Was playing on WOF 6.02 at Cactus Jacks Silverball tourney this weekend, and noticed a weird glitch: when I hit the first and 2nd inline drop, it would give me my usual Free Spins lit but not register my “U” for spelling BONUS, but instead it would register the green standup immediately to the R of the inlines as being hit.
Further, if I hit that same green standup, the standup would give me the “U” for BONUS.
Anyone else ever notice the same? Or was this some issue of wires / board logic getting crossed up?
I’ve been considering putting my Helen AC/DC up for trade for something and cash back. Maybe that happens. I’ve been leaning towards Deadpool though. I guess I just like the odd ball games.
hard part about getting a WOF is finding one with the 6.02 code already as it doesn’t seem available and people wont share the non-released versions
Most likely the lamp sockets were just reversed due to the close proximity of those two inserts. I once bought an Austin Powers that had about a half a dozen lamps switched around like this. It will mimic a switch or lamp matrix error, but it’s really just lamp sockets plugged into the wrong spot!