Stern Rush Rulesheet

This happened today when I played at my arcade. The mystery award stopped on 5 free games and paused for 4 seconds before going to 500,000. What a tease that was. Can somebody explain when to use the fire button? I see it flashing sometimes, but when I press it nothing seems to happen.

  1. It changes the diverted on the ramps.

  2. Albums and The Weapon!:

Albums (from collecting combo jackpots) reward certain The Weapon! perks for their associated songs that can be activated by holding the action button. For a multiball mode, this will add-a-ball, and for a single ball mode, this will spot every shot (and collect multiball jackpots if applicable) from left to right, or right to left depending on the diverter position. Collecting five albums will light an extra ball.

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I didnā€™t realise the diverter affected the way shots were spotted, thatā€™s a nice touch.

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So am I understanding this correctly that if you get the moving pictures album, you basically get three uses of the action button (one for each song)?

So itā€™s almost like a 3 for 1 or do you only get to use the action button once for any of the three songs, vs being able to use it three times (once for limelight, once for Tom Sawyer, once for Red Barchetta) before having to requalify it?

Right now itā€™s on sale as a 3 for 1 special!



On the logic for the weapon in spotting shots, if it goes one at a time from left to right or vice versa, would you be able to take advantage of this on Tom Sawyer in the following example:

Youā€™re in phase 1 and you shoot the left orbit so only have the right orbit lit.

If you use the weapon here to spot shots from right to left. Will it spot the right orbit and then move on to phase 2 and now spot you the right ramp and the side ramp and then move on to phase 3 and spot the left orbit?

To add to that, can you list out the order that the shots go (starting from either the left or the right). Iā€™m not sure which shot is considered more left/right when it comes to the vuk, side loop, side ramp, side scoop. Knowing that would be useful in determining which side to have your weapon start from (think The Spirit of Radio where you want to collect the most shots before it spots the jackpot)

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yeah you got it correct, each shot is made as if you hit it yourself and game state adjusts accordingly

left orbit, side scoop, side ramp, side loop, vuk, time machine, spinner, right ramp, right orbit


Anyone having trouble with the upper loop not registering shots? Iā€™ve played two Pros on location and they both have the same issue. Strong shots from the upper flipper often rip around the loop so fast that itā€™s not giving credit about 1 in 3 times. Can be very frustrating when thatā€™s the one shot needed.

Any adjustment I can suggest to the ops?


Yeah, Iā€™ve actually had the same issue. Have played on two different machines and they both donā€™t always register that shot. I also saw the upper loop shot not register on one of deadflipā€™s streams where he was playing on code version .90.

Hoping thereā€™s a way to fix it.

Id guess the switch needs to be physically adjusted to be more sensitive, or by adding a plastic or something above the lane to prevent airballs. At least thatā€™s my thinking.

On pinside someone has made a MRS switch replacement for it that sounds like it works better, but itā€™s like $40

Definitely MRS is the best option. Other option is to do what I did for the rogue shot with the same issue on xmen. Made a lexan cover for the shot that screwed on with the plastics to put a roof over the switch to keep the ball from jumping the switch.

No idea if that will work on Rush though.

Iron Maiden also had upper loop switch issues. Part bubbling mylar, part really fast shots. If MRS switches can detect wicked fast balls, they should use them. Upper flippers and upper loops are almost becoming mandatory in the KME era, which I really like, but not if they donā€™t count.

If the Rush switch is an opto, it might just need to be raised a bit. Maiden and JP both had issues where a fast ball catches just enough air for the opto beam to remain unbroken beneath the ball.

If itā€™s like Maiden or JP, you can easily remove the opto bracket from the bottom via a couple 1/4" hex head screws. Unscrew/remove both black plastic opto housings, add a couple thin metal washers on each screw between the bracket and housings to raise the beam up a smidge. It will still be low enough to shine through the existing holes in the ball guides, but high enough to catch fast, slightly airborne balls. Washers completely fixed it for me.

its a micro-switch

@raydaypinball It looks like when I lock the 2nd ball in the scoop to start Far Cry MB, the jackpot timers start running before the ball is ejected out of the scoop/the other balls are plunged so I have limited time to hit the JPs before they disappear.

Also, if I complete a mode and have all shots blinking to set my wildcard/3x multiplier, then the ball goes in the right Inlane to light drum bonus and I shoot the left orbit, will the 3x multiplier apply to collecting the drum bonus or will it collect the drum bonus first and then apply the 3x multiplier only to future shots?

On the scoring for Limelight, the rulesheet currently says that shots start at 250k and increment after each shot along with the shot increment also incrementing 250k per shot but it appears that only the faster blinking shots will raise the shot value. Shooting the normal blinking shots does not increase the value of the next shot.

Is the intention for every shot to increase the next shot and the faster blinking shots will just add 3x the value + more limelight, or is the current state as intended and the rulesheet needs to be modified?

