Jurassic Park bug with Insider Connected

I noticed a bug with Stern Jurassic Park and Insider Connected yesterday during our league finals. Recounting what happened as best as I can:

We started a 3 player game with competition mode enabled. During ball 1, Player 1 did NOT sign in to Insider Connected and got about a 150 million. Player 2 stepped up, signed in to Insider Connected and played normally, getting about 650 thousand. Player 3 then stepped up and signed in to Insider Connected. Immediately, achievements started to display on the screen even though the ball hadn’t been played yet. Also, player 3 realized that the display was showing he was up, however the score displayed in big font was player 1’s score. The display also showed that we were on ball 2 now. The playfield status was also reflecting player 1’s progress. Playing the ball resulted in player 1’s score getting incremented.

Ball 2 was normal for player 2. Ball 3 was normal for players 1 and 2. The game never returned to player 3, and it behaved like a two person game, even though it showed 3 players active on the screen. Also, all achievements made by player 1 were recorded on player 3’s account as if player 3 was playing. Note that player 1 had NOT signed in to Insider Connected.

Hopefully this is a known bug? Has anyone else seen this? Unfortunately I am not at the machine right now to note the software version installed in the game.

On tuesday I saw an IC game act odd with one player not being fully signed in to Insider Connected and what seems to be achievements going to the wrong player.

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well the IFPA rules for An player who plays out of turn really need to say in cases of an game fault that
Any points scored when a ball is being played out of turn do not count and no player is DQed.

and with bugs like this you really need error on the side of being safe and not have the guilty till proven innocent idea.

Also I think if something like this happens in any competition then you have to void the full game and have an do over.

I think in any competition that you shouldn’t bothered with logging in to Insider Connect especially with games that have bonuses with Insider Connect ie Venom.