New pinball skills tutorial videos: looking for feedback from high level players

It doesn’t feel right to be discussing pinball terminology without the input of competitive pinball’s Noah Webster, @FunWithBonus.

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These videos are great and I will be sharing them on my location facebook page to help players improve their skills. They play better then they play more.


No idea if this one has an actual name. My wife and I started calling that particular move the “gunslinger.” The multi-ball variation with a ball already trapped that remained trapped during this same move on a ball in flight is referred to as the “dual wielder” shot at my house. No idea if it has an actual name or not either. All I know is I was playing Red Dead Redemption and pinball on that particular day and decided I’d just give the shots names when trying to explain out the move.

The other form of the “dual wield” we started calling “reholstered.” That’s when you have a ball trapped and you do a quick flick with the ball up the inlane and then live catch a moving ball having both settle in on the flipper.

Yes I know another western name, but hey, Red Dead is a fun game so there’s that.

I really liked your ball speed comparison while aiming. And while it worked for me because I was familiar with the target, I wish the outcome was punctuated a bit more how two different speeds with two different flip times resulted in both hitting the same ramp. I’m sure it looks better on a desktop, but it was tiny on my phone.

It’s a real “A-Ha!” moment when a new player picks up on this. So glad you took the time show this.

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Funny you found the weak part, I thought about that too already :stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe just an additional sentence for clarification would be enough, since I’m repeating more than once in the video that you have to counter the ball speed by flipping earlier. I will think about it again, thanks!

For now I will delete the videos, and come back with the official release in about two weeks.
Thanks alot everybody, such a great community! :grinning:

looks super interesting, and what I hear the vids are quite good, unfortunately, most of them are already gone again. Any chance to find them?
Best Regards,

Hey Ebe, sorry I already deleted them. But they will be back in two weeks!
I’m already excited for the official release :slight_smile:

Hey there,

the first three official videos just went online, thanks for all the support!
Noise reduction took the quality to the next level :grin:
EDIT, found a spelling error “OsteRmeier”.


Micro flips

Aiming and shooting


Latest tutorial:



Really fantastic work @ABE_FLIPS! My advice is to pace yourself and keep a consistent schedule. You mentioned that you plan on doing one every two or three weeks based on your personal availability. I’d recommend keeping that as your internal schedule and releasing one every month on the same day of the month. You’ll be able to keep a consistent schedule even if your production process or life surprises get in the way. By having a small buffer of completed videos I think you’ll also find it easier to stick with it longer and build a more consistent audience.

But if you publish each one as soon as it’s ready, I’ll happily watch it right away.

Hey Tommy,

Thats a good idea and I thought about this too. Since I have elbow problems right now it makes even more sense.


Abe - loving these videos- they are fantastic and your practise and saying too late too early have helped me for sure. Aiming is my weakest link by a mile.

Really looking forward to drop catch / live catch videos.


Hey Neil, good to hear the videos are not boring even for veterans like you. :grin:

I’m no veteran compared to some of the great folks here and always try to learn :smiley:

Glad you found your way here Abe. Videos are awesome. A couple of questions, if you don’t mind. Are the videos all of you playing? You say you only started playing two years ago and you have no arcades nearby, but the skills shown in your videos are definitely advanced. Not usually skills you can pick up by watching videos or reading websites. Are you secretly filming Jorian and not telling anyone? Or are you a young wonderkind with wicked fast reflexes and x-ray vision? Inquiring minds want to know.


Thank you, yes thats all me and I started in August 2019 and played nearly every day about one hour, thats about 700 play hours in total. I watched Pinball 101 but did not found much more info on certain thing i was interested in. I was asking quite a alot of questions on pinside at the “playing tips” threads, but was left unsatisfied alot of times. My gameplay improved alot after watching deadflip streams and my playstyle ended up being similar to jack’s, but not nearly as good. I am always fascinated seeing people with different styles now like Escher, Johannes or Karl. You may think I am a very good player, truth is I am not consistantly good, but its enough for recording with unlimited tries.


Thanks for filling us in. I suppose being able to edit video can make a player look better. Agree on appreciating different styles. We don’t have any Billy Mitchells in our sport, but the different styles come out once the first ball is launched. I’m more of a control player, so I watch those players closer.

Are there any leagues or tournaments in your area? Playing with players that are better than you is the absolute best way to improve your game.

Yes, you are right.
I was signing up for my first amateur tournament right before covid stated and it got canceled… enough time to make some videos :slight_smile: …but I will definitely check tournaments out in the future, away from the keyboard into the real world.


Another voice saying this is great content, and I look forward to seeing more!

Here is the latest tutorial!
The next video will be drop catches, looking great so far.
