Event Ticketing

Just wanted to shout out tickettailor.com for ticketing. Much cheaper than Eventbrite and a much better platform, integrates into a huge number of other things, I used stripe for payment clearing with them and it was fantastic. Eventbrite would have cost almost double as the rates in the UK increased drastically.


But are they an all in one source? I like that Eventbrite is set it and forget it.

I don’t want to have to use a website and stripe.

They can be yes.

I would be tempted to switch as I agree the admin fees are terrible and Eventbrite holds back a significant amount of funds until the event is over. I do like the reporting and the electronic ticket feature so if those are similar would be interested for sure. As a bonus we use Square processing and would be advantageous if able to use that payment portal.

Pretty sure they support square will check.


Yes they support PayPal / venmo / stripe and square.

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tickettailor.com, right? The spelling with the “e” doesn’t seem to take me anywhere.

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Well spotted yes tailor! Fixed!