Match Play Events: The Next Generation

i think the workaround here is to manually set the categories and put a preferred-Bond in both.

For a tournament where you’re alternating classics and moderns, set A as moderns and put one Bond in A, then set B as classics, add a new arena to make a second Bond, and add that Bond into B.


Something that I have been wondering about with Max Matchplay is why will it only work if all players play all games? I know that playing all games should be the goal for anyone who is trying to be competitive, but I also know that players in other formats need only to have participated in half or more of the games played.

Mostly I’d like to see a change if possible to lower the strain on the tournament introduced by players who leave before completing all their games and by players who join late. Thankfully I have not dealt with either yet, but both are somewhat headache inducing. The player who leaves early removes progress from other players. Players that join late will have to catch up and play a lot of players in series which will drag the tournament out.

Almost tempted to try to work around this by creating multiple MaxMP tournaments for the same tournament. Could close and start another for adding or subtracting a player and add the results together. This would still have an issue with odd player counts needing even match numbers.

Ultimately I enjoy the format a lot, but I think I’m only going to use it for shorter formats. Namely weekly leagues of 8 or fewer matches. If more flexibility was added, then I might be willing to use it for a tournament with some 24+ matches.

I can see lots of ways for Collusion and other cheating with that. But also giving out free win for each time that now gone player is up is also not the best idea.
But maybe then they can be left as the one with no opponents left but you also don’t want to be forced to kill %50 of your TGP if some one drops at 50% of games played.

I’m not sure if I understand you correctly or if you understood me. This is how Max Matchplay works. If a player leaves all their games are removed and any player that played against them must play another game to replace it.

What I’m proposing is that the player who leaves is simply deactivated and the other players do not have to play again. Not proposing giving free wins to players matching with an absent player.

you can have an event in where let’s someone ends like deep down in dead last says Screw You Guys I’m Going Home exits the event before it’s over. And now other player have wins removed?
And there may be even be an cheating way to game the system 2 players that played each other an lot team up and the one that it helps the most to say have there loses removed has the other player quit the event?

and say what happens at the end when you have the absent player and an other LIVE player with less games then the rest of the pack?
How do you make that other live player Whole?

If everyone doesn’t play the same amount I’d assume they’d grade it as a FF and not a MMP and you would lose half your value

I disagree; I’d expect it to be graded like a head to head match play where a player chose to drop from the tournament early. Flip frenzy gets decreased TGP because in some cases the best strategy is to concede and try to play extra matches to improve your win-loss record. With Max Match Play the scoring is based on number of wins so it doesn’t have that problem.

also rush to get more games in and you can have cases in where one player had like 18-20 games and others only played 12-15

I think you have zero chance of changing Josh’s mind.

In regards to forfeits, I’ve played in 2 of these things so far and have had players concede after ball 1 in each, so thus far it’s not affecting that much.

My purpose in creating the format was to find a way where you could have a tournament where all players play the same amount of games as quickly as possible. So Max MP enforces that everyone plays the same amount of matches because that what I set out to build.

You’re under no obligation to accept players who show up late. If someone shows up 10 mins late and they’re a game behind? Sure, let them play. If someone shows up 60 mins late? You can choose to not let them play in your tournament.

As for players leaving early: The math has to work out to all players playing the same amount of matches, so that’s why matches involving the player leaving has to be removed. Otherwise the tournament wouldn’t be able to complete.

If someone leaves early out of spite, as part of some scheme to cheat(?) or because they don’t want to complete a tournament they can’t win? Again, you’re in control. You can not invite them back. I don’t see this as a software problem: It’s a people problem and you can avoid lots of headaches by having frank and honest conversations with your players about expectations.


and if some get’s sick? needs go mid way (some thing unplanned came up for them)? the event has an long delay and they can’t say? They need go with only say 1-2 games left?

well removeing wins / loss of players still in the event does have it’s own issue and can also lead to extreme over time if 1-3 players needed to play an lot of new games near the end?

I enjoy the format, but it does seem to handcuff a little. I’ve fortunately not had players leave early for any reason besides having some other obligation coming up.

Appreciate all you do for the community and your software makes tournaments a breeze. Just giving honest feedback about this new format.

Again I might try to make some adjustments that make the format more like showing late for Matchplay or leaving early. Seems like I could “easily” achieve that by creating another tournament to accommodate a late show, while also punishing them. End the first and clone and add the player. Same for a player that leaves. Penalized with not getting any more wins, yet not penalizing the players who won against the player that left. Also no need to assign any bad feelings to that player most likely had a legitimate reason to leave. Add these piecemeal tournaments together and submit meaningful games as the total average.

Though at the moment I think I’m sticking with Group Matchplay for my bigger tournaments

Edit: Actually I forgot about how that would reset the match pairings, so forget my work around

Lowering the number of games is often an option also. If someone leaves and you don’t want to play a bunch of games: Lower the number of matches in the tournament.

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I appreciate the enthusiastic discussion. I’m reading everything even if I don’t respond directly. I’m making notes on a round of improvements.


Just to post my experience, from both being a player and a organizer;

At a location where random players might join but not stick out the whole event, play group matchplay, old head to head, or FF.

For a more controlled event where you know players will stay (we used max matchplay as double round robin in the norwegian championship series finals round 1 this saturday), it works VERY well. Its more of a “director frenzy” when having multiple groups and no real queue :stuck_out_tongue:


I played this new format this past weekend. During the event the number of games to be played changed. I did not see the notification in the app for this. I did see the notice that changes needed to be made in red, a player was added and games to be played needed to be changed, I would suggest something like that for any changes to the tournament like a player being added or leaving.


If I understand right, Max Matchplay may replace Flip Frenzy, Round Robin but also swiss mode which is the most popular format in Germany.

So if it is a replacement for round robin, I agree to delete all games from a player when he leave the tournament.
If it replaces Frenzy or Swiss mode, you should not delete all games, but maybe find a way to let everyone else play against each other so that everyone has the same number of games in the end.
Therefore my suggestion is that for future versions the tournament director should be able to set in the options whether all players should be deleted when a player leaves or not.

Max MP is not a replacement for a swiss-style tournament. They’re two pretty different things.

You should feel free to try. The math does not work out.

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For example 40 Player 18 Round swiss could ber replaced by 18 Rounds Max Matchplay. Maybe I missed something, but the difference I see in the selection of opponents who are not balanced

You mean that there can be duplicate opponents, or you mean that in the end it can be that there is 1 Player left with 1 round less than the others?