IFPA State ranking

One is all points earned at all tournaments, the 2nd one is basically the total points earned by the winner of each tournament.

Very interesting data. Pretty far down on the list here in CT with 25 events, but then I realize I ran every one of them and none are weeklys or anything small/quick like that. All 6-8 week leagues with finals or major weekend events. Funny though if you look at all the states for several ranks above us we nearly quadruple the number of points awarded in significantly less events.

A world-map heatmap of # events over a period of time, or wppr points earned/available over a period of time would be neat.

Someone get on that :wink:


KY is right there with ya! I am stunned there’s been 49 tournaments in KY. Has LAX been around that long? :grinning:

We just started posting results of our weekly tournaments.

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That’s great. I need to make it down for some. I’m going to try and start something here in NKY in the not too distant future.

And that number doesn’t include all the non IFPA sanctioned tournaments we hold! I can think of at least 7 events a month that don’t count for points. :slight_smile:

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@LOTR_breath ha ha - when I grew up in Auburn, we were always like, “thank god for Mississippi” :stuck_out_tongue:


here are some geo plots of the data that @Shep posted. I’d love to create multiple versions of these over each year and loop it on a gif, but that will be a lot of work. maybe for another day.


Salt Lake City? Really?!

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I’m curious, do the circles in Washington also encompass Portland? I would have thought we’re big enough at least on number of events to deserve our own.

@jeff_rivera SLC!

Portland was recently named the best pinball tournament city for cities with a population under 700,000 in the pacific northwest.


seems contentious! Was named by Portland weekly? :smiley:

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Yes, Salt Lake City [well, actually Farmington, which is a bit north of town]. I won their Project Pinball fundraiser two years ago, for which I got a very-nice-but-modest “Utah’s Tilt Elevated” trophy. My wife and I were heading back towards California from a three week camping trip to Montana and happened to be in the area that day. I couldn’t resist.

Hooray, Columbia MO shows up on that map!

For some reason the function I was using that converted “OR” into latitude/longitude coordinates put it right over Utah. So the Oregon data was showing up over Utah. I updated the figures.

This actually turned out pretty cool. It’s a great demonstration of just how rapidly competitive pinball has grown in the US. Had to leave out other countries just for convenience of plotting…sorry!

Link to higher res version: https://gfycat.com/MiserableAjarBluewhale


This is incredible! @FunWithBonus looks like you have your post of the day taken care of.


Would love to see someone do this sorta thing with pinball map data. I suspect the left coast would crush. I remember a few years ago when the bay area briefly passed Portland in total games (which I played a small part in). Never mind that our games are spread out over about 10x the area and that they’re crushing us now, but we briefly had more pins on location than Portland.
