FSPA League Manager System

If you’re running a pinball league, or thinking of starting a pinball league, and you’re tracking scores using simple tables or spreadsheets, you’re making things harder on yourself and your players. Just as great tools like Match Play Events and Brackelope help tournaments run smoother, the Free State Pinball Association (FSPA) - with over 20 years of experience running leagues - has produced a great system specifically designed to help run pinball leagues.

We’ve got a rundown of key features on our new info page at http://league.papa.org … check it out, and if you’re interested in using the system for your league, sign up on that page, or ping me here to sign up or with any questions.



I’ll second what @joe just said! We use his software for the NEPL. Our league is very unique and interesting and he helped us a ton to make it smooth sailing. Great stat records and everything.

Another great feature I’ve used it for and I hear a lot of people ask is how to set Pingolf scores. From entering our league scores every week I have tons of scores recorded on each game. Joes software keeps track of machine stats. I go in and it tells me the highest score recorded during league. The lowest score and the average score. The average score is a great place to start for golf score. If the high score is some crazy game someone had one night it’s throwing the average off obviously and I would then just scale it back a bit. It’s worked great for me every time.


I’ll third it, TOPL uses the software as well and it is amazing!

Joe Schrober puts allot of work in on the back end and asks for basically nothing in return, I can’t say enough nice things about Joe and the software and the effort he puts in.

Thanks to the FSPA and PAPA for making another great tool available to everyone!

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