Watch the following timestamped section from deadflipā€™s stream on code .90 where heā€™s playing Limelight to see what Iā€™m referring to:

Since shot multipliers are universal the way itā€™s coded right now the multiplier is the very first thing calculated based on current shot multiplier status, so sadly no your drum bonus would not be multiplied that instance.

Far cry timers counting down has been noted
Limelight was not acting as it should thanks for catching that


I thought I maxed out Spirit of Radio Pretty Good. I collected all 5 jackpots at 100M each. I completed the Mode with 624,139,000
I have been reading this and I realize that I could have gotten 150M per jackpot if I had 3x Multiplier correct?

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Version 0.93 is out now, and it adds a lot of things - chiefly the first wizard mode (book I of ā€œCygnus-X1ā€), a Clock Bonus feature, more achievements, and a hidden feature exclusive to Insider Connected members. Hereā€™s a copy-pasted excerpt from the Premium/LE readme:


 - Time Machine Multiball:
   - Fixed an issue that allowed players to briefly play a 1-ball multiball if
   the Time Machine magnet failed to catch the ball. Now, additional balls will
   be served when any switch is hit.
 - Mystery:
   - Prevented the "Spot Records" mystery award from awarding if the player is
   currently placing a wildcard record.
 - Song Select:
   - Fixed an issue that hid the song select screen when an additional player
   was added to the game.
 - Competition Install:
   - Fixed an issue that showed the game as being in "STANDARD GAME MODE" when
   the game had installed competition.


 - Song Select:
   - Changed the order of songs that can be selected in Song Select to be
   chronlogical based on album release.
 - Mode Totals:
   - Changed the mode total display effects in the 6 planet modes to only show
   the points a player earned since last starting the mode, if they drain while
   it is still running. After the mode is completed, the mode total screen will
   show the player's total points earned for that mode in all prior mode
 - Instrument Perks:
   - Changed the guitar perk to add +1 shot multiplier to the spinner lane
   when it is active.
 - La Villa Strangiato:
   - Changed the "Extend Timers" perk to also double the La Villa Strangiato
   combo timer from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
 - Freewill Multiball:
   - Enhanced the lightshow to indicate that Freewill multiball is ready.
   - Changed the Freewill super jackpot value to only grow based on the base
   jackpot values.
   - Changed the Freewill super jackpot value to be awarded only when the
   player hits a new shot. Shooting shots that have already been score for
   super jackpot will instead award the base jackpot value, but still add
   to super jackpot.
 - Subdivisions Multiball:
   - Changed the Subdivision jackpot values to only increase when the player
   hits a fast blinking arrow.
   - Changed the Subdivision jackpot values to no longer reset when the player
   scores a super jackpot.
 - One Little Victory Laps:
   - Changed the requirements to light the One Little Victory super jackpot to
   1 jackpot scored instead of 3. 
 - Mystery:
   - Changed the Mystery Award choreography to skip to the correct award if
   any multiball is currently running.
 - 1-2-3 Combos:
   - Changed the Instrument panel UI to show the base value of the combos, plus
   2x if the Bass instrument is active.
   - Changed the time machine combo scoring boost to award +50k per decade.
 - Shot Multipliers:
   - Added a new adjustment MAX SHOT MULTIPLIER. Default is 4. Competition
   install sets MAX SHOT MULTIPLIER to 3.
   - Changed the initial value of rainbow record shot multipliers to 2x.
   - Change the value of rainbow record shot multipliers to +1x for each
   rainbow record on the playfield. Example: When the player has 2 rainbow
   records, the value of each of those 2 shots will award 3x the shot value.
   - Changed The Weapon to spot all shots at their shot multiplied values.
   - Changed rainbow record placement to immediately award the multiplied value
   to the shot it is placed on instead of on subsequent shots.
   - Reverted the matching color records bonus to 2x mode values instead of 2x
   shot multipliers. Rainbow records will still award shot multipliers.
 - Speech:
   - Added additional speech for drum advancement and clock bonus.
   - Added additional speech for adding additional players to the game.
   - Added additional speech for Bastille Day.
 - Expression Lights:
   - Improved music lightshows throughout gameplay.
 - Competition Mode:
   - Disabled competition mode start from holding the left flipper button. 
     - Competition mode can now always be selected from the game mode selection
 - Ball Search:
   - Added an additional firing routine for the VUK to clear the device in rare
   instances where balls got stuck under the plastic and would not be freed by
   firing the coil normally.
 - Diagnostics:
   - Renamed "HOME SWITCH" to "CALIBRATION SWITCH" for time machine ramp and 
   drum clock stepper motor devices.

 - Added the Clock Bonus feature:
   - Clock Bonus can be scored on the right orbit shot. It is lit any time
   the player's drum clock advances to the next hour.
   - The Clock Bonus is equal to the current hour on the clock x 1 million.
   - Shooting the Clock Bonus after rolling over the left inlane switch awards
   2x clock bonus.

