s a great pod cast anyway so have a listen here: Final Round Pinball
