Could it be it only counted the results of the last game in each group? The 2 players that advanced both finished 1st and 2nd in the last game of the first round. Or maybe that’s just a coincidence.
@nudgey you somehow ended up with duplicate results in the database for three games. I’ve deleted those duplicate results. Can you try to delete the “finals” round and then create it again. I have a feeling that will advance the right players
Alright, I think I’ve fixed those knockout displays on the “All matches” tab. Thank you for the reminder that I really don’t like how I setup knockout tournaments in the database 8 years ago
Bingo. It looks correct now. Could the duplicate results have been caused by the fact that we were entering results in on instead of
Thank you!
Yes, that could absolutely be the case!
Any chance that the logic for “Dropped results” in a series could be modified to function more like “best X results count”?
We have our league set up so we’ll have 6 total nights with worst 2 results dropped. But after 2 league nights, any points earned so far were a player’s “worst 2 results” so everyone ends up tied in 1st place in the standings with 0 points for the league.
I currently just have it set to “no results dropped” and will change that when we’ve played our 5th League night as a workaround, but just figured it would make more sense to function that way. But maybe I’m missing something, I often do!
Looking at my rating changes graph… I’m assuming the P50/75/95/99 values are percentiles, and if so, is that percentile tied to the rating or the lower bound?
The percentiles are based on the rating value
I haven’t moved that feature over yet… I’m a little surprised to see someone needing to use it!
I would love to have a QR code on the tournament overview page which I can show to other players so they can pull up the same tournament quickly.
A QR code on the big screen view would be great for players for sure…
Running a FF 1B at the moment. TD has requested I Tell you that pick winner is not available in NEXT.
@haugstrup I love that cloning a tournament also copies the default TGP estimate.
I’m also loving the Exact matches checkbox option on the search. It works really well for Tournaments and Series.
I think Exact matches doesn’t work quite how I’d expect for verified players. If I search for Escher Lefkoff I get no results when Exact matches is checked. I’m guessing it does a search against first name and unions it with a search against last name. Could you also union in a search against FirstName LastName
Ah, thanks for that. The database is setup a little weird for user search and I didn’t mean to add the “exact matches” checkbox to user search (but forgot that was my plan). I’ve removed the checkbox. Once I get to shut down the old MP I can rework the database and make user search behave more like the other searches
@haugstrup One thing i forgot to mention, we were having a tournament a few weeks ago and we had enough games that we could alternate games between rounds so people were not playing right next to each other. we grouped one bank of games as category A and another bank as Category B and were were going to alternate between them each round.
When we were using the software, it would not let us start a round choosing those categories, it would give me some sort of error. But when i would start a new round from the old match play software it would let me start a round and it would let me choose the proper category.
I am wondering if this was a glitch in the new software or if i just did not do the proper steps.
I was also wondering if you can still make banks with the new software? so you do not have to put the games into different categories which was a bit more tedious, for example having a classics bank and a modern bank
It’s hard to say what the cause for your troubles might have been this far after the fact. Next time I would love it if you could let me know a bit sooner and include screenshots of the error. There shouldn’t be any problems alternating categories when creating rounds.
You can make banks in the new version. Enable banks for the tournament and a “Banks” tab will appear. Switch to that to create banks.
okay i will definitely try to be more on the ball.
so i just tried a test tournament with the banks feature, i set up a modern bank and a classics bank, i used it for a group match play and when i went to start round it would not let me choose the bank, it just had the regular options. I am not sure if i am misunderstanding the use of the banks feature, maybe it is used only when you want a group to play more then one game in a round.
i am trying to figure out a good way to alternate each round, for example everyone plays moderns one round and classics for round 2
We do that for our league but I use the A and B feature to assign each machine. Then when you start your round you pick only A or only B for the rounds you have. Works super slick IMO…
Okay that is what i did and i didn’t mind it, i was just seeing if there was a way of making preset banks or something instead of going into each game and changing the category. i was thinking that maybe there was a way (for example) make a group A and go and choose a bunch of games that you want in group A and a bunch of games for Group B, i was thinking something similar like when you are adding your arenas or players and you can add multiple at a time (which is a really handy feature of the new software that i really like )