Rules questions about that crazy WhoDunnit game at Pinburg

dang… well another reason to sell my WD then :smile:

Tested with 1.0 after league tonight and cannot get the bug. Can anyone else verify?

I have both roms too, will need to unpack my WD, maybe tomorrow :smile:

Yay, WD is saved! :slight_smile:

You can potentially attain a JP this high with a Rev L-0.4 rom

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I updated the video to note the ROM version. If 1.0 has no issues with the madness mode but 1.1 fixes issues with the bank resetting I’d imagine there may be other exploit opportunities waiting to be discovered in 1.0. :smile:

Wait… what the heck is this?

    If someone activates 3D mode it will now go off at GAME OVER.

Haven’t tried it out, but here’s how you activate it according to the rulesheet on

Start a game and then press the following sequence:
B, 8L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 5L, 1R, 6L, 2R (where B is both flippers, L is left & R is right)
When it says “Put on your 3D Glasses Now” launch the ball.

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I looked up and saw lady software bug in all her beauty!


Right: in the earliest code if someone activated the 3D code it just stayed in 3D mode until someone power-cycled the game. I never really felt like I saw anything in 3D, especially not that sailboat and dolphin they promised.

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The notes for T2 say:

“Known bugs include: 255 drop target hits to multiball” Is this referring to the center 3 bank of stand up targets? I ask this because I just picked up a T2 and started a MB by hitting the center stand up bank of targets and thought it was a hardware malfunction.

It’s referring to the 5-bank of standups that you aim for with the cannon. They aren’t drop targets, so that note is a little off. After the first multiball you need to hit 2 of them to start the next one (after locking a ball in the cannon of course), then 3, etc. If you don’t hit all of the targets at once, which can happen if they are spaced out or you just miss one of them, it’s supposed to tell you how many you have left. When the bug happens, it’ll say 255 and you’re basically boned for the rest of the game.

Re: the 3-bank in the middle, the 4th award for the left orbit → saucer shot is Multiball. Every time you complete this bank, you qualify the next award. So likely what happened here was you qualified MB by banging around, hit the orbit, and got what looked like a “free” multiball.

Ahh yes I was thrown off by the drop target thing. Thanks for clarifying that for me. I’m pretty new to this forum but I am really enjoying it. I think that may have even been my 1st post. Quick reply thanks again!

Bug confirmed in v1.1. Looks like v1.0 is the only way to go.

It does look like the ball misses the target on the slo mo replay but seemed the game awarded the collect light show and not the points

Forgot to update this. Upon playing a bit more, it seems that you don’t even have to time the shot to the center so long as you only collected maybe one or two madness jackpots. Also, I had a ball where I collected a few more madness jackpots (maybe 3-4) and the bank started repeatedly cycling up & down for the remainder of the ball so I believe that bug is directly related as well, though I can’t confirm.

Can anyone explain the hole in one bug on NGG. I believe that I have seen Josh XXXXX do it but had no clue how it was done.

The base value has to be over 1m so 6 shots. Then shots to the cart are worth 20x on ensuing cart attacks. So if you get the 6 shots on your first CA then next time you start it you are looking at 20-30 mil cart hits

dat’s crazy