 - Added Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyage Wizard Mode.
   - Lit from completing all 6 multiball modes:
     - Red Barchetta 
	 - Subdivisions 
	 - Fly by Night 
	 - Far Cry
	 - Freewill
	 - Headlong Flight
   - Acomplishments in gameplay increase planet jackpot awards.
   - Starts at the Time Machine.
   - The player starts with a single ball in play, can add additional balls
   throughout wizard mode stages and from mystery awards.
   - The player selects which planet to visit by making shots.
     - Yellow Planet
	   - Selected from shooting the instruments.
	   - Shooting behind the instruments adds more shots to collect fuel.
	   - Collect enough fuel to escape the Yellow planet.
	 - Blue Planet
	   - Selected from shooting the scoops.
	   - Shooting Blue shots navigates the ship in the correct direction.
	   - Shooting Red shots adds +1 shot needed to escape the Blue planet.
	   - Shoot the scoops to lock in and refresh navigation.
	   - Navigate correctly enough times to escape the Blue planet.
	 - Purple Planet
	   - Selected from shooting the Time Machine.
	   - Shots are obscured by blinking lights.
	   - Shoot the time machine to temporarly show the lit shots.
	   - Collect enough shots to escape the Purple planet.	 
   - Once all planets have been navigated, the player must excape the
   Cygnus X-1 Black hole by shooting the Time Machine.
 - Added Cygnus X-1 Book I: The Voyage Challenge Mode.
   - Can be selected from the Game Mode menu.
   - Highest scores and fastest times displayed on a new game leaderboard.   

 - Added additional achievements:
   - Flaunt the fruits of noble birth:
     - Score 100 million or more in BASTILLE DAY.
   - I got no time for livin':
     - Complete WORKING MAN on your first attempt.
   - Yes, I'm workin' all the time:
     - Complete WORKING MAN with a total score of 100 million or more.
   - They call me the workin' man:
     - Start WORKING MAN with all 6 record shots locked in orange or rainbow.
   - To sleep, perchance to dream...:
     - Complete LA VILLA STRANGIATO with a total score of 100 million or more.
   - Never turn your back on a Monster!:
     - Complete every LA VILLA STRANGIATO shot in a perfect combo.
   - The Waltz of the Shreves:
     - Complete LA VILLA STRANGIATO on your first attempt.
   - There is magic at your fingers:
     - Complete THE SPIRIT OF RADIO on your first attempt.
   - Bright antennae bristle with the energy:
     - Complete THE SPIRIT OF RADIO with a total score of 100 million or more.
   - Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free:
     - Score a RADIO JACKPOT worth at least 100 million.
   - Cast in this unlikely role:
     - Complete LIMELIGHT on your first attempt.
   - Beyond the gilded cage:
     - Complete LIMELIGHT with a total score of 100 million or more.
   - All the world's indeed a stage:
     - Complete LIMELIGHT while only ever being out of the limelight once (or 
	 not at all)
   - Don't put him down as arrogant:
     - Complete TOM SAWYER on your first attempt.
   - Riding out the day's events:
     - Complete TOM SAWYER with a total score of 100 million or more.
   - No, his mind is not for rent:
     - Start TOM SAYER with all 6 records light blue or rainbow.
   - It's the power and the glory:
     - Complete THE BIG MONEY on your first try.
   - Big money pull a million strings:
     - Complete THE BIG MONEY with a score of 100 million or more.
   - Big money make a million dreams:
     - Collect a Big Money Jackpot with a multiplier of 10 or more.
   - The black hole of Cygnus X-1:
     - Start CYGNUS X-1 BOOK I: THE VOYAGE wizard mode by playing all six
   - Through the void, to be destroyed:
     - Complete CYGNUS X-1 BOOK I: THE VOYAGE by escaping the black hole.
   - Or is there something more?:
     - Complete CYGNUS X-1 BOOK I: THE VOYAGE and reach victory laps by
	 escaping the black hole with more than one ball in play.
   - Atomized - at the core:
     - Complete CYGNUS X-1 BOOK I: THE VOYAGE Challenge Mode in under 5 minutes.
   - Or through the astral door:
     - Complete CYGNUS X-1 BOOK I: THE VOYAGE Challenge Mode with a score of at
	 least 500 million.
   - Bronze Records:
     - Collect 50 Records.
   - Silver Records:
     - Collect 250 Records.
   - Gold Records:
     - Collect 750 Records.
   - Bronze Albums:
     - Collect 20 Albums.
   - Silver Albums:
     - Collect 100 Albums.
   - Gold Albums:
     - Collect 250 Albums.
 - Added a secret feature that can be unlocked by Stern Insider Connected users.

(The Pro readme is only slightly different, omitting a couple lines that arenā€™t gameplay-related.)